Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 337: bullet making

   Chapter 337 Bullet Making Technique

   The next day, Flynn came to the Security Bureau.

   When he came to the Security Bureau, he first went to the warehouse to pick up a box of ordinary pistol bullets, and then returned to the office.

  Mysterious spear reaches 10th ring and obtains the extraordinary skill of bullet making, so it is natural to give it a try.

  Lindy Villa does not have firearms and ammunition storage. After all, neither he nor Lindy use ordinary firearms.

   He couldn't try to make it at Lindy's Villa yesterday, so he plans to try it at the Security Bureau today.

   Back at the office, Fei Lin first corrected the documents accumulated during the rest yesterday, and then took out the box of ammunition he received, ready to try to make extraordinary ability bullets.

   Opened the bullet box and saw rows of bullets placed vertically inside.

   has a brassy luster, and there should be 50 pieces.

   took one out of it, and Fei Lin spread it in the palm of his hand.

  As an occultist who practiced the mysterious gun of esoteric art, he immediately judged that the size of this bullet was 9X19mm, which was the most used pistol bullet at present.

   "First try to make a bullet with extraordinary ability to pierce armor."

   Putting the bullet on the table, Fehling called out the mysterious gun, held the mysterious gun, and pointed it at the bullet with the mysterious gun.

  Mysticism is an extraordinary art with a secret art organ as the core, and the activation of any secret art needs to rely on the secret art organ.

Although    Bullet Creation is an auxiliary type of extraordinary ability, and the bullets produced are not used on the mysterious gun, its activation also requires the participation of the mysterious gun as a mysterious organ.


  Felin holds the mysterious spear as a secret art organ and activates the bullet-making art.

   Next to the mysterious gun, a purple dangling pattern appeared above the bullet.

The    purple dangling pattern slowly rotated, slowly descended, touched the tip of the bullet, and continued to descend.

   On the surface of the bullet, where the purple dangling pattern passes, there are purple lines, as if it was carved with complex and fine patterns.

   When it reaches the bottom, the purple dangling pattern disappears, and the surface of the entire bullet is full of purple patterns, which looks very beautiful.

The pattern of the    pattern is somewhat similar to the pattern of the armor-breaking ceremony, but it is different, as if it was changed from the armor-breaking ceremony pattern.

   This is also true. Compared with giving ordinary bullets armor-piercing extraordinary powers, compared with giving mysterious power bullets armor-piercing extraordinary powers, although they are also endowed with armor-piercing extraordinary powers, they are quite different because of the different materials.

  Because of this difference, the pattern of the armor breaking ceremony cannot be directly used on the inscription of ordinary bullets, and it needs to be adjusted and made some changes.

   The pattern on this bullet now is the adjusted pattern of the Armor Breaking Ceremony.


   Flynn picked up the modified bullet to watch, and after a while he came to a conclusion.

   The lines on this bullet are coherent and there is no mistake, indicating that the production was successful.

   has successfully transformed this bullet into a bullet with armor-piercing extraordinary ability. This bullet has jumped from an ordinary bullet to an extraordinary ability bullet.

   "Next, try to make bullets with phantom extraordinary abilities."

  Felin took out another bullet from the bullet box, placed it vertically on the table, and then held the mysterious gun, launched the bullet transformation technique, and gave it the extraordinary power of the phantom clone.


  A complex black pattern appeared suspended above the bullet, rotated slowly, and landed downward.

  When it comes into contact with the bullet, black lines begin to appear on the surface of the bullet.

  When it falls from the top of the bullet to the bottom of the bullet and disappears, the surface of the bullet is full of black lines, turning into a very mysterious black bullet.

   "It worked too."

  Felin picked up the bullet and watched it, and quickly came to the conclusion that the bullet had been successfully transformed into a bullet with the extraordinary ability of a phantom clone.

   "Next, make burst extraordinary ability bullets."

   Fehling uses a similar method to make bursts of extraordinary ability bullets.

   Soon after, a bullet with a gray pattern engraved on its surface appeared.

   After inspection, he determined that this bullet was also successfully made. It was a bullet with the extraordinary ability to burst.

   "As in my memory, now I make bullets with a single extraordinary ability, and the success rate is extremely high."

   In his memory, he had a very high success rate in making a single extraordinary ability bullet.

   And now, as in his memory, he made bullets with a single extraordinary ability, and the success rate was extremely high.

   "Next, try to make bullets that contain two extraordinary abilities."

   Flynn took a bullet from the magazine again and placed it upright on the table.

   "Two kinds of bullets, first try to make bullets that contain the extraordinary ability of breaking armor and the extraordinary ability of phantom clone."

   Point the mysterious gun at this bullet, and Fehling activates the bullet creation technique.

   With the launch of the bullet making technique, a more complex pattern composed of purple and black colors appeared, suspended above the bullet.

   Take a closer look at this pattern composed of two colors, purple and black. It has similarities with the armor-piercing extraordinary ability pattern and the phantom clone extraordinary ability pattern. It looks like it is composed of these two patterns.

   This is also true. This is a combination of the armor-piercing extraordinary ability pattern and the phantom clone extraordinary ability pattern, which is a more complicated pattern than either of the two patterns.

   The reason for this is determined by the characteristics of the bullet.

  The bullet composed of mysterious power, because there is no difference between inside and outside, so you can use the method of inner inscription to inscribe the two patterns on the outside of the pattern and on the ground respectively, thus possessing two extraordinary abilities.

   However, ordinary firearm bullets contain powdered gunpowder, which is not suitable for using the inner inscription method.

  If you want to engrave two patterns on it and give it two extraordinary abilities, you can only combine the two extraordinary ability patterns and engrave them all on the surface of the bullet.


  The pattern composed of purple and black slowly descends while rotating, passes through the top of the bullet, descends to the bottom of the bullet and disappears.

   At this time, the surface of the bullet was already full of textures that were more complicated than a single extraordinary ability bullet, mixed with purple and black.

   Fehling picked up the bullet and examined it carefully.


   After a moment, Fehling threw the bullet aside.

   The pattern of the combination of armor-piercing extraordinary ability and phantom clone extraordinary ability is extremely complex, and the difficulty of inscription is several times that of a single pattern. In memory, his success rate can only reach about half.

  Unfortunately, the first engraving ended in failure.


   took out another bullet and placed it vertically on the table. Fehling used the bullet-making technique again to make it into a bullet with the extraordinary ability of piercing armor and the extraordinary ability of phantom clone.

   The same situation happened just now. Soon after, a bullet with purple and black lines appeared on the surface.


   Fehling picked up the bullet to watch, and nodded with satisfaction shortly after.

   This bullet has complete lines and coherent lines, and there is no mistake with the lines in memory. It is a successfully produced bullet.

   The success rate of making this kind of bullet with two extraordinary abilities is about half, but it does not mean that if you make two, one will succeed.

   However, his luck is not bad, there is no consecutive unsuccessful situation, the second one has already succeeded.

   (end of this chapter)

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