Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 70: Maids Guild Part Two

Chapter 70: Maids Guild Part Two

"That is good news. Sam, what do you think?" I looked to my side and asked. 

"What? Oh Yes, that will work." Sam answered, he seemed startled that I suddenly brought him into the conversation. 

"Then that will work out well then. I will let you and Sam figure out what percent of his payments per request will go to paying off his sister's contracts. But I do wish to know what the final price will be." I had to make sure they were not going to overcharge him in the end. Sam was still young and I did not know if they would take advantage of this.

"Of course, as for the percent taken out, it is usually a flare rate of one percent. You can have more taken out if you would like. We do have a very close relationship with the Adventurers Guild after all. As for the final price, since he is family, it will be 1 gold per girl, normally it is three gold per girl. This is because of how young they are. Between clothes, room and board, and other necessities, including training, this price is pretty fair. We do not dock their pay. So we only charge this based on the years in service. And these two are rather young. We do not mistreat those in the guild. They will learn many things from music and art to many other things as well. As a maid they will need to be ready for any situation." Sue explained.

"That seems fair enough. Sam, set your percent taken out to half your pay. This will ensure you make enough money." I suggested. A normal single person can survive off of one silver a year. For Sam who does not need much in the line of equipment since he is a mage means he can save much more money. This was my reasoning behind me saying this.

"I will go with whatever Rei says." Sam readily agreed. It seemed he trusted me in this aspect at least.

"Good, let me get the paperwork settled then." Sue paused as she got up and said:: "Oh, it seems Fate is here." Sue's lips curled up into a smile as she saw a little girl trotting over with another nanny following close behind her. 

"Fate no running!" The nanny yelled exasperated. 

"Nanny, I can't help it if I know big sister is here!" Corn, now known as Fate, did not stop her little feet at all until she saw me. I watched as the little girl became teary eyed causing me to smile. The strong little girl who had helped me keep all the other kids strong was now tearing up just by seeing me again. 

"Fate, sorry, I had meant to visit you soo.. Ugh! Wow, you have gotten heavy!" Fate ran right over to me and tackled me wrapping her arms around my waist as I stood up. I had almost fallen over! She was no longer the malnourished child who did not have a spec of meat on her, she was now nice and plump and looked very healthy. 

"Big Sister you finally came! I waited so long!" Fate rubbed her face back and forth on my stomach. 

I could only smile warmly and pat the child's back. "Fate I will be signing the papers today to have you come be my personal maid once your training is over. I also plan to pay for your contract at the same time as well. What do you think?"

"Really? Big Sister will take me in!?" Fate's eyes went wide with excitement and the smile on her face couldn't be hidden.

"Yep! You will be staying with me and in the future, we will find you a handsome fiance who will love and dote on you until you get sick of him and kick him out on the street." I said jokingly.

This got Fate giggling as she bashfully said: "Big Sister, I am too young for boys." 

As I talked with Fate, ten minutes passed and Sue came back with the paperwork. Seeing Fate clinging to my side smiling away, she smiled and nodded in approval. "Fate here is loved by all the nannies. She is a bright girl with a cheery attitude. Not to mention she keeps going on about her big sister and her heroics. Knowing that she will be under your care sets my heart at ease. When she hits ten years of age she will be able to work "

"That's fine, I will be at the academy at that time anyway. I am allowed to have two maids and an attendant. So my second maid slot will be left for Fate." I said as I took the paperwork from Sue. I passed Sam his portion and then read my own. I then looked at Sue and asked: "Can I also pay for Fate's contract at the same time?" 

"Yes, just sign the forms there and then pay the fees. It will be four gold in total. This includes the contract fee for Fate. I had figured you would want to go this route." Sue replied.

Smiling, I nodded my head and signed the papers. Sam also signed his papers. The only fees that needed to be paid at this time were my own since I was not only going to hire Fate as my maid but also free her from her contract when she comes of age. There was no telling what the future held. So in order for the girls to have a better life and be able to be safe during this time this was their best option. 


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