Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 407: Life is in danger

Chapter 407: Life is in danger

It was at dawn half-past four when Aria and Alan reached country X with their assistants by their side. Aria didn't wait or asked anybody before calling the main head guard of the Skyline by herself.

"Hello, how..." Aria couldn't get to speak. Alan took the mobile and heard from the other end.

[Pardon me President Copper for cutting in. Mr.Morgan doesn't have any major issues but the Second young miss is missing. I have sent five guards to search for Young miss and we have the suspicion that she went to meet her father but she isn't answering our call.]

Alan's brows knitted tightly. He couldn't understand why people can't take the warning seriously. He had clearly heard Aria instructing her to be under security and inform them before doing anything foolishly. 

He understood the meaning of what Melissa Morse had told them. IQ doesn't help to lead a successful happy life, you need to know how to live life and should be able to discern what to do and whatnot.

Aria, Nathan, and Levi were alerted as soon as Alan's aura turned too cold and distant. She couldn't help but think about Rian's health and squeezed the hand she was holding, "Alan..."

Alan's fury against Roxy increased by the thought of Aria going to danger because of her. He can't hide the situation from Aria and they weren't in their country to mobilize the Morgan security team. If he recounts her, she would definitely go to save Roxy irrespective of danger.

Alan responded to the call first, "Track her and send the location." He hung up the call and briefed. "Rian's vitals are functioning normal but he isn't awake. Roxy went to find Jasper Madison alone tricking the security."

Alan always wanted to protect Aria and avoid sending her to dangerous places but he didn't voice it and he also knew Aria knew him well without the words just like how he knew her without the word requirement between them.

Levi couldn't stop his furrowing brows either, once if he thinks Roxy as dependable and smart, another time she proves him wrong with her rash decision. Whereas Nathan kind of understood her state how desperate she could be to reach her father to slap him across his face.

Aria was very calm as they entered the airport and walked towards the arrival gate. She wouldn't blame Roxy trying to be vengeful. She herself being cruel to the once who touches her husband, she could tell her feelings but the difference was she would be prepared to face anything whereas Roxy went empty-handed with stupid disbelief that nothing will happen to her.

"Levi..." Aria extended her hand towards him. Levi understood and handed the tab to her hand, guessing what her plan was. He had completely forgotten that they could get Roxy's location easily.

Aria worked on the tab while Alan noticed her entering a complex string of variables in some kind of application. It didn't look like the GPS code he and Aria had for each other.

Levi took the driver seat of the car that was waiting for them, Alan opened the door for Aria and Nathan opened for Alan when the latter went around the car to sit beside Aria.

Aria instructed right after they exited the airport premises. "Levi, take left. Assistant Nathan, please set the location in GPS. Alan, please call back up to the location, 'Carolina street, warehouse 3081.'"

As per her instruction, Levi didn't take the right turn which was the way to enter the city, Nathan heard the location and entered in his tab to guide Levi.

Alan glanced at her and internally sighed. He had asked Vance to send his men to country X if in case anything gets serious, he didn't expect Aria to know that he was well prepared without depending on the Skyline guards who didn't have much experience in such a situation.

Nathan asked Aria after they fell extremely silent. Roxy's mobile location wasn't able to trace because she wasn't answering the call hence he couldn't understand how easily she got the location with the tracker, "President Cooper, are you sure the location is right? We have to circle the city to reach there."

Carolina Street, warehouse 3081 was on the other end of the city. Entering the city would delay their time in traffic hence Aria chose the bypass highway to go around which all surmised without a talk.

Aria glanced at Alan and Nathan before revealing about a project which nobody knew other than she, Levi, Finn, and Harold Stanley, "We are working on an application for Military service. It is highly confidential. I had installed a mobile application format in her mobile for testing when she went on vacation last time to check the transmitting accuracy. She doesn't know about the application."

