Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 376 Big Sister escorted back! Borther’s dominance continues — Can’t Compare!

Chapter 376 Big Sister escorted back! Borther's dominance continues — Can't Compare!



Hours later, the quiet night was pierced by the screech of tires as a car pulled up in front of Wu Xue's parents' house.

It was an ungodly hour, 12 am, yet the urgency of the situation knew no bounds.

The car door swung open, and Wu Xue stepped out, her expression a blend of relief and lingering disappointment. Xiao Shen, the man who had betrayed Sun Qing and now found himself in a similar position of coercion, approached her hesitantly.

"Sister, please, let me take a picture and send it to big brother. It's for our families," Xiao Shen pleaded, his voice laden with desperation.

The others in the car, all sharing a similar fate, looked at Wu Xue with eyes filled with silent pleas. Wu Xue, caught in a situation far beyond her control, gave a weak nod.

She understood the stakes; it was not just about her anymore.

Their collective fates were intertwined in her decision, somehow that was weirdly satisfying to her.

The camera flashed, capturing her in front of her parents' house, in safe condition.

The sound of the camera shutter echoed in the still night, marking the completion of Xiao Shen's coerced task. With a heavy sigh of relief, he quickly sent the photo to the anonymous number behind their threats.

"Sister, please stay more in the house. I hope we never meet again under any circumstances," Xiao Shen said, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and urgency. He swiftly maneuvered the car away, leaving Wu Xue standing alone in the quiet street, enveloped in the cool night air.

As the car's taillights disappeared into the darkness, Wu Xue stood there, a sense of emptiness washing over her. 'That's it...' she muttered to herself, her voice a soft whisper carrying a blend of disappointment and disbelief. Was this the end of the ordeal? Was no one coming to her rescue?

The romantic notion of a hero rushing in to save the damsel in distress seemed absurdly out of place in the harsh reality of her situation. There was no hero, no dramatic rescue.

Just the cold, hard truth that she was rescued already!

A part of her yearned to call Zhang Wei, to vent her frustration and seek some form of reassurance. But a glance at the late hour made her reconsider. With a heavy heart and a sigh, she turned back towards her parents' house, her steps slow and heavy.


8th April, 2023!

As dawn broke over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Zhang Wei sat in solitude on the terrace of the Chen residence.

The early morning hours offered him a rare moment of tranquility, the air fresh and untainted, ideal for his meditation and cultivation.

Around him, the world was still asleep, the quietness of the morning enveloping everything in a peaceful embrace.

Zhang Wei, immersed in his practice, was a picture of concentration and calm, his breathing steady and controlled.

Beside him, Feng Xinyue, who had sought his company, was now succumbing to the comfort of sleep.

Her presence was a silent evidence to the trust and bond they shared. "Mmmm...." As she dozed off, her hands weakly clutched at his clothes, finding solace and security in his proximity.

The scene on the terrace was a serene one, a stark contrast to the turmoil and tension that had unfolded the previous night, back in Qingyun city.

For Zhang Wei, these moments of peace were precious, a chance to center himself and gather strength for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The gentle rhythm of Feng Xinyue's breathing, the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle morning breeze, and the first light of dawn coming together created a moment of perfect harmony. In a world where there is constant rush, uncertainty lurked at every corner, such moments were fleeting and all the more cherished.

Zhang Wei's eyes opened, reflecting a newfound tranquility as he observed the dawning sky. Standing up, he gently lifted Feng Xinyue into his arms. She instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck, her trust in him evident even in her half-asleep state. Together, they moved towards the edge of the terrace.

Below, a lone figure caught Zhang Wei's attention. It was Chen Yulan, engaged in the simple yet serene task of watering the garden flowers. The early morning light cast a soft glow on her, enhancing the peaceful smile playing on her lips.

For a moment, Zhang Wei simply watched from above, his gaze following her every move. The quiet beauty of the scene struck a chord within him, prompting him to descend and join her.

Minutes later, he emerged from the main gate, his approach catching Chen Yulan's attention. She turned to him, her hands slightly reddened from handling the cold watering can early in the morning. "Cousin? What are you doing here so early...?" she asked, curiosity lacing her voice as Zhang Wei walked towards her.

Her eyes focused on him, and for a moment, she was taken aback by the change in his demeanor. If she previously thought him distinct, now he seemed almost ethereal, a transcendent being set apart from ordinary mortals. His new white hair added an otherworldly aura to his presence, making him appear as if he had stepped out of a myth.

Zhang Wei, feeling her gaze, offered a faint, mysterious smile. "I was just enjoying the early morning," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "It's peaceful here, a good place to think and reflect."

Chen Yulan nodded, her eyes still carrying a glimmer of surprise and curiosity, like a flicker of sunlight on a tranquil pond. "It is peaceful," she agreed, turning her gaze back to the delicate petals of her flowers, their vibrant colors contrasting with the somber memory of yesterday's attack. "But these moments of calm.... are like rare gemstones," she admitted, her voice tinged with a subtle sadness, as if the weight of yesterday memory lingered in the air like a heavy fog.

As they stood there, the early morning light enveloping them in a soft embrace, the garden around them seemed to come alive, responding to the hidden underlying tension of the moment.

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