Mage Adam

Chapter 84

Adam and Ophelia phased one after the other in front of the skeleton, bombarding the skeleton with blasts of electricity and devastating slashes indiscriminately.

The priestess' grip on the crystal skeleton couldn't help but tighten; the giant skeleton held his head in his hands, and a shield made of bone rapidly grew, covering its head with an eerie white glow.

Electricity and the swinging of a sword continued to pound against the wall of bones, generating an extremely uncomfortable noise. Like a drill, they drilled a hole in the shield of bone; in the blink of an eye, the two of them darted across the air, lunging towards the skull.

Crystal and William hid behind cover, staring at the two who were attacking the skeleton with immense ferocity. William was flabbergasted at how powerful the two of them were and Crystal couldn't help but worry for Ophelia.

Chop, chop.

The two arms of the skeleton were chopped off at the same time, landing on the ground with a loud thud before disintegrating into ash.

The priestess screamed in pain; white energy rays shot out of the skeleton's eyes again and again, destroying whatever it came into contact with.

"Sure enough, the skeleton can be worn down!"

The skeleton immediately regrew its arms, but its body was shrinking rapidly -- only less than 15 metres of the skeleton were left.

"Damn it! Not like this...!" the priestess roared again and again; radiant white light started to surround the skeleton, and a foreign and obscure incantation could be heard resonating within the skull.

The previous attack drained all of Adam's magic, so he couldn't stop the priestess for now. Fortunately, the other three knew that they couldn't allow the enemy to cast a devastating spell and lunged forward.

Ophelia showed unparalleled strength, and the magic flame surrounding her burnt with increasing ferocity. With each slash, a large piece of bone would be cut off. Adam calculated that her strength had completely surpassed him, and if Adam were to fight Ophelia in her current state, he would surely lose.

However, the lengthy incantation was complete, and the priestess shouted hoarsely, "...and the dead shall be resurrected!"

The skeleton flashed with a bright white light, and the bones that had been chopped off its body joined together, transforming into soldiers made of skeleton that densely scattered all over the battlefield.

Each skeleton soldier carried a sword made of bone, and they had the ability to fly.

"Believers of the Supreme God, come back to the world of living, and use the mighty power bestowed upon you to kill these heretics!"

As if a switch had been turned on, flames flickered in every single skeleton soldier, lunging towards the four of them with no fear.

This divine spell consumed a huge amount of energy from the priestess, and the size of the skeleton shrunk to a size of 10 metres; however, it had greatly improved agility. It jumped more than a hundred metres high, and ran the opposite direction.

Adam swiftly inspired the defensive magic runes in his necklace, and a three metre tall earth elemental was summoned. The earth elemental grabbed Adam and gingerly placed him in his stomach, before rampaging through the horde of skeletons.

Adam found that he could broadcast his voice inside the elemental and shouted, "Stop her! Don't let her escape! Its magic is about to run out!"

The three of them instantly knew why the priestess was escaping -- she wanted to find a human village to sacrifice in order to regain her strength. If she managed to escape, then the four of them would surely be defeated.

Crystal tore a pair of scrolls from her robe, and all the air in the battlefield was swept away, leaving only the atmospheric pressure to slam down on the ground, crushing all the skeletons into a fine powder. She didn't care about her reckless usage of the scroll, and chased after the skeleton.

Ophelia held her magic sword in both hands and began to charge forward on the ground -- with each step, she became faster and faster, and anything standing in her way was smashed into pieces; the magic flame surrounding her lagged behind her, as if she grew a pair of wings.

After feeling his mana regenerate, Adam unsummoned the earth elemental -- the necklace dimmed slightly, but didn't shatter instantly like the ring.

"Adam! I..." William shouted at Adam. There was nothing he could do to help.

"Get out of here now," Adam said coldly. He covered the area with water vapor before spraying the area with an intense fire -- clouds formed rapidly, and lightning could be seen flashing in the clouds.

William's body shook involuntarily, realising that Adam was going to use some kind of large-scale magic. He hurriedly flew into the distance, ignoring the skeletons slashing at him.

Adam shot out an electricity rune towards the clouds, imbuing a large amount of magic into it. Electricity flickered in the clouds, and countless bone soldiers shattered under the electricity.

Adam shattered an ether crystal in his hand, quickly ascending into the clouds.

There was a chill in the air, and countless skeleton soldiers rose up into the air to try and kill Adam.

William continued to run, only looking back when he was out of range of the clouds.

"My god."

In William's perspective, Adam glowed with a bright yellow light, as if he was the incarnation of the god of thunder and lightning himself. His face was blurred by the constant flickering of electricity, surrounded by electrical currents that slithered around him. Adam descended into the clouds, and in the next second, lightning struck down onto the ground repeatedly and violently, blinding William's eyes.

About a minute later, William's ears rang and his head hurt intensely. Using his psychic powers, he attached it to his eyes so he could see. There were no more skeleton soldiers to be seen and the terrifying thunderclouds also disappeared. All that remained was a pale Adam, suspended high in the air gasping for air.

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