Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 389: perish

  Chapter 389 Annihilation

   After finishing the call with Lindy, Flynn took the carriage to his sister Rowling's house.

  However, before he rang the doorbell, he saw the door of his sister's house suddenly opened, and his sister Rowling, brother-in-law Claude, and niece Little Kasha walked out from the opened door.


  Little Kaisha saw Feilin appearing in front of the iron gate of the yard at a glance, and ran over happily, wanting to open the door for Feilin.

  But she was too young to reach the latch of the door. She jumped up and down and wanted to open the door for Feilin, but she couldn't touch it.

   Rowling came over, took out the latch, and opened the iron door.


  Little Kaisa happily ran to Feilin, and shouted to Feilin.


  Ferrin squatted down and picked up little Kai'Sa.

   "You came at the right time, we were going to eat in a restaurant outside, and we just happened to go together."

   Rowling said with a smile all over her face.

   "What good thing happened?"

  Flynn asked with a smile.

  He noticed that both sister Rowling and brother-in-law Claude had joyful expressions on their faces.

   "Your brother-in-law has been promoted to deputy director of the General Post Office."

   Rowling said happily.

   "Promoted to the deputy director of the General Post Office? Brother-in-law, congratulations."

  Flynn looked at his brother-in-law Claude and congratulated him.


   Claude's face was full of smiles, as if he had suddenly won a big prize.

  For him, being promoted to the deputy director of the General Post Office is indeed no different from winning a big prize suddenly.

  Suddenly he was promoted to deputy bureau, and he hadn't heard the slightest news before that.

  However, despite his high position now, he did not dare to slight Flynn in the slightest.

   He has seen Feilin's connections before. When he was framed and lost his job, even his family had nothing to do, but Feilin resolved it for him, and even asked the relevant forces to apologize to him.

  Although he has now become the deputy director of the General Post Office, he thinks that he is still far from having such contacts.

   "Come on, let's go to the restaurant."

  The four of them took the carriage that Claude usually took, came to a high-end restaurant, and entered this high-end restaurant.

   On the second floor of this high-end restaurant, they chose a table to sit down, and a waiter delivered the menu. Claude took the menu and glanced at it, feeling pain in his heart.

  According to the price on the menu, a meal might cost dozens of gold pounds.

  Although his salary has risen again after he was promoted to deputy bureau, it still makes him feel distressed to see that a meal costs dozens of gold pounds.

   After ordering the meal, the four of Flynn waited for the meal to be served.

   At this moment, Claude noticed that the two people who were eating at the table not far away were people they knew, to be precise, they were people they had seen at the banquet.

  It was a high-profile banquet, and as the Viscount and Viscountess, these two could be said to be the center of the banquet.

  He wanted to go up to greet him, but he was worried that he had only met once at the banquet, and the two had no impression of him.

  Going forward to say hello hastily will dislike the two people, not only will it be impossible to make friends with the two people, but it may arouse the disgust of the two people.

  At this moment, he found that the man and the woman had also noticed this side, leaving the dining table and walking towards this side.

  He quickly stood up, motioned for Rowling, Flynn and others to also stand up, and addressed a man and a woman who came.

   "Viscount Woolley, Mrs. Ewing."

  Viscount Woolley nodded politely to Claude, then looked at Flynn, smiled and extended his hand to Flynn.

   "Hello, Mr. Sox."

   "Hello, Viscount Woolley."

  Flynn reached out and shook Viscount Woolley's hand.

  Brother-in-law Claude thought that the Viscounts Woolley and his wife came to greet him, but he knew that the Viscounts Woolley and his wife should be coming for him.

  As the viscount, the other party should have participated in the auction not long ago and met him.

   "Ferring, I didn't expect you to know Viscount Woolley."

   Now, Claude naturally understands that Viscount Woolley is here for Flynn.

  He smiled to hide the embarrassment in his heart, and said.

   "Mr. Sox, who is this?"

  Viscount Woolley looked at Claude. Although he had seen him at the banquet, he obviously had no impression of a fringe figure like Claude.

   "This is my brother-in-law Claude Dray, and this is my sister Rowling Drey."

  Ferring introduced.

   "It turned out to be a relative of Mr. Sox, Mr. Dre, Ms. Rowling, hello."

  Hearing that the two were actually Flynn's brother-in-law and sister, Viscount Wood immediately became enthusiastic and extended his hand to the two with a smile.

  Under normal circumstances, the two of them are not in the scope of his friendship, but they are Flynn Suokes' brother-in-law and sister, and they are Flynn Suokes' relatives, so that is a different matter.

   After saying hello, Viscount Woolley and his wife left, checked out and left the restaurant.

  Boarding the carriage, the Viscountess Ewen Woolley, who had been accompanying her with a smile, asked quickly.

   "Could that person be Director Sox who forced Viscount Gorek to apologize in public at the last auction?"

  She didn't know that Felin had been promoted to an elder because she didn't know the news, but even the status of deputy director of the Security Bureau was already a very high status in her opinion.

   "Yes, that's him."

   Viscount Woolley said with deep fear in his voice.

  The Viscount Goleck family is the family second only to the three earl families in Conston City, but it is such a family that Flynn Sox dared to say that he would be driven out of Conston City.

   Judging from the attitudes of Earl Freeman and Earl Silbert, Flynn Sox is not just bluffing, but can really do it.

