Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 541: Knife

Chapter 541: Knife

After some talk and dinner with a few more glasses of wine, Naira went to the room which was usually used by Noah and Norah. Likewise, Ivan went to his parent's room.

Now their parents used those rooms less but them. However, Arsh and Arna had their own rooms as Aria's room was reserved for her and Alan.

Drying his wet hair, Ivan went out of the bathroom when he noticed Arna leaving her bedroom. Her eyes were red and shimmered due to moisture. Sighing, he stood by his room door and saw her enter Aria's room.

To most of them, she was a tough girl who was highly focused on the aim of achieving big. Ivan had seen her from far closer, how she misses her family and how much she craved to be the same little Snow of her mother and father.

But she thinks crying or surrendering is a weakness, so she always hid behind the haughtiness so that none could know what she was going through. 

All because of one stupidity, she was afraid to face her father and see the disappointment in her mother. To keep her concise clear she blamed everything on her mother. 

Why? Of course, because mothers are easy targets.

After some time, Ivan knocked on the door and pushed it open to see her hugging pillow leaning on the headboard of the bed stretching her legs out. Ivan noticed her pushing a photo frame under the duvet, he was aware it had her parents' picture.

"How long are you going to keep running?" Ivan asked as he passed her the water bottle he had brought.

Snatching the bottle, Arna hissed, "Don't be my father now."

Ivan sat on the edge of the bed and his eyes caught the family picture of four on the wall. It was a wedding picture, Arna and Arsh were very small so he could guess them to be around three. 

Taking his mobile out, Ivan checked Aria's social media profile and placed his mobile on the duvet facing it to Arna.

Arna saw the picture. She and her mother were wearing white gowns, she was wearing the mini version of her mother's dress and behind them was a white carriage. Arna was holding her mother's cheeks and pecking on her lips.

A smile threatened but she pressed her lips tight and pushed his mobile to him. Ivan had expected it, he didn't mind but told her why he opened that picture, "After seeing your and Aunt Aria's picture, my mother had tortured me to twin with her and we got a bunch of pictures."

However, Arna wanted to avoid any talk about the past, "Really? Vice President and you are talking about this? Aren't you too free?"

Ivan smirked as he stood up elegantly, "Alright, flare alone." He took a few steps towards door and heard her, "Ivan Ross, you are heartless."

He knew she was missing her family and craved somebody to be beside her. He paused and added, "Let me remind you, don't dare to break anything here. What if your mother gets to know you miss them? So be careful."

Soon a flying pillow reached him and followed by two more. Ivan continued, "Your Majesty, are you messing to let them know?"

"Ivan" She bellowed to stop him from repeating the same thing again and again.

Ivan let out a throaty chuckle causing her to pout her lips and look at him, keeping all the pillows back on the bed.

"Will you listen to me?" He patiently asked.

Arna shook her head vigorously and slapped pillows on each ear.

Again he stood up and Arna cried, "Ivan Okay, let me hear it first."

Sitting back on the bed, Ivan said each word clear as crystal, "Talk to your mother. I am really sure everything will be fine. Don't let your parents suffer for your mistake."

Hearing him, Arna snorted and pushed him off the bed, "Suffer? They should. Do you have any idea how much it pressures me to see them doing everything better? Do you know what my identity was? Aria's daughter, Alan's daughter I am Arna, damn it, I am Arna Morgan. 

I am tired of being called their daughter. I slog off every day for nine years but guess what? At the end of the day, I still hear as Designer Alia's daughter. Where am I?"

Ivan frowned. He was always proud to hear the achievements of his mother and father and he never felt them like pressure. He couldn't understand how she started feeling that way.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he indifferently asked, "Done? Are you saying instead of following their dreams, your parents should have stayed low so that you could excel them easily?"

Ivan's indifference was bone-chilling that Arna always wants to avoid. Hearing him, she opened her lips and closed. 

Ivan continued, "Let's assume your parents are wrong, then why are you making the same mistake? Why don't you lay down too? Won't your child feel your success as pressure? Arna Morgan, do you hear yourself now?"

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Arna tried to come up with a different rebuff but failed. Didn't she know? Probably knew but she wasn't ready to accept it.

A tear rolled down her eyes and she cried, "Why are you making me cry now?"

After a deep sigh, he sat on the bed and hugged her. Arna cried for some time on his shoulder before composing.

Seeing her emotional, Ivan tried again, "You know they will forgive you."

Arna leaned back on the headboard of the bed embarrassed by her tears, Wiping them off, she was more awkward looking at his wet shoulder. 

Feigning ignorance, she responded to his words, "That's the problem, Ivan, That's actually the problem. She forgives me, Dad can never forget it and I can't take that guilt."

Breathing out loudly, she hugged her knees and remembered an incident, "Do you remember once I threw a fit in the home and in anger I threw fruits at Brother Nemo and also the fruit knife?"

Her eyes filled up remembering they were so small. Arsh was too shocked to move away, she was very afraid and screamed. 

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