Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 373 Zhang Wei busted! Live audition for playing distressed concubine? (1)

Chapter 373 Zhang Wei busted! Live audition for playing distressed concubine? (1)

?Yet, there was one question that lingered in Lin Ruoxi's mind, one that perhaps held more significance than all the rest. "Master, are you and Yulan, really cousins?"

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, his confusion evident. "Yes... what's wrong?"

Fearful of another beating, Lin Ruoxi raised her hands in front of her, shaking her head awkwardly. "I-It's just that the mentality of you two is completely different..."

A mischievous smile curled on Zhang Wei's lips. "Oh, so you've changed allegiance in just a few days?"

Lin Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat in shock.

Before she could utter a single word, Zhang Wei swooped her up in his arms and leaped off the bridge.


Lin Ruoxi's body tensed with terror as a chilling sensation raced down her spine. Standing below the bridge, her back was pressed against the icy concrete structure.

Zhang Wei's smile grew wicked as he peered at her. "Pretend I'm forcing you."

Lin Ruoxi's voice caught in her throat, her eyes wide with disbelief at his ridiculous request.

Zhang Wei prodded impatiently, "Don't be boring. Scream for help already."

Trembling, Lin Ruoxi hesitated, her mind racing.

She glanced at him, unable to find words to express her shock.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei's hand connected with her cheek in a sharp slap.


The impact reverberated through Lin Ruoxi's mind as his other hand slid dangerously between her trembling thighs.

A deep blush suffused her face, a vivid crimson betraying her emotions. Instinctively, she let out a feigned scream, her voice a mix of shock and disbelief. "Ugh! Get away from me!" she exclaimed, recoiling.

"Someone, help!" she cried out, her plea echoing in the tense air.

Zhang Wei, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, teased her, his voice laced with humor. "Haha, aren't you a bit too convincing? Have you always fantasized about such scenarios?" he asked, his words mocking as he gently nibbled on her shoulder.

"Ah, No, I do—!" she began to protest, her words trailing off abruptly.

But her sentence remained unfinished, her voice lost in the sudden rush of emotions. Her pupils dilated in a mix of surprise and unspoken feelings as he audaciously pressed his lips to hers.

Lin Ruoxi, once a symbol of unassailable power, now felt her heart pounding fiercely in her chest.

Amidst the whirlwind of sensations, a singular thought surfaced in her mind, 'Master's hair has become even more beautiful...' She observed, her gaze softly caressing the silky strands.


Outside the opulent gates of the Mayor's mansion, two police vehicles with their lights flashing stood vigil, the air still crackling with the remnants of a chaotic fight. The night was inky, pierced only by the red and blue lights reflecting off the mansion's grand facade.

Chen Yulan emerged from the mansion, her smile strained as if holding back a storm of emotions. Beside her walked another man, slightly taller, his gray suit a sharp contrast to her softer appearance. His face was a mask of sternness, unreadable and cold.

Parked in a line of privilege, a Land Rover and a Bentley sat side by side. Around the Bentley, Feng Xinyue, Yu Lei, and Xie Meirong stood in a tight circle, their faces etched with unreadable expressions. Guo Xiaomei sat in the driver's seat, her hands gripping the wheel with a deep look.

"Hm? Sister-in-law! You are also here...?" Chen Dong's voice cut through the tension, his stern expression momentarily softening as Chen Yulan gave a polite nod and a weak smile in their direction.

Yu Lei nodded with perfect acting, her expression grave, "We heard the news of the attack and came instantly. Zhang Wei was here too, but he just... vanished." Her voice trailed off, tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Vanished?" Chen Dong's brows furrowed deeply, the word hanging in the air like a bad omen. "Should I send people to look for him?"

Yu Lei opened her mouth to respond, but Xie Meirong, with an air of assertiveness, quickly took the lead. "No need, you guys go back home. We'll follow shortly. Hubby will join us with Lin Ruoxi in a few minutes," she suggested, reassuring.

Chen Dong hesitated for a brief second, his face a canvas of conflicting emotions. Nonetheless, he nodded in agreement.

Chen Yulan and he boarded the Land Rover, with him taking the driver's seat and Chen Yulan settling gracefully into the co-pilot seat.

As they ignited the engine, Guo Xiaomei simultaneously started their car, all ready to head back to the Chen family residence.


Inside the Land Rover

"Yulan, do you know more about that girl, Xie Meirong?" Chen Dong's voice broke the silence, his hands tapping a nervous rhythm on the steering wheel.

Chen Yulan, comfortably seated on the plush leather seat, allowed a faint smile to touch her lips. She spoke without turning her head, her gaze fixed on the night outside, her hands resting one atop the other on her lap. "What about her, brother?" Her tone was calm, almost serene, in stark contrast to the tension in Chen Dong's voice.

Chen Dong's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why did she refer to Zhang Wei as her 'Hubby'? I thought you said that was Sister Lei's..." His voice trailed off, laden with unspoken implications and queries.

Chen Yulan, "..."

Her expression held a flicker of conflict, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts she couldn't quite piece together.

From the time Yu Lei and the others had come to live with her, Xie Meirong had never referred to anyone as 'hubby.'

This sudden revelation had thrown a wrench into what she thought she knew.

"Yulan? What are you hiding?" Chen Dong's voice sharpened, cutting through her reverie.

Chen Yulan let out a soft sigh, her voice a blend of resignation and caution. "Brother, just focus on driving. Don't think about cousin's matter too much." Her words were gentle, an attempt to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters.

"Why shouldn't I think about it!? Has he become so untouchable now? That bastard, how dare he!" Chen Dong snapped, his voice tinged with anger as he pieced together his own conclusions about Zhang Wei's actions.

Finally, Chen Yulan turned to meet Chen Dong's gaze, her eyes holding a sternness that silenced him. "Don't speak nonsense about cousin, you don't know anything."

Chen Dong inhaled sharply, as if an invisible pressure had momentarily stolen his breath. He shook his head in frustration, "Defending him, huh? Let him come back tonight, and I'll teach that bastard a lesson!"

Chen Yulan's smile was wry, tinged with a hint of sadness and melancholy.

She wondered if, by the end of the night, it would be Chen Dong instead who would be learning a lesson.

As the Land Rover continued through the night, the lights blurred past, mirroring the complexity of the thoughts and emotions swirling inside the vehicle.

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