It was specially built to install in the devices as small as a nanochip which doesn't need a mobile network and communicates with the satellite to provide the extremely stabilized accurate data about the location.

Nathan turned aside to face Aria, "Do you have access to Military satellite?" It was hard for even the IT team working for the Military to have access and know the coordinates of the satellite.

Aria didn't want Alan to scold her after hearing her response, "Yes, at the cost of my head." Even the slightest mishap if she creates, the military of the country beheads her and that was the risk she had in the project.

Nathan really wanted to kowtow her. If the news leaks about Aria having access to the military satellite of the country, there are many other countries and terrorists who will want her alive to destroy or to get the information of the country's security system. In other words, she could keep the whole country in danger if she wants.

Alan took the tab from her hand to check the functionality of the under-developed application while Aria was edgy. The problems involving military security are huge. A single illegal work from her or her family or contact with such people would cause them hefty. Not to mention they know the great Fang family and Vance.

Alan's voice was deep and heavy clouded with unambiguous emotion, "What is your demand for such high risk?" Alan wasn't dumb to think she just was doing it for helping the military. She wouldn't just accept such a critical job at the cost of her life, in fact, the whole Morgan family members lives. 

For Aria, nobody and nothing is more important than family and friends. So she would have a huge demand that the military has to provide irrespective of the change in governments.

"Actually this software I was planning to develop for us using Finn's Starlight television network satellite. I was discussing this with him when Grandfather Harold heard me. That's how it reached the military higher-ups." 

Alan nodded, that he could guess because why the military would come in search of her? Aria raised her forefinger, "One, after successful completion of the project, I will be awarded a military rank for serving the nation with all the independence to work in my company."

'Screech' Levi slammed on the break. He and Nathan turned behind with bewilderment etched on their faces. Alan was very proud of his wife for getting the lifetime protection from the military with no questioning back. They wouldn't dare to question what she does yet have the independence to work with the Military IT team to strengthen.

'What's with your reactions? It is just a rank, alright? My life is in danger here.'

Aria raised the middle finger next to the forefinger, "Two. I have the complete independence to share about this work with my husband and he is the co-developer so he will get a military rank too."

Now Nathan and Levi's eyes shifted to Alan. They were thinking about how he could not know when he was the co-developer. Whereas Alan twisted her ear until it turned red and she screamed in pain. "I am working on those modules for two months which you were asking and I don't even know they are for this project."

Nathan tightly shut his lips to avoid laughing thinking only Aria could fool Alan. Levi drove the car back on the road while Aria's eyes were filled up as she rubbed her ear. 'Ah, he really twisted my ear.'

Alan could guess why she didn't mention it to him. It was simple, she didn't want him to panic and pressure him more with other problems. "Next!?"

Aria puffed her cheeks and grimly spoke crossing her arms on her chest, "Our identities and rank are secret and they won't meddle in our daily life unless I ask for Z+ security."

Nathan, Levi, and Alan: "..."

Levi hesitatingly asked which he never thought to ask, "President Cooper, what if they restrict you? Or try to go against you?"

Aria giggled hearing him, "I played dumb so they just acknowledge me as a small-time engineer. They still don't hope that we could develop this. They are waiting to see me fail so that they could use my design and develop with their team. I will submit with some bugs so that they underestimate me." Whereas the fully developed will be with them for their safety.

Nathan, Levi, and Alan: "..." They knew she was capable of doing it and what she did was the best.


Carolina Street, warehouse 3081

By the end of the conversation, they had reached the location. Alan and Aria together, the other two spread out around the warehouse from where they could enter sneakily.

They saw Roxy sitting on a chair with ugly stares on her from other men whereas her father Jasper Madison was trying to call somebody without caring Roxy was uncomfortable.

Only Levi noticed from his angle, Roxy had heavy fingerprints on her cheeks, the dried blood at the corner of her lips, and a heavy bruise on her forehead. He really doubted if he is her father.

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