   "Other than the identity of the deputy director of the Security Bureau, what other identity does he have? How dare he say that he wants to drive the Goleck family out of Conston City?"

   Madam Evan asked curiously.

   "I don't know, the other party's confidentiality level in the Security Bureau is extremely high, and I can't find out."

  Viscount Woolley shook his head, then said solemnly.

   "Remember the two people just now, and you must not offend them in the future. I heard that Viscount Gleick had a bad relationship with Flynn Sox because he offended Flynn Sox's relatives."

"I see."

  Madam Ivan nodded solemnly.

  The Woolley family can never afford to provoke someone who can say that they will drive the Gleick family out of Conston City. Such people can only be friends with, not enemies.

  ‘This brother-in-law has become more and more powerful, and he can actually make a viscount take the initiative to make friends with him. '

   The four of Flynn sat down again, and Claude glanced at Flynn excitedly.

   Sure enough, even though he has become the deputy director of the General Post Office, he is still nothing in front of Flynn.

   At the same time, he couldn't help but feel joyful for a while. With Fei Lin's contacts, the Deputy Bureau of the General Post Office is by no means his end.

  Thinking about it now, I was suddenly promoted to the deputy director of the General Post Office, and the family did not have any operations at all, probably because of Feilin.

  Ferring came here by such a coincidence, probably because he knew that he would be promoted today.

   "Ferring, how did you know Viscount Woolley?"

   Rowling looked curiously at Flynn and asked.

   "You know, I work in an auction house, and it's easy to get in touch with people of this kind."

  Ferring once again dumped the blame and gave the fake identity of "Appraisal Supervisor" to the Great Weed Auction House.

   "No wonder."

  As an ordinary housewife, Rowling's knowledge is only average, and she didn't realize the far-fetchedness of Flynn's reason.

  Claude felt that Flynn's reason was a bit far-fetched, but he didn't dare to dismantle Flynn, after all, he still needs the care of his brother-in-law in the future.

   The order was delivered, and the four of them ate.

  For Flynn, both the ingredients and the cooking skills are very ordinary, but Rowling and Little Casa are eating with gusto.

   For the two of them, this is obviously already very delicious food.

   Seeing that the two of them ate with such gusto, he decided to bring them to this kind of restaurant for consumption in the future. After all, with his income, even if he spends in this kind of restaurant every day, it is more than enough.

"waiter, Bill please."

   After finishing the meal, Claude beckoned to the waiter, ready to pay with some heartache.

   "Let me come, just treat it as me congratulating brother-in-law on your promotion."

  Felin took out his wallet and decided to pay the bill by himself. After all, he is much richer than his brother-in-law's family.

"no, I'm fine…"

  Claude repeatedly waved his hands and refused. He had said before that he would invite him, so he was really embarrassed to let Flynn pay for it. After all, he is also a person who wants face.

   "Sir, for your table, Viscount Woolley has paid for you just now."

  The waiter came over, bowed and saluted, and said politely.

   Being able to ask a viscount to take the initiative to pay for them, it is obvious that the status of the people at this table is very unusual.

   "Viscount Woolley has already paid for us?"

   Claude was surprised, and raised Feilin's contacts to another level in his heart.

   Being able to make such friends with a viscount, Flynn's connections are far deeper than he imagined.


  After resigning from the post of deputy director, except for occasionally going out to visit his sister's family and hunting weird and cultists, Feilin spent most of his time at Lindy's villa, reading the secret art book on the advanced twelve rings of the mysterious gun.

   Before I knew it, a month passed.

   "Bullet making technique eliminates extraordinary abilities..."

  Felin looked at the mysterious gun secret art book in his hand.

  Mysterious Spear needs to meet two conditions if it wants to advance to the 12th ring.

  The first condition is to further increase the level of the bullet making technique and raise the bullet making technique to the highest level.

  Ferrin had expected it when he advanced to the 11th ring, but the result was not what he expected. If the mysterious gun wants to advance to the 12th ring, it must further improve the bullet making technique.

  The second condition is to learn how to annihilate ritual patterns.

   Annihilation ritual pattern, a ritual pattern that endows bullets with the extraordinary ability to annihilate.

  This ritual pattern can make the target decompose and annihilate into invisible tiny particles, make the target disappear like evaporation, and give the target annihilation damage.

  There is no doubt that this is an extraordinary ability with extremely terrifying power.

   "It is worthy of being one of the top ten secret arts."

  Seeing the introduction about the pattern of the annihilation ceremony, Flynn couldn't help sighing.

   As the top ten secret arts, the mysterious gun did not disappoint him. In the twelfth circle, such a terrifying extraordinary ability appeared.

   "If this extraordinary ability is combined with the automatic tracking extraordinary ability..."

  Thinking of this, even Flynn himself felt shuddering.

  The absolute destructiveness of obliterating extraordinary abilities, coupled with the unavoidable nature of automatic tracking extraordinary abilities, the combination of the two, the effect that can be exerted is absolutely terrifying.

   "There are not many pages left."

  Ferrin took out a bookmark and put it in the secret art book, and put the secret art book down.

This secret art book is already the second volume of the two advanced twelve-ring secret art books of the mysterious gun. , to meet the upgrade conditions.

  (end of this chapter)

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