Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 486: Lusting over money

Chapter 486: Lusting over money

At May's house

Rose initially felt emotional entering the road where she grew up and spent her childhood. But as soon as her vision fell on the row of cars halting in front of her parents' house and Dustin alighted from his car, she turned to witness Finn's extreme nonchalance.

"Young master Stanley, are you going to gift the whole shopping mall to my parents?" She asked in annoyance because each of the guards held four to five gift boxes of different sizes alighting from the car. 

She counted the number of men and gasped, there weren't one or two men, she counted it to be fifteen excluding Dustin.

Finn didn't respond to her and alighted from the car. Rose got off and saw two rows of men on either side of them. Rose gulped subconsciously looking at Finn's arrangements, "Finn, do we really have to enter inside? Don't you think this is too much? Let's go back. It's not at all required."

Finn smirked in response. He turned to Dustin who was silently celebrating in his mind, Dustin had ranted about everything happening between Rose and Finn from the morning to Aria and Harold who were equally happy and heard all his rant.

As soon as his eyes met with Finn, he nodded and flicked his finger as he entered the duplex independent house.

Rose's jaw dropped looking at Dustin walking in poise followed by two lines of men in black suits carrying many boxes wrapped in a variety of color papers. 'What in the world is happening from yesterday?' Even though she was getting used to having Finn around her for half a day already, she still found it unbelievable.

Why would the man accept to date her? And even take the initiative, guessing she might never ask him. She wasn't forced but asked. The man who trembles others with a sharp gaze was so good with her.

'How in the world that can be possible?' She had to remind herself each time that it was real. Probably that's how it feels when an unreachable dream becomes real and becomes too good to be true.

She subconsciously moved closer to Finn and tugged his arm, "Let's go back."

Finn asked to confirm her mixed emotions, "Afraid?"

Rose vigorously nodded, "I don't want to see headlines as Mr.May suffered a heart attack upon arrival of President Stanley."

Finn who had almost thought she was scared of her parents, let out a resonant chuckle and saw all the guards enter inside the house when a woman and man watched the gifts with their mouths wide open.

"Play along as I taught you." Finn reminded her. They weren't lying but hoped she could act.

"Huh?" Rose looked at him helplessly. 'Play along' She was too overwhelmed by everything. She muttered as she walked next to Finn who wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I want to talk to President Cooper and calm my mind."

Finn knew it was too much for her but it is better for her to get to know his world soon. As much as the simple Stanley family looked busy in their own world, they could cause chaos too. This was just the smallest sample.

One thing that he commends about her was, she wouldn't meek down or make a face of innocent attracting a protective feel. Despite her muttering to him and her mind was in mess, she walked without cowering next to him.

They heard voices from inside, "Who sent all these? Who are you all? Don't even think I am paying for these." A man's grim voice sounded hiding the astonishment from it.

"Omo, we don't have space in our home to keep these many gifts? Did we earn a jackpot or something?..." A woman's voice was full of surprise.

Dustin spoke formally without revealing any reaction, "These are gifts on behalf of Ms. Rose. We sincerely hope you could accept your daughter's well intention."

'Ms. Rose?' Mother and father pulled their eyes away from gift boxes that had filled their entire living hall.

The duo gasped looking at Dustin, "I- I have seen you on television."

Madam May shook her husband and told him, "He is a businessman. I forgot his name."

Master May traced the man top to toe, well-maintained physique, expensive business suit, millions worth wristwatch, shiny branded dress shoes. He felt he could live for six months by the price tags of clothes and accessories Dustin was wearing.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Master May's voice was grim as though he was scrutinizing the son-in-law to be.

However, Dustin didn't miss to notice the greediness in him putting on a rightful air.

"When did my girlfriend become my assistant's girlfriend?" Finn's grave cold voice sounded, catching the attention of the couple.

The couple couldn't hold it and covered their mouth when their jaw dropped deep. 

Rose saw their overwhelming feel due to Finn without bothering to spare an extra glance at her. Now she felt Finn was doing right, give them hope, and break them to pieces in seconds.

When Finn took off his sunglasses and looked coldly at the couple for ignoring their daughter. The couple quivered by the sharp piercing gaze and awkwardly laughed landing their eyes on their daughter.

They thought she might throw a fit but she looked calm as though nothing had happened between them so the mother took the chance, "Look who is here, my lovely daughter."

She sprinted to hold Rose's hand. She should show Finn as they were a loving family and they missed their daughter else how could they enjoy the blissful treatment. But before her hand could touch Rose, a guard blocked her, "Excuse me, you are not allowed to touch Ms. Rose due to safety."

Rose's mother was flabbergasted hearing it. Her father was quick to compose and continued his rightfulness, "How can we be dangerous to our own daughter?"

Rose smirked hearing him and Finn spoke in apologies, "Oh my bad. My men doesn't know you two."

Rose was impressed by his acting as she silently heard him, "Please accept my apologies and the gifts."

Finn extended his hand to Dustin who quickly opened the brocade box taking it from the guard. Finn received the jewelry box watching the couple's expression.

As he had expected, their eyes shone looking at the expensive jewelry. He remembered Rose's reaction when he handed the diamond couple set to her.

Rose had blandly asked, 'Did you buy for your parents? You should go and fetch it if you are gifting them.' She had taught him how he should buy a gift without once thinking it could be for her from him.

The total opposite reaction was from her parents, especially lusting over the expensive gift speaking of high price really irritated him. However he continued trying to pass it to them, "I hope you could accept this and our relationship."

Rose's father straight pounced on his hand. Their happiness reached the height by looking at an insanely gorgeous bracelet and blazer beast pin adorned with diamonds. If they sell it, they were sure that they could live for years with it.

'Our good days have started.' Both beamed in excitement. 

'Will President Stanley look after us?'

'He might take us to his palace. Living in a mansion would be so nice.'

There were none to stop their happiness by thinking of the future.

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