Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 354 Xiong Rui’s despair, sister and mother abondens, the big brother embraces! (2)

Chapter 354 Xiong Rui's despair, sister and mother abondens, the big brother embraces! (2)

Xiong Rui stepped back, her mind chaotic.

This was not the response she had expected or hoped for.

The idea that such behavior could be brushed off as 'normal' or 'playful' was unthinkable to her. "But, Mom, it didn't feel right. It felt... wrong," she stammered, her voice trembling.

Qiu Xingyu sighed, a hint of impatience creeping into her tone. "Rui, you're overthinking this. Zhang Wei is part of the family now. It's important to maintain harmony in the household. Sometimes, we have to overlook small matters for the greater good."

The words felt like a cold dismissal to Xiong Rui. Her search for support and understanding had led her to a dead end, leaving her feeling more isolated and confused than before.

The realization that her mother viewed the situation so differently – and was willing to justify it – was a painful blow.

"Mom, I... I just wanted you to understand," Xiong Rui said, her voice barely audible, her eyes welling up with tears.

Qiu Xingyu, mistaking her daughter's silence for acquiescence, patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, dear. Now, why don't you help me finish up dinner? Let's put this behind us."

As Xiong Rui mechanically nodded, however her compliance was short-lived.

A surge of emotions overwhelmed her, and she suddenly threw her hands up, slapping Qiu Xingyu's away. "No, Mom! I'm sure I'm not overreacting, it's you! And sister! Both of you don't understand anything! Brother—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Qiu Xingyu's hand struck her face with a sharp *slap!*.

The sound resonated in the kitchen, leaving a stinging echo in Xiong Rui's ears.

She turned to her mother, her face etched with shock and disbelief. "Mom!?"

Qiu Xingyu stood trembling, her voice strained as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Have some respect for your sister, Rui! She's the one paying for your studies! And the brother-in-law you're cursing, if not for him, we would be out on the streets."

"What!?" Xiong Rui's frown deepened in confusion. "How is that possible!?"

With a heavy sigh, Qiu Xingyu's expression softened as she began to reveal the harsh truths that had been hidden from Xiong Rui. She spoke of financial struggles, sacrifices, and difficult choices that had been made to ensure the family's survival.

As the reality of her sister's sacrifices unfolded, Xiong Rui's expression turned blank, her mind reeling. "You mean... Sister sold herself...?" The words tumbled out, laced with disbelief and a dawning sense of despair.

Qiu Xingyu nodded, a reluctant admission. "Yes, and that is the reality. Your brother-in-law has been decent to her, providing for her and even paying for your future college funds. You need to stop complaining. He's done more for us than you realize."

"Mm..." Xiong Rui's nod was half-hearted. She wanted to protest, to say she didn't want anyone else paying for her life, but the words remained unspoken.

With a downcast gaze, she turned and left the kitchen.

Qiu Xingyu watched her daughter's retreating figure, her heart heavy with emotion. 'If only my Mingde had been more competent... We wouldn't be in this situation,' she mused, her eyes misting over with unshed tears.

She remembered their earlier life in the city, filled with promise and potential, before her husband's insistence on returning to the village led them down a different path.

Now, seeing the sacrifices Xiong Mei had made, Qiu Xingyu was determined not to let her daughter's efforts be in vain. 'Xiong Rui is still young. She'll understand one day and forgive me for being harsh,' she consoled herself, clinging to the hope that time would bring understanding.

In the quiet of the kitchen, after Xiong Rui's departure, Qiu Xingyu stood alone, lost in her thoughts. The silence around her was a stark contrast to the turmoil churning inside.

Her gaze fell upon the half-prepared dinner, a reminder of the normalcy she longed for in their lives.

She resumed cooking, each movement mechanical, as her mind replayed the conversation. 'Did I do the right thing?' she questioned herself.

The conflict between protecting her family's future and nurturing her daughter's well-being weighed heavily on her heart.

Qiu Xingyu understood the sacrifices Xiong Mei had made, the hard choices she faced for the sake of the family.

But the realization that those sacrifices had gone unnoticed by Xiong Rui, and perhaps were even causing her pain, filled Qiu Xingyu with a sense of guilt and helplessness.


At 9:00 pm, the night had fully settled over the village. The Xiong household, still shrouded in an unspoken heaviness from the day's, was quiet.

On the terrace, Xiong Rui sat alone, hugging her thighs close to her chest, her silhouette outlined by the dim light of the moon.

She gazed up at the star-studded sky, lost in thought, the cool night breeze gently playing with her hair.

The events of the day, the truths she had learned about her family, and her own tangled feelings about Zhang Wei swirled in her mind.

She felt a deep sense of conflict, caught between her own sense of morality and the harsh realities of their family situation.

As she sat there, immersed in her thoughts, she didn't hear Zhang Wei approaching from behind.

It wasn't until she felt his presence close behind her, his breath on her neck, that she snapped back to reality.

Startled, she turned her head slightly, just as Zhang Wei leaned in, attempting to plant a kiss on her neck.

Xiong Rui, still processing her emotions from earlier, didn't resist as much as she might have before.

Yet, she felt a surge of discomfort at the intimacy of his gesture.

"Borther-in-law..." she started, her voice a mixture of weariness and a faint plea, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Wei paused, sensing the change in her demeanor. "You didn't came for the dinner, your sister was worried for you, and I thought you might need someone to talk to," he said, his voice softer than usual.

Xiong Rui let out a small, humorless chuckle. "Talk? Is that really why you're here?" Despite her words, there was a hint of anxiousness in her voice, a subtle indication that she might indeed need someone to listen.

Zhang Wei, picking up on her tone, decided to change his approach. He moved to sit beside her, giving her space yet offering his presence. "Maybe I'm not the best person for this, but I am here if you want to talk," he offered, his gaze fixed on the night sky, mirroring her own.

Xiong Rui pulled away slightly, "I don't need that kind of company," she responded sharply.

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