Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 378 Heilong Village! (2)

Chapter 378 Heilong Village! (2)

?The Range Rover came to a gradual halt as the road tapered off, leaving only a rugged, narrow path leading upward through the mountainous terrain.

The end of the drivable road marked the beginning of a more primal journey, one that would have to be undertaken on foot.

Zhang Wei turned off the engine, the sudden silence accentuating the serene yet wild sounds of the surrounding nature.

The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant whisper of the wind through the trees filled the air, a natural symphony that was both calming and invigorating.

Chen Yulan unfastened her seatbelt, her eyes taking in the stony path ahead. It looked daunting, especially considering her footwear. Yet, the promise of what lay beyond stirred a sense of adventure within her.

Zhang Wei stepped out of the car first, then turned to assist Chen Yulan.

As she cautiously exited the vehicle, she felt the uneven ground beneath her feet, a stark contrast to the smooth, polished floors she was accustomed to.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Wei asked, extending his hand towards her. His expression was one of encouragement.

Chen Yulan took a deep breath, the fresh mountain air filling her lungs. She nodded, placing her hand in his. "Let's go," she said, a newfound determination in her voice.

Together, they began their ascent on the narrow, stony path.

As they climbed, the landscape around them transformed. The dense foliage of the lower mountain gave way to more sparse vegetation, offering glimpses of the valley below. The air grew cooler and fresher with elevation, a refreshing change from the city's congestion.

Chen Yulan found herself captivated by the raw beauty of the environment. It was a world away from her daily life, a place where time seemed to stand still, and the worries of the modern world faded into insignificance.

In that fleeting moment of exhilaration, as Chen Yulan's face lit up with the thrill of adventure, her footing betrayed her. The treacherous, uneven path, coupled with her ill-suited flip flops, caused her legs to slip suddenly.

A jolt of fear shot through her as she lost balance. Her eyes widened in alarm, a silent scream forming in her throat.

"Wei!" she exclaimed, her voice barely more than a whisper, choked with the sudden rush of fear.

Zhang Wei, who had been leading just a few steps ahead, reacted with swift precision.

In an instant, he spun around, his reflexes honed and ready.

His hand shot out, gripping Chen Yulan's arm firmly, steadying her before she could succumb to gravity's pull.

The suddenness of the moment left them both momentarily breathless. Zhang Wei's grip was strong and secure, his eyes locked onto hers with a mix of concern and alertness.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice steady yet tinged with worry. He gently pulled her back to solid ground, ensuring her safety before anything else.

Chen Yulan, still in the throes of the shock, nodded slowly, her heart pounding from the close call.

"Yes, I think so," she managed to reply, her voice quivering slightly. She took a moment to steady her breathing, her grip on Zhang Wei's arm not loosening just yet.

Zhang Wei maintained his gentle yet unwavering grip on Chen Yulan, ensuring she was completely steady before making his next move. "Let me carry you upwards, we can't afford any more accidents," he suggested, his concern evident in his voice. "The path can be treacherous here."


As he moved to lift her in a princess carry, Chen Yulan's eyes widened in surprise and mild protest.

She instinctively placed her hands on his arms. "No, don't..." she murmured softly.

"Hm? Why not?" Zhang Wei asked, a hint of playful teasing in his tone. He couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at her reaction, his expression light and teasing.

Chen Yulan's cheeks flushed with a subtle shade of red, a reaction that betrayed her words. Memories, long buried and seemingly forgotten, began to resurface in her mind, echoes of a past filled with a similar innocent playfulness.

Turning her face away, Chen Yulan struggled with her response, her voice barely above a whisper. "Wei, we are not kids anymore... It's not good if someone saw us like this..." Her protest was weak, her words not quite matching the lack of resistance in her body.

She remained in his arms, a portrait of submission, her words deceitful while her body spoke the undeniable truth.

Zhang Wei understood the unspoken language of her hesitation and the warmth in her cheeks. He respected her feelings, yet his concern for her safety remained paramount — atleast in his outward appearance.

His grin widened at her reaction, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He couldn't resist teasing her further, "Uh-huh, it's just a slight touch, I don't think anyone would mind, unlike you who decided to marry me whe—"

"Shh!...Don't speak!" Chen Yulan's reaction was immediate; her eyes shut in panic. In a swift move, her hands flew to his mouth, silencing him. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, wide with a mix of alarm and panic, her heart racing in the tense silence.

Zhang Wei's smile only grew wider at her reaction. He unclasped removed her fingers from his mouth, one by one, his eyes locked with hers, amusement sparkling in them at her panicked and flustered state. "Tsk, if you don't want me to speak about it again, you'd better keep your mouth shut as well," he chuckled, his voice teasing but gentle.

Without waiting for her response, Zhang Wei tightened his hold on her and proceeded to carry her up the path. His strength and steadiness were evident in each step he took, navigating the rocky terrain with ease.

Chen Yulan, held securely in his arms, felt her heart pounding against her chest – a rapid, rhythmic ba-dum ba-dum that seemed to echo the tumultuous emotions swirling within her.

Despite her attempt to maintain a composed exterior, her heart betrayed her, racing with a mix of excitement, nervousness, and a deep-seated affection.

Her eyes were irresistibly drawn to his face, studying his features, which seemed both familiar and newly intriguing in the soft light of the morning.

The gentle curve of his jaw, the ever-playful glint in his eyes, and the warmth of his smile all painted a picture of someone who was more than just a cousin or a protector.

As they ascended the path, the world around them faded into a blur. All that remained was the two of them, locked in a moment that transcended time – a moment of unspoken understanding, shared history, and a connection that ran deeper than words could express.

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