Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 249: do good deeds

   Chapter 249 Do good deeds without leaving a name

  Following the huge flow of people, Fehling and the four walked out of the train station, and what they saw was a huge granite square.

On the    square, there are a lot of rental carriages parked.

   The carriages of these rental carriages are not like Constant City, they have various colors, but have a uniform blue body, and even the driver wears uniform blue overalls.

  In the corner of the square, there are several metal boxes more than ten meters long and two or three meters wide.

  The top of the metal box has a huge right-angled chimney.

  The upper part of the metal box has many glass windows, which can see the rows of seats inside.

  The lower part of the metal box has four metal wheels and steel rails.

   Although it was the first time I saw it, Fehling could guess that this must be the steam bus that Lindy mentioned.

   "Where to go next?"

   Standing in the huge square, Fei Lin couldn't help but feel a little dazed, not knowing where to go next.

   He only knew that this time he came to participate in the secret arts organization exchange meeting, but he did not know exactly where and when the secret arts organization exchange meeting would be held.

   "For safety's sake, in this section, you live with me at the Hallowan family villa."

  Lindy could not refuse to say.

   Fei Lin was targeted not long ago, so she naturally couldn't let Fei Lin live alone in the hotel outside.

   Then, she looked at Ivy and Aisy and asked.

   "You two also live in the Hallowin family villa together?"

   "No, the family has a villa in Fort Conant, and I and I are planning to live there."

  Ivy shook her head and refused.

   The Freeman Earl Family is one of the most economically powerful families in the Earl Family. It has properties and residences in many places, and Fort Conant is no exception.

  Since the family has a residence in Fort Conant, she naturally chose to live in the family's residence in Fort Conant, and by the way, check the family's property in Fort Conant.

   "Alright then, tomorrow morning we will meet at the General Office and go to report."

  Lindy did not persuade him. Compared with Constant City, Fort Conant, the royal capital, was much safer, and the chances of encountering danger were very small.

   And the previous assassin was clearly targeting Fehling.

   The four of them took two carriages and left the square, heading for different destinations.

   Said to be different destinations, but in fact most of the routes are the same. The villas where Ivy and the Lindy family are located are located in the Tulip area of ​​Fort Conant.

  There is the area where the nobles of Fort Conant live. Most of the noble families living there are noble families with high titles.

   An hour later, the rental carriage that Ferrin and Lindy were in stopped outside a huge villa.

  This is a larger and more magnificent villa than Freeman Villa.

   Being able to own such a huge villa in the tulip area of ​​Fort Conant where every inch of land is expensive, one can imagine the power and wealth of the Hallowin family.


  Lindy and Fei Lin got off the carriage, and immediately a villa guard recognized Lindy and greeted Lindy respectfully, while a villa guard entered the villa to report.

   After a while, a group of people came in a mighty manner. The frontmost were a middle-aged woman and a middle-aged man.

   The middle-aged woman with brown hair rolled up, wearing a gorgeous dress, is graceful and dignified.

   On him, Fei Lin actually felt a more majestic temperament than that of Ivy's father, Earl Freeman.

  The middle-aged man is white and beardless, with a refined appearance and a gentle temperament. He has no dignified temperament, but looks like a scholar.

   A maid stepped forward and took the trolley case for Lindy and Fehlin. Lindy greeted the middle-aged woman and middle-aged man with a smile on her face.

   "Mother, father."

   "Well, I'm back."

   The middle-aged woman Yueti Hallowyn nodded, maintaining a dignified posture.

   Although she was quite happy about Lindy's return, she maintained her dignity and was not overjoyed.

   On the contrary, the middle-aged man Rob Hollowin smiled, showing his joy on his face very naturally.

   "Who is this person?"

  Yueti Harlowyn looked at Fei Lin and asked Lindy.

   "This is my colleague Ferrin Sookes, who came to Fort Conant to attend the exchange meeting. He has no place to live in Fort Conant, so I invited him to live at Hallowan Villa."

  Lindy introduced.

   "Ferrin Sox?"

   Hearing this name, Yueti Harlowen had a strange look in her eyes.

   With the intelligence ability of the Harowin family, and she is a very high-level mystic, she has naturally heard of this name, and she understands what this name represents.

   she said.

   "Sookes, do you mind if I call you that?"

   "I don't mind, of course I don't mind."

   Fehling shook his head quickly.

   The majesty of this person is too heavy, which he has only seen in his life.

   He suspected that the reason why the other party had such a strong and majestic temperament was not only because the other party had been in a high position for a long time, but also because the other party was a very high-level mystic.

   "Don't be cautious, you are Lindy's friend, and also a friend of the Hallowin family. Treat this place as your own home."

   Yueti Hallowin said.

  Although his tone was still unsmiling, Rob Harlowyn and a few people who were familiar with her could sense the importance she attached to Fehling.

   Rob Hallowin was not surprised. Hearing the name of Fei Lin Sox, he already knew Fei Lin's identity.

   But the other people couldn't help but be surprised. Lord Yueti actually paid so much attention to this person. What is this person's identity?

  There is no surname Sox in the duke family, not even in the earl family. Could it be someone from a certain viscount family?

   But if he was a member of the Viscount family, how could he make Lord Yueti take it so seriously?

   In the evening, after a sumptuous dinner, Fehling returned to the guest room arranged for him by the Hallowin family.

   This is a luxurious room with a bathroom, study, living room, and balcony, just like a boutique suite in a previous life.

   Everything in the room is fine, some of which are expensive antiques.

   made him worry that if he broke one, his savings of several thousand gold pounds would not be enough to compensate.

   The maid who brought him said that the Hallowin family would only use this guest room when entertaining distinguished guests. Obviously, the Hallowin family treated him very politely.

   "Mystery Point 1093.4."

   Fehlin called the panel and looked at the column of mysterious points.

  Because of the 211 mystery points provided by the unknown assassin, the mystery points reached 1093.4 points, which has exceeded the 1024 mystery points required to upgrade the Eye of Appraisal from the tenth ring to the eleventh ring.

   "Thanks to the unknown assassin."

   Felin raised a "smile" at the corner of his mouth.

   found that he only needed to add more than 100 mystery points to reach the upgrade condition of the Eye of Appraisal. He thought about how to make up for the remaining 100 mystery points.

   But he didn't want to, the mysterious point came so suddenly, it even caught him off guard.

   For the unknown assassin who "enthusiastically" provided the mystery, I should really thank him. Unfortunately, the other party did not leave a name for his good deeds. Even if he wanted to thank him, he didn't know who to thank.

   (end of this chapter)

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