Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 521: A happy childhood

Chapter 521: A happy childhood

While the Morgan family was waiting for Rian and Roxy's baby, Isaac and Eva were traveling the world with Ivan sending tons of photos to friends and making them jealous.

On the other end, the Wood family sat with Moran Hanes to convince him to get married. Moran already knew what was coming because he had already heard from the Hanes family.

"Moran, what's wrong? You are twenty-nine thirty? Are you waiting to have grey hairs before marrying?" Father Wood asked in a soft voice.

Moran noticed his sister enjoying her dessert. Norah grinned feeling his eyes on her before going back to eating. Naira who was on Moran's lap snuggled to his warm embrace waiting to know what they were doing.

Moran sighed, "I don't feel like marrying."


Noah commented, "You don't have to feel, just get married, you will naturally get the feelings."

Father Wood: "..." He clearly understood what he meant and smacked his head.

Mother Wood hummed leaving Norah, Noah, and Moran speechless. Mother Wood continued, "Moran, your parents are doubting if you are a gay. You don't have feelings because you haven't fallen in love, why don't you have an arranged marriage, you will get the feeling."

"Yeah Feeling," Noah added. 

"Self is difficult. The feeling is better." Norah casually commented which Mother and father Wood didn't understand but the two young men were speechless and embarrassed.

Moran glared at his spoiled little sister and turned to Noah, "I didn't know you are on self." He embarrassed his sister's husband in revenge.

Noah: "..."

Father and Mother Wood looked at each other without understanding a word, "What are you guys talking about?"

Noah saw Norah fluster to explain anything and afraid she might spill out, "Self means living alone, feeling means having a life partner." 

Father and Mother Wood hummed together and the former commented first, "Living alone is indeed difficult."

Norah interjected, "See, I told you."

Moran: "..." He stood up carrying Naira, went to his sister, and smacked her head, "Forgot that I am your elder brother."

Norah faked a sob rubbing her head, "I want a sister-in-law. I like that atom bomb chatterbox." She meant Moran's dance partner who is head over heels for Moran that she clings on to him the whole day in office even if she has to work as a coffee serving lady.

"Atom bomb chatterbox?" Mother Wood didn't understand.

Moran sighed and sat on the couch as Naira tried to sleep on his shoulder feeling bored without understanding them, "Aunty Wood, she is talking about Millie."

"His dance partner." Father Wood explained before she could ask. 

"Oh, that girl!" Mother Wood exclaimed with a bright smile and continued, "She is such a sweet girl, doesn't keep anything inside and says out openly. It's hard to get such girls."

Moran awkwardly smiled. Exactly, she doesn't hide anything and she wouldn't care to tell his grandfather that he is a stubborn mule on his face. Moran felt a cold run down his spine imagining Millie and Jude Hanes facing each other one day.

Mother and Father wood also failed to convince him. Moran was adamant about saying he doesn't feel like marrying anyone or having one in his life till death. 

Holding Naira in the princess carry, Moran asked without passing her to Noah, "Can she sleep with me tonight?"

Norah and Noah chuckled. "She is your niece, of course, she can," Noah said patting his shoulder before the couple went upstairs.

Mother and Father Wood saw him very careful and tender with Naira so Father Wood commented, "If you get married, you can have your own too. You can enjoy her childhood and make a small happy family."

Then the duo left leaving Moran alone. He liked to have his own baby, to protect and to play. Anyhow he carried Naira upstairs mumbling, "I have Naira now."


The love story the Fourie was waiting for wasn't starting and all were giving up. Jude Hanes accepted Moran was going to die single just like Winston Wen (Uncle of Finn Stanley/son of Zeke Wen)

Soon the Morgan family welcomed another baby boy, Rony. Unlike Arsh, Rony was a very active baby like Arna. And Aria kicked her Beauty for failing to give her baby girl.

The welcome and celebrations were yet to end, Wood's family welcomed another baby girl who was named Noor. All felt like Naira and Noor were replicas of each other, almost like twins.

However, the mother of two cute baby girls was actually excited thinking both of her babies will have the babies of the Fourie as friends. 

Naira had Arsh, Arna, Ivan. Noor had Rony so she was very excited to watch them grow.

Seeing Norah making the babies' friends without letting them grow, Rose caressed her baby bump and asked Aria, "Sister Aria, will my baby also become your babies' friend."

Finn and Aria looked at each other and chuckled, "If they will become friends or not depends on them. We can try to bring them close by frequently meeting each other. Don't worry, his goddaughter will love your baby."

Finn commented wrapping his arm around Rose, "If we have a boy, we should betroth Snow to him. I don't mind age."

Rose: "We should have a girl so that she can be betrothed to Nemo."

Aria imagined her little babies getting married and taken away from her, "Nope, my babies will stay with me. Don't you dare dream of it."

It was Rose and Finn's turn to laugh at Aria who wrapped her arms around Arsh while Arna was busy with Naira watching little Noor blinking her eyes.

Alan turned to Aria seeing her puffed red cheeks glaring at the laughing couple. He turned to soothe his childish wife, "Who bullied my little wife?"

Arsh and Alan eagerly waited to hear Aria. The latter asked anticipatingly, "Is it compulsory to marry away our babies? I want to have them for ourselves."

Alan: "..." He so wanted to tell, 'My dummy wife, they are just four.'

Arsh smiled widely, "Okay, Momma, I will be with you only."

The possessive mother nodded proudly, "My baby is the best." But she knew she can't be so possessive all the time. She has to let them free and fly high without holding them back. 

However, Alan loved her little childish sides which she could only show when the babies are small.

Eva was adamant about teaching his son Ivan to steal Arna for himself before anybody could take her away. Ivan had to listen to her mother's nag and hear his father's mature talk of being protective and respectful of the three girls; Arna, Naira, and Noor.

On the other end, Norah taught her kids about nothing but being good and having good friends to have a happy childhood.

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