Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 365: under the canyon

  Chapter 365 Under the Canyon

  The night shift took turns. In the early morning of the next day, shortly after Flynn and the others had breakfast, a man and a woman came towards the canyon.

  The man among them is tall and tall, with a height of about two meters, and the muscles on his body are raised like steel plates.

  His hands were wearing a pair of metal gloves with five fingers exposed, and a long and narrow metal box with a length of more than one meter was carried on his back.

  The woman among them is wearing a black luxurious long dress, with a graceful and luxurious temperament, a beautiful face, and brown hair rolled up.

  Seeing the faces of this man and a woman, Fei Lin and the others who were on guard were relieved, and took the initiative to greet them, and respectfully saluted them.

   "Chief Curator Moore, Great Elder Harlowin."

  These two are Herbert Moore, the deputy chief curator of the Silver Budokan, and Najia Hallowin, the chief elder of the Security Bureau.

  As the absolute high-level leaders of their respective forces, both of them have extraordinary strength, and they should be the extraordinary sent by the Silver Sword and the Security Bureau to deal with the singularity.

   "You have worked hard during this time, and this place will become an extremely dangerous place next."

   "Except for Elder Roland and Director Sox, the others evacuated this place and entered West Asia City to rest."

  Herbert Moore and Nadja Hallowin glanced at the crowd and said.

  Silver Sword and the Security Bureau want to seal the singularity, and the evil **** Mist Lord who occupies the singularity will naturally not allow the Silver Sword and the Security Bureau to seal the singularity, and will inevitably fight back.

  Combined with the powerhouses of the cult organization who may get the news, it is foreseeable that this place will become extremely dangerous.

  General high-ring mystics and mystics below the high-ring cannot bear this kind of danger, and are not qualified to participate in the next action.

   Only mystics like Flynn and Roland, who have at least a twelve-level combat power and strong life-saving means, are eligible to participate in the next action.


  Flynn, Roland and others all agreed.

  The dangers of this place are naturally clear to all the mystics present. They were not surprised to hear that everyone except Flynn and Roland had evacuated.

  The other mystics evacuated, leaving only Herbert Moore, Nadja Harlowin, Flynn, and Roland in this area.

  The four of them walked to the edge of the canyon and looked down from the edge of the canyon.

  The end of the bottom can't be seen at a glance, and I don't know how deep it is.

   Occasionally, stones fell into it, and it took a long time before the echo came back. Obviously, its depth is not as deep as usual.

   "Let's go down."

   Nadja Harlowin said.

   While speaking, a illusory eye appeared between her eyebrows, and with the appearance of this illusory eye, the bodies of her and Flynn all floated up.

  As Chaofan, she has mastered two secret arts, one of which is the Puppet Chess that Feline has seen her use, and the other secret art is the eye of the heart.

  Feeling his body suspended, Flynn's body tightened suddenly.

  He who has not mastered the ability to fly, is being taken to fly, and he feels very insecure.

  However, he also understood that it was impossible for Nadja Hallowin, who was the elder of the Security Bureau and Aunt Lindy, to harm him, so he overcame the discomfort and relaxed his body.


  Under the control of Nadja Hallowin, the four of Flynn floated into the canyon, and then quickly landed towards the bottom of the canyon.

  As you descend, the light in the canyon gradually dims.

   After a long time, when the light in the canyon became dim like evening, a rocky canyon bottom appeared, and the four of Flynn successfully landed at the bottom of the canyon.

   "The depth exceeds at least a kilometer."

  Ferrin involuntarily heaved a sigh of relief when he got his feet on the ground again, and only then did he have time to calculate the depth he was in now.

  The depth of this canyon exceeds at least a kilometer.

  Because it is too deep, there is very little light coming in. Even though it is only morning, the bottom of the canyon is already dark like evening.

   Shua, Shua, Shua!

  As soon as the four of Flynn landed at the bottom of the canyon, they were spotted by something, and something was coming towards them quickly.

   Soon, these things appeared in front of their eyes, one after another monsters made of mist.

  Some look like cows but walk on two legs like humans.

  Some look like giant pythons but have no eyes.

  Some look like giant mice but have two big exaggerated ears.


  The shape of the body is strange, composed of mist of various colors.

  Although there are only human-shaped fog monsters that appear outside, at the bottom of this canyon, there are not only human-shaped fog monsters, but all kinds of monsters.

   It’s just that for some unknown reason, the Master of Mist only sent a humanoid fog monster out of the canyon to attack human-made believers.

   "Soul Mask."

  Ferrin put on the soul mask and activated the extraordinary ability of the dream of the soul mask.

  The invisible fluctuations spread, and the consciousness of all the attacking fog monsters was dragged into the world of ruins created by the extraordinary ability of the dream.

   "Dream Creation."

  In the world of ruins, Felin used dream creation to create a ghost that reached the eleventh ring.


  The ghost opened its mouth and roared, sending out a sharp soul scream, and attacked the surroundings indiscriminately.

  All the mist monsters in the ruined world were attacked by the scream of the soul.

  The power of the soul scream issued by a ghost with eleven rings can be imagined.

  These mist monsters, whose strength is not as strong as that of the Central Ring, all collapsed and died under the scream of their souls.

   In the outside world, all the fog monsters suddenly became unable to move.

  The next moment, they all collapsed and died.

   "The fog monster is coming from that direction, and the singularity should be in that direction!"

   Nadja Hallowin glanced at the direction where the fog monster was coming and said.

   "Well, then we will explore in this direction."

  Herbert More agreed.

  The four of them walked in this direction. When Flynn passed the place where the fog monster's body disintegrated and disappeared, words appeared and disappeared quickly in front of him.

   "When in contact with mystery, add 1 to the mystery point."

   "When in contact with mystery, add 2 to the mystery point."


  Seeing the prompt that appeared, Flynn frowned indiscernibly, and gained less mysterious points than imagined.

  Originally, he thought that each fog monster could provide him with at least four or five mystery points, but he didn't want each fog monster to only get one or two mystery points.

  ‘Is it because the corpse disappeared immediately after death? '

  Ferring couldn't help guessing.

  After the death of the humanoid mist monster, the corpse will disappear immediately, probably because of the disappearance of the corpse, the extraordinary power transfer speed is faster than that of other monster corpses.

  Because the Extraordinary Power has already been transferred, the mysterious points he has gained are so few.

   Shua, Shua, Shua!

   While Flynn was thinking, a mist monster appeared again, attacking where the four of Flynn were.

  (end of this chapter)

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