Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 352 Control... Brother-in-law...

Chapter 352 Control... Brother-in-law...

*Slurp... Slurp...*

Tears streamed down Li Jia's cheeks, mingling with the revulsion that filled her every fiber. She despised herself for being forced into this degrading act, her soul shattering with each passing moment.

Mrs. Li whispered prayers in her heart, desperately hoping for a miracle to free them from this nightmare.

As the minutes stretched on, the dehumanizing act continued unabated.

Zhang Wei stood amidst the chaos he had wrought, his expression one of cold detachment. For him, this had been an opportunity to unleash his power without restraint, a rare chance to act without the usual boundaries that governed his world.

Li Jie and Mrs. Li were reduced to broken figures on the floor, their bodies bruised and battered, their eyes vacant and devoid of any light.

Duan Yu, cowering in a corner, was the next focus of Zhang Wei's icy gaze. The fear in Duan Yu's eyes was growing as Zhang Wei approached him. With a swift, merciless motion, Zhang Wei ended his life, extinguishing the last flicker of arrogance in the once proud man.

Turning back to Mrs. Li and Li Jie, Zhang Wei decided it was time to conclude this grim chapter. With a few calculated movements, he finished what he had started, leaving the mother and daughter in a state beyond recovery.

After ensuring that there was no life left in the three bodies, Zhang Wei set about erasing any evidence of the night's events. He used his powers to incinerate the bodies, the flames consuming all traces of his victims.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he summoned ice to cover the entire scene. Once melted, the water would wash away any remaining signs of the carnage.

As he stepped out of the house, the scene behind him was one of eerie silence and emptiness. It was as if the Li family and Duan Yu had simply vanished into thin air, leaving behind no clue as to their fate.

In Zhang Wei's eyes, their disappearance was inconsequential. They were not significant enough to warrant any further consideration.

He walked away from the house, his mind already moving on to other matters, leaving behind the mystery of their sudden disappearance to be pondered by others.


[Wow, host! You are great] the system, can't help but praise, it got a better show than it initially anticipated.

Zhang Wei, feeling a mix of amusement and irony at the system's reaction, couldn't suppress a small, self-satisfied smile.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by the realization that Lisa and the others had returned.

Knowing that discretion was now key, he decided to wait for the cover of night before seeking out another encounter with his sister-in-law, Xiong Rui, for a more private and 'heart-to-heart' conversation.

Meanwhile, inside the Xiong household, Xiong Rui was fighting with her own thoughts. The day's events had left her with a heavy heart and a mind full of thoughts that needed to be expressed. She knew it was time to come clean about everything.

With a deep breath to steady her nerves, she ascended the stairs to her sister's room. Her hands fidgeted nervously as she reached for the door handle, her heart pounding in her chest. Gently, she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Xiong Mei, sitting on the bed, looked up in surprise as her sister entered.

"Sister... there's something I need to tell you," Xiong Rui began, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes were downcast, unable to meet her sister's gaze.

Xiong Mei's expression shifted from surprise to concern. "What is it, Rui? You look troubled," she responded, her tone soft but filled with worry.

Xiong Rui struggled to find the right words, the gravity of her confession weighing heavily on her. "It's Brother-in-law...he..." she began hesitantly, her voice faltering. Taking a moment to steady herself, she finally let out the plea, "Please control him..."

Xiong Mei's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Control him? For what, Rui?" she asked, her mind racing to understand what her sister was implying.

Internally, Xiong Mei couldn't help but find it apprehensive.

The very thought of trying to 'control' Zhang Wei seemed almost laughable, if not outright dangerous, wouldn't he just break her ass?

Xiong Rui, sensing her sister's confusion, pressed on, her voice tinged with desperation. "He... he doesn't respect me. Today, he went too far." Her eyes were brimming with unshed tears, a clear sign of the last edge she was holding on to.

Xiong Mei's concern deepened.

The seriousness in her sister's voice was unmistakable, and it began to dawn on her that there was something more troubling at play. "Rui, tell me everything. What exactly happened?" she urged, her tone now laced with a growing sense of unease.

Xiong Rui hesitated, the memories of her encounters with Zhang Wei flooding back. The fear, the confusion, the unexpected intimacy – it all poured out in a halting, yet earnest confession. She recounted each interaction, each moment that had left her feeling crying and confused.

As Xiong Mei listened to her sister's account, a mixture of emotions churned within her.

Irritation, disbelief, and a protective instinct for her younger sister all battled inside her.

'Zhang Wei... Zhang Wei... Couldn't you have been gentler with her?' she pondered, surprised and troubled by the intensity of his actions. Yet, outwardly, she knew she had to present a strong front to comfort her sister.

"Rui, I... I had no idea," Xiong Mei repeated, her voice a blend of softness and resolve. She put on a fa?ade of anger, a necessary display to assure her sister of her support. "Let your brother-in-law come, I'll discuss it with him."

Xiong Rui looked at her sister, with relief filled within her eyes. "Thank you, Mei," she murmured, the burden of her confession slightly lifted by her sister's assurance.

Xiong Mei reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Rui's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. No one should make you feel uncomfortable like that, not even Zhang Wei."

"Are you talking about me?..."

Zhang Wei's unexpected entrance and casual demeanor caught both sisters off guard.

Xiong Rui, startled, quickly wiped her eyes, erasing any evidence of her tears.

Xiong Mei, taken aback, stammered out a response. "No... We were just... having some sisterly talk."

"??" Xiong Rui, observing the dynamic between her sister and Zhang Wei, couldn't help but feel a sense of disillusionment.

It seemed that Xiong Mei didn't wield as much influence over Zhang Wei as she had hoped.

Before Xiong Rui could excuse herself, Zhang Wei nonchalantly made himself comfortable on the bed, casually draping his arms around both their waists.


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