Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 400 400 HEAVEN ON EARTH

Chapter 400 Chapter 400 HEAVEN ON EARTH

"Mike the man! You've been awfully quiet bro!"

Some unfamiliar masculine voice boomed from behind him. Slightly annoyed- Mike spun around lazily- propping a fake smile on his face.

"Pardon me, I've been a little under the weather."

His own voice was almost drowned out by the chimes of silverware cutlery on plates- and howling laughter from tipsy nobles.

"Under the weather? What–? You on your period or something?"

Mike winced. The jab went straight to his overly sensitive ego.

"I wish that were so, that way, I could take three days off every month. . ."

He answered with a shrug trying to make an even lighter joke; ". . .Alchemy isn't the easiest job you know. . ."

But it completely backfired. The vulgar man- slightly drunk- replied him;

"Oh come off it! Don't be a wuss–" he hiccuped; "–can't you see Nexus? I don't hear him complaining. . .that young man is–"

"Apologies," Mike bowed, hiding his snarling face; "But I have to be on my way NOW. . .this celebration is boring me to death. . ."

He said it aloud, making sure everyone within a ten foot radius heard him. A few heads cocked in his direction- briefly glancing at him with disinterest in their eyes, before tilting back to their circles- covering their gossipy mouths with the tip of their hands.

Mike's shoulders dropped in disappointment.

No one, not a single soul moved to ask him to stay.

Clenching his jaws, he spun around on his heels- sweeping his left foot in a tangential arc- and marched towards the exit in a fog of anger.

'That's it,' he gritted his teeth; 'That son of a bi*ch has to go.'

Once outside, the evening breeze blasted right into his face. His chest collapsed with a long dreary sigh. He tugged on his sleeves, stretching it below his wrist. The swirling clouds overhead, the coolness of the late evening, did nothing to stomp out the raging jealously.

'Damn it, I need to fuck away this rage. . .'

On the spot, within the blink of an eye, Mike's eyes twitched as he planned away the rest of the night. A single name echoed softly- like the soft chimes of a silver bell-


Immediately, his foot struck out- and his body followed. Arms swinging by his side, and feet clacking on the concrete road, Mike' hoarse breaths rasped through his throat as he headed towards the one woman that could make him feel good right now.

'Damn, I forgot. . .it's not on me. . .'

He tensed- '. . .I can't go to her without it. . . '

Cursing under his breath, he spun a one eighty; "I better go get it then. . .'

A few minutes later, he stood before the double doors of his office. Sighing impatiently, he gripped them- and pushed them apart.

At once, the damp dingy smell of old books hit his nostrils. On the east wall, the light from a low burning lamp washed over the rectangular room. He dove right in- bouncing towards the office desk in the northwest corner.

The length of his fingers gripped the handle to the drawer, and he jerked it open.

A groan of satisfaction rumbled through his throat.

"There you are," he said aloud- "Come here,"

He dipped his hand into the drawer, and curled his hands around a previously prepared syringe.

Grunting, he held the syringe between his teeth as he quickly slipped down his pants. Both his eyes glanced towards the door- trying to recall if he had locked them or not.

'Well, anyone who decides to barge in will have the privilege of glimpsing on my god rod. . .'

Reeling with self-assurance, he thrust his hips forward- gripping his scrotum in his left hand. His heels slid to the left- angling it towards the burning lamp.

Grasping the injection tightly, Mike lowered the plastic tube towards his right testicle. He took a deep breath- and stabbed the needle in!

The cold, prickling metal sank into the softness of his flesh with a noiseless thud. Mike's eyes burned. The jutting pain raged through his balls- and his body reacted to the sudden intrusion. His already hardened jaws clenched even tighter- shutting both chins in a grimace.

Then he pressed down- slowly injecting the fluid into his testicle.

This time, Mike howled in pain. His twinkling eyes flashed- as the stabbing pain quadrupled. On his knees, the two joints quaked violently. And the skin on his balls flared in open rebellion.

Wheezing softly, the contents of the syringe surged into his balls- and Mike held his breath for a stretching moment. Finally, just as he was starting to get used to the pain, the tingling sensation followed. His throat bobbed up and down- gulping in a fresh intake of air.

"Arrghhh- FUCK–"

The sound of his dry roar overshadowed the sound of the syringe made as it landed to the ground. He staggered backwards- landing his naked bum on the cold hard wood of the office desk.


His knuckles whitened. His grubby fingers- all ten of them- latched on the the edge of the desk, grabbing for balance as his eyes bulged out of his sockets.

He inclined his bighead forward- staring down at his throbbing testicles.

Mike hated pain. He always did his best to avoid it.

However, in that syringe was a stimulant.

It wasn't just to give a raging boner for hours. No, it was an aphrodisiac- guaranteed to triple the libido of any woman he would stick his penis in! So, as the ridges on his forehead disappeared, his shoulders slumped- snatching a quick breath- again and again, till his heaving chest finally stabilized.

"So," he announced aloud- victory ricocheting in his eyes; "Where was I?"


Through the hustle and bustle of and the ever busy city's nightlife, Mike's finally arrived at his destination. In the background, on the dusty paved roads, the echo a dozen horse hooves thudded persistently.

It was the heartbeat of the city.

But Mike's own confidence raged louder than the city's busy life.

Hands tucked in his pocket, feet slightly apart, he stood at the entrance- all but grinning cockily. With a swagger in his steps, he lurched forward- landing his feet on the tiled path. On both sides, it was flanked by flowing fountains, and resplendent carpet grass.

At the end was a magnificent three storey edifice- built like a manor- but with the aura of a something more. A bright red door stood at the end of the path. And above it, a burst of pink neon lights lit up a three worded signpost;


'Alright bruv,' he groaned; 'Time to see if this works.'

His right hand slipped out of his pocket. He twisting the door's handle- and pushed.

At once, a blast of flavored air spilled out the room- creeping right through his nostrils.

Mike swallowed- drinking in the fragrance as he closed the door behind him. On the horizon of the open hall was an invasion of crimson sofas- and pink fur.

Above, from the high ceiling- long folds of crimson curtains dropped down. Naked women- dripped in gold dust, twirled their fleshy bodies against each long fold of soft fabric. With glitter on their bodies, they slithered in and out of sight.

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