Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 14: Human History

Chapter 14: Human History

Johnny was sitting on a sofa in front of his dad. They were currently inside a plane. He was mindblown after seeing the way they fly this plane. First of all, this plane was inside a spatial ring which is a high-level spatial ring that can hold ten times the normal weight that the user can bear. But even with this, the weight of this plane was still a hundred times the weight that these people can bear.

So how did they do it? Johnny asked the same question and the answer was simple they use antigravity techniques the same as Johnny's sword but at least ten times more advance. Then they use 3D Virtual Space Creator but this space was ten times bigger and more realistic than a normal 3D Virtual Space Creator could make. They use the road inside the 3D Virtual Space to gain enough speed to fly.

After that, they opened a big hole in 3D Virtual Space and use this space to fly through the real world. When they successfully reached out, Virtual Space disappeared. This was a really shocking scene for Johnny. This caused Johnny to ask several questions to his dad.

His dad answered him saying this 3D Virtual Space was created by humans of the Human Federation though it is more common that's only for low level. High-level 3D Virtual Space is much more advance and expensive.

His dad also explained about Human Federation. This was the organization established by humans living all over the universe, for the betterment of Humanity. Because in this universe, ten thousand races are living and fighting for the sake of Supreme authority but unfortunately none of these races could reach the top on their own.

This caused them to join hands and settle down. Some races coexist with others; the human race was initially low-level races, even now. But due to the huge population, many sacrificed themselves for the sake of humanity. Normally, Magicians and Martial Way are common in many races, and some races such as Elves were genuine magicians.

There were also some races such as Dragon and Phoenixes which were excellent in both Magic and Martial Way. Demon and Devil races which were initially low-level races like humans used the blood of different races to increase their talent and strength.

This is also caused the demon and devil race to bloodbath but their Will to grow stronger remained the same. Their tendency to give birth is extremely high, nearly the same as a human which leads to their survival.

Their body grew stronger as their talent which made them reach the top in a martial way. Some devils or demons also slaughter races such as elves which help them to gain talent Magically too.

Humans didn't choose such a cruel way to gain strength but they relied on hard work for money. Yes, money or simply currency helps them to buy and conduct different experiments on different genes of ten thousand races. This led to a discovery to increase the talent and potential of the human race in both Magic and Martial Way.

Not to mention, each time people from one solar system break the wall of Time and Space formation, they can get heritages. From where does this heritage appear? No one knows. Not even the head of the Human Federation or head of any other races.

But one thing in common, each time people break Time and Space Formation, everyone from that solar system gets heritage only difference is, level of heritage. But only the first generation when the Time and Space Formation is broken will get such heritages.

After this event, future generations either preserve and use the same heritage or look for a better or higher level heritage of the same type. This caused different races to explore and expand their grasp on different planets, solar systems, or even galaxies.

The dominance of races over races and conquering other planets also started at the same time which was millions of years ago. This also caused the ranking of races. Some races like dragons or angels ranked top while races like normal humans, Deer race, ranked at the bottom.

There were many races such as elephants, tigers, Wolf, Fox, Cats, Dogs, and even pigs (Orcs). But ranking changes many times and now a human is no longer at the bottom. Not at the top ten but at least in the top hundred which caused dissatisfaction to many races causing wars.

Fortunately, at this moment, the human race had already developed to the point of having many powerhouses from the human race such as Magic Emperor. The inheritance that Johnny got was the inheritance of the same person. Fortunately, there were still many powerhouses like Magic Emperor in the Human race which lead to less probability of war.

Humans relied on Genes to get talent. Of course, heritage was also a part of it but Gene helped them the most. Genes of ten thousand races and each race have creatures with different talents and potential. This led to the development of millions of different types of genres as even among the elephants there were many types such as two-tailed elephants, double trunk elephants, flaming-thunder elephants, etc.

As a famous powerhouse, the Magic emperor also used the power of genes. Normally, genes are different in five types. Of course, this is the most basic type which includes: Strength type, Agility type, Intelligence type, Spirit type, and Constitution type.

Strength type means physical strength, muscles, and bone power. Agility type means running speed, reaction speed, and reflexes. Intelligence means memory, logic, reasoning which helps magicians mostly. Spirit type means willpower and spirit power, this type is rare and least used genes type. Constitution type is a heavily favored type since it increases body constitution. Increase constitution means increase talent on different expects though other types also increase talent but only in one expect.

The only difference is when increasing talent for one aspect has a high chance while increasing talent in all aspects has a low chance. Otherwise, there would be no need for other types of genes. The path they choose is related to the gene they take.

As a powerhouse of the human race, the Magic Emperor himself choose two strength type genes named as Flaming-thunder elephant gene and Four hand earth-shaking Ape, two agility type genes named as Red Ass Water-Monkey and a Unicorn, and one spirit type gene named as Nine headed Nightmare Hydra.

All of these genes are rare especially Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra. His dad also asked which gene to use though he hasn't thought about it yet.

A normal person can only take up to three types of genes in his life. Taking genes means taking others' bodies and spirits which made humans difficult to adapt. And it takes twenty years just to adapt a complete single gene. This is because gene contains the spirit and they can only be adapted slowly. And adapting twenty percent of genes will also get you an innate ability.

This ability is completely linked with the creature from which the gene is extracted. For example, one of the common strength type genes named as Raging Bull gene can grant first ability named Raging Bull Crushing Mountain. There is also a martial art of the same name but the attack of innate ability is generally greater than martial art power.

There is another way to decrease the time for adapting genes i.e. by taking Genetic Fluid. This fluid helps the gene to merge with the body faster. One bottle of genetic fluid can decrease time by one percent. If twenty years is a hundred percent then a year is five percent which means a person needs to take one hundred bottles of genetic.

There is a restriction on taking genetic fluid i.e. one bottle can only be consumed once a week meaning a person need to wait until another week to consume another bottle which itself take a person a long time to completely adapt to gene though this long time (2 years and one month) is nothing compared to twenty years.

But there is another problem in taking the genetic fluid which is its cost. Genetic fluids are also divided into low, middle, high, and top. Just a single low level of genetic fluid cost one billion dollars. One can imagine how rich you need to be to take even a low-level genetic fluid per week.

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