Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 490: Devising a plan

Chapter 490: Devising a plan

While Finn and Rose, Chelsea, and Levi were getting along, Aria and Alan were having their own kind of fight on the trip.

Alan had taken Aria to an island where Amelia had suggested them for a honeymoon. He hadn't expected his mother to turn out to be a secret businesswoman until he found out she had already brought a large estate that had a villa amidst lush green facing the blue sea.

After the whole day checking out the island on a bicycle or the golf car, they watched the sunset and the sky painted in reddish-orange with a cool sea breeze soothing their skin.

Cuddling close on the bed swing, Aria's finger scratched tingling his chin for attention and asked sincerely, "Let's have another baby."

A straight objection without a second gap, "Nope!"

Aria jutted her lip showing her big fat pout like her daughter, however, Alan smirked without falling into her scheme, "Your acting is still pathetic."

"Who wants to act? I am angry." Aria retorted.

Pulling her cheeks, "You puff your cheeks, unlike our spoiled brat, poking the lips out." He paused looking at her, "You still look cute." He said amorously and pecked on her lips.

However he tried to divert her, Aria stuck to her aim, "Why can't one more? If we have twins again, then we will have four little ones. It would be even amazing." Then she coyed laying on him pecking his lips to hear his affirmation. 

Nevertheless, Alan was adamant. He had three years back decided that they will not have more, he wasn't ready to see her in labor pain or worry for the whole nine months again thinking what if the genetic disease starts. 

He still sees Aria vigorously check yearly health reports of Arsh and Arna hoping no genetic problem arising for them, he won't bear to see her troubled for another child or twins.

She hadn't picked the topic of new baby for three years, but hearing Noah and Norah were again planning, he guessed Aria too started craving for more babies. Stopping her from kissing, he wrapped his arms around to rest her watching the sky changing the colors.

Aria thought he was giving thought to the baby and asked after the sky darkened, "What did you decide?"

"Honey, two are enough. No more talk of it. We came here to relax and enjoy, not think of another baby." Alan tried to end it there without telling about his worry.

"But why?" Aria stressed displeasing him. Alan got off from the swing and repeated, "Aria, it's a No." He walked towards the villa thinking to fetch a comforter to rest outside for some more time.

Aria forgot her foot wound and stepped down before hissing. Walking back, Alan scooped her quickly and laid her on the swing bed, "Will you please care about yourself? Instead, you want another baby."

Aria pursed her lips watching him dust the sand off her feet. "Am I a careless mother?" Even though Alan didn't mean that it just slipped her tongue causing him to growl. "Aria Cooper!"

He breathed through his mouth and asked with an evil grin, "You want another twin baby?"

Aria felt alerted but she still nodded. What will he do? Make her cry to stop him till morning? 'It's worth it for babies.' She thought.

Alan again scooped her and strode to the villa without a hint of gentleness on his face. Contemplating, controlling her urge to run, "Alan, you look like you are going to slaughter me."

Alan's sharp gaze turned seductive and his smile tempting but his voice was mystic giving her goosebumps, "You will be ecstatic tonight. I will make sure you never forget tonight."

Aria: "..."

Rubbing her arms to relieve the goosebumps, "Are you going to break my back for real?" Then she felt her back bounce on the bed before he went to close the door and pull the curtains without taking his eyes off her warning her to stay on the bed.

He held the corner of the duvet which she had pulled to cover herself, "Honey, we are married for six years now, why are you shy?"

Aria blurted out failing to hold the duvet that he threw aside, "You look like you are going on a killing spree."

"So be it" He said tossing his t-shirt off showing off his well-defined abs. "Want a baby?" His magnetic tone sounded in the room.

Subduing her strong urge to shake her head, she still hummed trying to sit thinking to behave as she is hurt. However her husband's abs looked enticing to take her eyes off easily and the man pulled her back on the bed before attacking her lips.

Her frequent tries to stop the man became whimpers slowly succumbing to his seduction forgetting he was planning to punish her. 

She was on high, every cell of her was screaming for him to enter her when Alan spread her legs kissing her hard and passionate. Wrapping her arms tighter around his shoulder, she too matched his demanding kiss waiting for him to fill her core but he touched.

"Alan" She whimpered against his lips asking for more without wording. She didn't want his finger but he again used his fingers, touched, rubbed her soft wet folds making her whimper enjoying her enticing moans.

Seeing her lost in pleasure, he trailed down the kisses to bosoms fingering her hot wet core making her wetter, and moan his name louder, "Alan" 

She wanted him to enter her and fill her core but her body bowed in intense pleasure feeling the fire pooling in the low abdomen. Her body jerked and mewled, "Faster" 

But Alan stopped kissing her and pulled his finger out. Aria shot her eyes open which were filled the desire and heat. She saw him suck his finger, tasting her, making her flush scarlet before he walked towards the couch.

She then noticed his pants were still on and the obvious bulge in his pants visible. She wanted to think he was taking the protection out but he sat on the armchair suppressing his desires.

"Alan, what the hell!" She growled for leaving her right on the edge changing his punishment method. Inflamed with a strong desire, tears rolled down her eyes craving for a duvet to cover herself as she tried to distract herself to be cool.

She wasn't going to beg him for it, never.

Alan was no less suffering but he purposefully chose a hard way. His hands trembled craving for a cigarette, he hadn't smoked in like years from the time Aria returned from country S, so he controlled from two yearnings.

Aria tried to get off the bed after calming herself devising a plan to torture her husband but the man didn't let her keep the foot on the floor and her feet landed on his palm.

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