Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 380 Women and Cigarette: Both sucks the life out of you!

Chapter 380 Women and Cigarette: Both sucks the life out of you!

?In that moment of solitude, Zhang Wei's gaze was intermittently drawn to the faint shadow of Chen Yulan below. She was a diligent figure among the ruins and wildflowers, her focus unwavering as she collected the orchids.

The sight of her, so engrossed in her task, was a grounding presence, a reminder of the tangible and immediate amidst his existential contemplations.

The contrast between them was striking – Zhang Wei, lost in the vastness of existential thought, and Chen Yulan, fully immersed in the task at hand.

Yet, there was a harmony in this contrast, a balance between pondering life's great mysteries and engaging in the simple, direct actions of the present moment.

Leaning against the tree, Zhang Wei's moment of introspective quiet was suddenly interrupted by the system's unexpected and rather ill-timed suggestion. [Host, how about jumping from the edge and doing a backflip?] the system proposed, its digital voice intruding into his contemplative state.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but respond with a smirk, his eyes glancing at the branches above him. "How about I hang you up to the tree naked, and spank you until you beg?" he retorted playfully, a hint of amusement in his voice.

The system's response was both unexpected and bizarrely enthusiastic. [...that... Would be wonderful, host!]

Zhang Wei paused, a look of disbelief crossing his face. "..." He shook his head, the wry smile still playing on his lips. "Tsk, you're becoming more and more shameless recently," he commented, half-amused by the system's increasingly bold remarks.

The system continued unabashedly. [An untamed woman is like that, host. The only way to heal me is now you!]

Zhang Wei's amusement was evident as he replied, "How about giving me a discount in the system shop then?" He was always one to seek a practical advantage, even in the most bizarre of conversations.

The system's response was almost coy. [Let's keep personal and professional life separate, host *Shy emoji*]


Chen Yulan, having meticulously collected a bundle of the Eternal Ice Orchids, glanced up to see Zhang Wei leaning against the tree trunk, seemingly engaged in a one-sided conversation. A puzzled frown crossed her face as she wondered, "Is he talking to himself...?"

Despite her curiosity about Zhang Wei's peculiar behavior, she carefully cradled the orchids in her hands, mindful not to lose any of the delicate flowers. With a cautious yet graceful gait, she made her way towards him, her steps measured to avoid any missteps on the uneven ground.

As she approached, the sight of Zhang Wei in deep conversation with apparently no one was both intriguing and slightly amusing. The rare sight of him so engrossed in his own world added another layer to the complex individual she knew him to be.

"... Wei," Chen Yulan called out gently, not wanting to startle him. Her voice carried a blend of amusement and concern. "Who are you talking to?"

Zhang Wei, pulled from his private exchange with the system, turned towards her with a casual ease, masking any sign of the odd conversation he had just been having.

He glanced at the orchids in her hands, a look of appreciation flashing in his eyes.

"Just sorting out some thoughts," he replied smoothly, standing upright and moving away from the tree. "You've gathered quite a collection there... " he added, changing the subject silently.

Chen Yulan's expression shifted from amusement to mild concern as she noticed the cigarette between Zhang Wei's fingers. "You smoke...?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise. It was a new side of him she hadn't seen before, and it piqued her curiosity.

Zhang Wei, with a slight smile, half-jokingly offered the cigarette to her. "What...? Do you want to as well?" He moved his hand toward her lips, causing Chen Yulan to step back in a flustered manner.

He chuckled at her reaction, pulling back and taking another drag of the cigarette. Chen Yulan observed him, a mix of bewilderment and contemplation on her face.

"Why do all men start to smoke...?" she asked, her curiosity genuine. "Even brother started it, although he was always a bad person, but even you?"

Zhang Wei met her gaze silently for a moment, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Then, he gently pulled her closer, his free hand wrapping around her waist, guiding her back against his chest. He held her there, close yet respectful.

"I am better than some old monkey, don't compare," he said softly, his tone indicating a deeper meaning. His gaze then drifted back to the cigarette in his hand.

"As for this..." He brought the cigarette closer, the burning end dangerously near her face. Chen Yulan's heart raced with a mix of apprehension and awareness of their proximity.

"This is not just a cigarette, it's a coping mechanism people develop to deal with life's problems, just like drugs..." Zhang Wei's voice was low, his chin resting gently over her shoulder, sending a shiver down her spine. "It's no different than having women... Men seek women as a coping mechanism as well, most wanting company, becoming addicted, just like how this cigarette can kill you faster, so can women."

The atmosphere between Chen Yulan and Zhang Wei had shifted from a playful exchange to a charged and uncomfortable interaction.

Chen Yulan's attempt to free herself from his grasp, coupled with her uneasy premonition, highlighted her discomfort. "Smoking, cigarettes, debauchery... Is there anything left that you haven't done?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of disbelief and disapproval.

Zhang Wei's response was provocative and uncharacteristically forward. "I haven't tasted you yet..." he said, drawing in a deep breath. His words, meant to be teasing, crossed a boundary that Chen Yulan was not prepared for.

Shocked by his vulgar remark, Chen Yulan's eyes widened in disbelief. "You...?" Her attempt to confront him only resulted in Zhang Wei shifting his position to embrace her from the front. His closeness and suggestive words only heightened her discomfort.

As Zhang Wei leaned in, the distance between them closing rapidly, Chen Yulan's sense of panic escalated.

She instinctively reacted, pushing herself away from him just as his lips brushed against hers. "No!" she exclaimed, breaking free. In her haste, the cluster of orchids she had carefully gathered tumbled to the ground at Zhang Wei's feet.

Retreating a few steps back, her heart pounding loudly and her body trembling,

Chen Yulan found herself perilously close to the edge of the cliff. The fear and shock were evident in her posture and expression.

Her eyes darted around, seeking an escape route, her mind racing with thoughts. 'How did it come to this? We were just collecting flowers, and now... What's gotten into him?'

Zhang Wei, seemingly oblivious to her distress, clicked his tongue and advanced toward her. "C'mon, don't destroy my mood..." he said, taking a step forward.

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