Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 303: chance encounter

   Chapter 303 Coincidence

   Unable to track, Feline had to return to the villa.

   Affected by the scream of the soul, I don't know what the condition of the servants in the villa is.

   He must confirm the condition of the servants in the villa, and if the situation is serious, he must immediately send the servants in the villa to the hospital.

   Back at the villa, Fei Lin checked the situation of the servants in the villa, and his face became heavy as he checked.

   All the servants in the villa fell into a coma, and some of them who were closer to the garden were even more unwell, with bloodstains on their ears that had not dried up.

   "Must be taken to the hospital."

  Felin made a judgment, and the others could still observe it, but the dozen or so who bleed from both ears had to be sent to the hospital.

   However, he is clearly not enough to send so many people to the hospital.

   The clothes on his body were broken, so he found a set of clothes and put them on in a hurry, and hurried to the nearest guard hall.

   took out his ID and called the police officers of the Security Office.

   Soon after, several carriages arrived at Lindy's Villa.

In the    villa, the least affected servants had woken up, and Fei Lin asked these servants to take care of the other less affected servants.

  I accompanied the carriage of the Security Department and sent a dozen servants with bleeding ears to the Cleveland Hospital.

  Cleveland Hospital, a hospital that has a cooperative relationship with the Security Bureau, which is also the hospital run by the Secret Medicine Association.

  Injured mystics from the Security Bureau, or ordinary people injured by mysterious incidents will be sent here.

The    carriage arrived at the Cleveland Hospital. The doctors at the hospital were associated with the secret medicine association. After Fehling explained the situation, more than a dozen people were immediately properly accommodated and sent to the ward.

   As for the inspection, because he was attacked by the soul, ordinary doctors do not have the ability to inspect, and they need to be inspected by a mystic who has practiced the hand of secret medicine.

   A doctor has already gone to the top floor to inform the mysticist of the Herbal Association.

  A young woman in her early twenties, wearing a white coat and ponytail, walked downstairs to the ward.

   She has brown hair, beautiful facial features, and a pair of very beautiful blue eyes.

   Seeing Fei Lin, she couldn't help but light up and shouted.

   "Mr. Sookes."

   "Miss Mechel...Miss."

   Fei Lin had noticed the young woman coming, and when he heard the call, he looked carefully, and his face was vaguely familiar.

   Looking back, I remembered when I saw it.

   The other party was the mystic who prepared the potion he needed for the Eye of Appraisal, and his name seemed to be Helen Meschel.

   He was a little unsure, because it was a long time apart, and the Western-style name was really hard to remember for him whose soul was from the East.

   "Mr. Sookes, I didn't expect you to remember me."

   Helen Mercier said with joy when she heard Fei Lin call out her surname.

  Cleveland Hospital is a hospital, so Fehling will not run here if he has nothing to do, so he will occasionally come to visit the injured mystic after becoming a deputy bureau chief, but he also leaves quickly.

   So, this is the first time she has seen Fei Lin in more than half a year since she prepared a potion for Fei Lin last time.

   Fei Lin, who showed two kinds of secret arts talents, was already a genius in her eyes at the time.

   But what she didn't expect was that Fei Lin was rated as an extraordinary seed after that, and his reputation spread all over the mysterious side.

   Such a "celebrity" still remembers herself, which made her a little happy.

   "This is basic etiquette."

   Fei Lin praised his memory in his heart, but he remembered correctly.

   "I'm going to trouble you this time."

   "You're welcome, the Arcane Society and the Security Bureau are in a cooperative relationship."

  Helen Mechel shook her head.

   Approached the ward and came to the side of a fainted maid lying on the hospital bed. She immediately entered a state of concentration, as if she had changed her mind and concentrated on the patient in front of her.

   Half an hour later, after completing the inspection of more than a dozen servants, Helen Meschel withdrew from the state of concentration and said to Ferrin who was waiting beside her worriedly.

   "The damage to their souls is not light, but luckily they can be cured. With the corresponding medicines, they should be able to recover in about half a month."

   "Will there be sequelae?"

   Flynn asked worriedly.

   "No, there will be no sequelae after recovery."

  Helen Mechel shook her head.

"That's good."

   Flynn was relieved.



   At night, a dark shadow walked quickly towards Lindy's villa, and this shadow was Lindy who used her extraordinary ability to travel in the dark.

The alchemy items given by the    Directorate could allow her to perceive Fei Lin's state, and just now, she sensed that Fei Lin was fighting with someone.

   Immediately left Daweide Auction House and returned to the villa.

  Shuh, huh!

   The black shadow moved quickly on the ground, and a faint blue light and shadow moved quickly in the sky, and the two quickly staggered past.

"That is…?"

The    blue light and shadow did not find the dark shadow moving on the street at night, but Lindy in the dark shadow found the ghost of the dark blue.

   The shadow she controlled suddenly stopped. After a moment of hesitation, she changed direction and followed the ghost.

   With the help of alchemy items, she knew that Fei Lin had ended the battle and was in normal condition, so she should not have been seriously injured.

