Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 359 Lisa thrown outside? Take Revenge from Xu Qing! (1)

Chapter 359 Lisa thrown outside? Take Revenge from Xu Qing! (1)

"Hmm... Lisa?" Zhang Wei's voice echoed softly in the narrow corridor as he spotted Lisa pacing with her tablet in hand. His brow arched in mild surprise.

"Zhang Wei?" Lisa pivoted, her eyes blinking rapidly in a flutter of recognition, nodding slightly.

"Why are you out here?" Zhang Wei's voice carried a mix of curiosity and concern as his gaze darted toward Xiong Rui's door.

Shifting uncomfortably under his intense stare, Lisa replied, her voice tinged with hesitation, "Rui came back disheveled and agitated... I thought it best to give her some space."

Zhang Wei's suspicion crept into his furrowed brow. "Is anyone else with her?" he probed, eyes narrowing.

Lisa shook her head, her voice a soft murmur, "No one."

Internally, Zhang Wei wrestled with a torrent of questions, 'No one? Then where did Qiu Xingyu vanish to? Wasn't Rui supposed to meet her?' Despite his swirling thoughts, he kept a calm exterior, not willing to unveil his intentions to Lisa, who he suspected had some inkling of his recent deeds.

"Let's go outside for a walk. Leave your tablet in Meimei's room and rest there tonight," he suggested, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Um..." Lisa's face flushed a deep shade of crimson, her ears burning as she fell silent, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and unspoken thoughts.

Zhang Wei caught her flustered expression and felt an urge to tease her, 'Is she imagining sharing a bed with Meimei and me?' He chuckled inwardly.

This woman's imagination was running wild, and perhaps a walk would clear her head of such fanciful ideas.

Of course, he wasn't entirely opposed to her musings, but Zhang Wei felt his brazenness nearing its limit.

He had just navigated the stormy waters with Xiong Rui; he couldn't dive into another debacle with Lisa and Xiong Mei, especially given the paper-thin walls. And if Xiong Rui or her mother heard the noises, his nonexistent reputation would be in tatters.


As Lisa emerged in her gray winter jacket, a cocoon of comfort against the lingering chill of the building, Zhang Wei couldn't help but observe how it seemed to wrap her in a layer of much-needed security. The soft fabric subtly outlined her slender frame, making her seem even more delicate against the stark hallway.

"Ready?" Zhang Wei asked, with a warm smile.

"Mhm," Lisa responded, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes, a dense sea of emotions, met his for a fleeting moment before shyly averting.

Together, they descended the stairs, their synchronized steps echoing through the silent building, creating a rhythm that seemed to fill the void of conversation.

Passing through the dimly lit living area, they came upon Qiu Xingyu. She leaned against the kitchen counter, aggressively gulping water.

Her face was damp, betraying a recent attempt to cool her flushed cheeks.


Their eyes locked briefly, and Qiu Xingyu froze, caught off guard. Zhang Wei, however, merely tightened his grip on Lisa's hand and continued towards the door, leaving the house without a word.

Alone, Qiu Xingyu released a heavy sigh, her hand instinctively rising to her forehead.

A storm of frustration and confusion raged within her. She had thought Zhang Wei would only play around a bit, not pushing boundaries beyond what she deemed acceptable.

But the events of the day had shattered her expectations, crossing lines she hadn't even considered.

"I... need to apologize to Rui..." she muttered to herself, her expression darkening. The realization hit her hard; perhaps one reason Xiong Rui remained silent was influenced by her own words earlier that day.

The weight of guilt settled heavily on Qiu Xingyu's shoulders. Determined that this was the right moment, she resolved to go upstairs and have a heart-to-heart with her daughter, to mend the rifts that her actions may have caused.


Outside, the crisp night air greeted them as they stepped outside, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere they had left behind.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the deserted street, adding a surreal quality to their late-night stroll.

Zhang Wei, sensing Lisa's ongoing discomfort, decided to break the ice. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" he remarked, gazing up at the starlit sky.

Lisa glanced upwards, her expression softening. "It is," she agreed, a small smile playing on her lips. "I don't usually take walks this late, but it's... refreshing."

Zhang Wei's voice carried a playful, almost teasing tone as they strolled under the moonlit sky. "It sure is refreshing. So, what had you so engrossed in your tablet all day?" he asked, his words laced with mock curiosity.

Lisa, now seemingly at ease with Zhang Wei holding her hand, allowed a small smile to grace her lips. "I was in touch with Huang Ren. I managed to get information about Xu Qing from him," she shared, a hint of pride in her voice.

"Hm?" Zhang Wei's eyebrows lifted in genuine surprise.

With a bittersweet smile, Lisa continued, "You know, you won't always have to guide me. You're my employer, not the other way around. I realized it would be more strategic to approach Huang Ren, who has closer ties with Xu Qing. It's better for understanding how to sway her to our side, rather than confronting her directly."

A smile crept onto Zhang Wei's face, a mix of admiration and amusement, as he playfully flicked her forehead.

"Ah!" Lisa yelped, her hand instinctively going to her forehead, her cheeks tinted pink from the cold night air.

Zhang Wei chuckled, his eyes sparkling with a mix of delight,"And here I thought you were dumb," he remarked, continuing, "When you know someone's weakness, leverage becomes a straightforward game. If she has no apparent vulnerabilities, look to her family, her friends. There's always a chink in the armor."

Lisa nodded, her demeanor serious yet confident. "I've discovered her father has a weakness for gambling," she revealed, a trace of hesitancy in her voice betraying the gravity of what they were contemplating.

"Oh?" Zhang Wei's interest was piqued, his tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Gathering her resolve, Lisa continued, "We could make a scenario where he's drawn into losing at gambling, accumulating a substantial debt. Inevitably, he'll turn to his daughter for financial rescue."

Zhang Wei considered the implications, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Clever indeed. It's a manipulative strategy, but effective. It leverages human desperation and familial bonds," Zhang Wei hadn't anticipated Lisa to divulge into the gray areas by herself, but he definitely was anything but disappointed with her development.

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