   This ghost came from the villa and was probably the "enemy" who attacked Feline, so she chose to follow this ghost.

   As for whether she can keep up with the speed of this ghost, she can use her extraordinary ability to walk in the dark, and she also has an extremely fast movement speed.

The    ghosts occasionally passed through the ground or through buildings to avoid possible tracking, and Lindy almost lost it several times.

  Fortunately, in the dark night environment, she has become very strong in all aspects of the dark night, and she has not been completely lost.

   followed all the way, she saw the ghost got into a house and did not come out again, and immediately judged that this house should be the hiding place of the ghost's manipulator in the city.

  Using her extraordinary ability to transform into a dark element, her body turned into an intangible dark element, restraining her aura and blending into the dark environment, she quietly approached this house.

   "Sir, did you succeed?"

   Seeing the ghost returning, the somewhat ugly woman asked.


  Chanel Maiga, who is beautiful except for her face, said in a rather unhappy mood.

   "Failed. Could it be that there was something wrong with the information, Lindy Hallowyn didn't leave the villa, or has she returned to the villa?"

   The ugly-looking woman couldn't help but get nervous.

After    infiltrated Conston City, she was responsible for the intelligence. If the assassination failed due to an error in the intelligence, she would inevitably be punished by Chanel.

   Thinking of the women who were killed by Chanel, she couldn't help but shudder.

   "No, Lindy is indeed not in the villa."

  Chanel shook his head, and then said.

   "There is a problem with the information of Scarlet Blood, and the extraordinary ability of the soul cannot restrain Feline Sox."

   "Ferrin Sookes has a mask-type extraordinary item that can resist the soul attack of ghosts."

"What now?"

   asked the ugly looking woman.

   "Can only give up."

  Chanel frowned slightly.

   Gnawing Fang sent her to assassinate Felyn Sox because her extraordinary ability could restrain Felyn Sox, but now that she was restrained by Felyn Sox, she naturally had to give up.

  Assassination of Ferrin Sox and revenge against the Security Bureau was important, but it wasn't enough for her, a twelve-ring warlock, to know she couldn't do anything, and to fight to the end with Ferrin Sox.

   "If the assassination fails, the Security Bureau will definitely search for us by tracking the ghosts, my lord, we should evacuate Conston City as soon as possible."

  The ugly-looking woman suggested.

   "Ghosts can't be tracked by scent, and they can also hide their scents. It's not easy for the security bureau to track us with the help of ghosts."

   "But to be on the safe side, we'll leave Conston early tomorrow morning."

  Chanel thought about it and made a decision.

   She thought about evacuating immediately, but gave up.

   Fehling Sox was attacked, and the Security Bureau would inevitably increase surveillance in the city. If they were to evacuate now, they would most likely be discovered by the Security Bureau informants.

  Without ordinary people as cover, he would definitely be targeted by the Security Bureau.

   continued to listen for a while, but did not hear any useful information. Outside the house, Lindy, who turned into a dark element to eavesdrop, quietly retreated.

  Cleveland Hospital, Lindy arrives an hour after Flynn arrives at the hospital.

  Lindy came over after more than an hour. Although Fei Lin was a little strange, he didn't think much about it.

  Lindy was able to sense his state with the help of alchemy items, so she probably knew that he was fine, so she didn't rush over immediately.

   "How about the servants of the villa?"

  Lindy asked Flynn.

   She came directly here with the help of the induction between the alchemy item and Fei Lin, and did not return to the villa.

   However, after learning that it was the ghost who attacked Fei Lin this time, he knew that the servants in the villa would inevitably be affected.

   "Everyone was affected and fell into a coma. Among them, more than a dozen people were seriously injured. They have been sent here by me for treatment."

   "The mysticist of the Herbal Medicine Association has already checked for them, and they need to rest for about half a month, but there will be no sequelae."

   Flynn said.

  Lindy nodded and said.

   "I noticed that you were fighting with someone. I returned from the Daweed auction house, but on the way back, I saw a ghost evacuating from the villa."

   "Guess someone is behind this ghost attack. I followed this ghost and found the hiding place of the person who secretly manipulated the ghost to attack you."

   "Find the place where the ghost manipulator hides?"

  Felling's face showed surprise and surprise.

   Knowing the characteristics of ghosts, he didn't have much hope that the Security Bureau would use the residual breath of ghosts to find those who manipulate ghosts.

   But he didn't want this ghost to meet Lindy by coincidence when evacuating. Lindy chose to follow and found the hiding place of the person who manipulated the ghost.

   No wonder Lindy didn't arrive until more than an hour later. It turned out that during this period, she went to follow the ghost.

   he asked in a low voice.

   "Who is manipulating the ghost?"

   "I don't dare to get too close for fear of being discovered, so I don't know who is manipulating the ghost."

   "However, the voice is a woman, plus the ability to manipulate weird, the other party should be a cultist who gnaws his teeth."

   "Of course, it does not rule out that the other party is not a cultivator of the gnawing tooth, but manipulated the strangeness with the help of extraordinary items."

  Lindy expressed her judgment.

   (end of this chapter)

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