Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 449 Begs for Help! Slaves the sleeping Beauty! Brother starts the Extortion Mission! (2)

Chapter 449 Begs for Help! Slaves the sleeping Beauty! Brother starts the Extortion Mission! (2)

Liu Dongzi's words painted a picture of despair and desperation that had plagued his family for years. "My granddaughter, Ling'er, suddenly fell ill five years ago, and mysteriously, her legs became paralyzed. We've sought the expertise of all four divine doctors from Xianghui, yet none could determine the root cause of her condition..."

Zhang Wei's interest piqued at the mention of an anomaly in the medical condition. "What about the call? You mentioned receiving a call about this?"

Liu Dongzi's expression darkened further, his worry lines deepening. "Yes, a few days ago, we were contacted by someone claiming to be from the ancient Gu family. They demanded our entire family fortune in exchange for Ling'er's life, threatening her death if we spoke to anyone or refused their demands. They insisted on absolute silence, or they would eliminate her."

"Extortion, then?" Zhang Wei couldn't hide his surprise.

Who would dare to execute such a bold scheme in broad daylight?

The daring act hinted at a deep and calculated malice.

It appeared someone had been planning this moment for five years, laying in wait to exploit the Liu family's desperation.

Liu Dongzi, perceiving the gears turning in Zhang Wei's mind, offered a bitter smile. "Doctor Zhang, our Liu family has always kept a low profile, never making enemies. I can't fathom why anyone would seek vengeance against us."

"Oh," Zhang Wei replied, a sudden smile breaking across his face. "Then what about the curse those women were whispering about, Patriarch?"

Liu Dongzi's demeanor changed instantly; he stiffened, his complexion draining of color. "T-That... It's not related to Ling'er," he stammered, his fists clenched tight as if trying to hold onto the last strands of hope.

"Oh, unless you explain the situation, I can't be certain whether I can cure your granddaughter or not." Zhang Wei's lips twisted into a cunning smile, sensing the deeper layers of the mystery.

Faced with Zhang Wei's implicit ultimatum, Liu Dongzi's expression darkened.

After a heavy silence, he resigned to reveal his family's deepest secret. "...Doctor Zhang, to be truthful, our bloodline has been cursed from its inception. Ling'er's great-grandfather once wronged a witch disguised as an elderly woman, who in turn cursed our entire lineage."

"...She proclaimed that henceforth, no one in our bloodline could have more than one child. Three generations have passed, and the curse persists. If Ling'er does not recover, it signifies the end of the Liu family..."

"Witchcraft? Do you really believe in such things, Patriarch? Aren't you a warrior yourself?" Zhang Wei couldn't help but express his intrigue, his voice laced with a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

Liu Dongzi looked taken aback, momentarily surprised that Zhang Wei could see through his exterior.

He then chuckled, a sound mixed with resignation and a touch of irony. "Perhaps I am being foolish. After all, someone of your abilities, capable of bringing the dead back to life, is far from ordinary."

"But Doctor Zhang, despite our consistent attempts, we've found no evidence of witches in the traditional sense. However, my recent research has led me to an ancient tribe known for practices eerily similar to witchcraft... They call it... Voodoo."

"Voodoo?" Zhang Wei's eyebrows arched in genuine surprise.

He had the power to see evil spirits that lingered around Liu Dongzi, yet the root cause of Ling'er's condition remained a mystery to him.

The mention of voodoo suggested a link to dark and mystic practices that Zhang Wei hadn't considered.

As he pondered the implications, thoughts of Hu Ning crossed his mind, stirring a sense of anticipation for her reaction to a gift he had left.

Imagining her response brought a spontaneous laugh from him.


Just then, his phone vibrated—a message from Hu Ning herself. A smile played on his lips as he saw the sender's name, prompting him to eagerly respond back with a call.

"This girl..." After several unsuccessful attempts to connect, Zhang Wei couldn't hide his frustration. Massaging his temples in mild irritation, he decided to switch tactics, opting to call Zhou Jiajia to check in on the situation from another angle.

Beep... Beep...

As he was lost in thought, a faint smile playing on his lips at the prospect of playfully teasing his little idol, his instincts suddenly flared—


"Stop the car!"



"Hold onto something!" Liu Dongzi barked, a note of panic in his voice as a figure descended upon them like a meteor.

The driver, in a panic, slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching in protest against the asphalt.

"Humph!" Du Yun'er snorted, landing with the force of a tempest, her hair whipping about her in the wind, a smug smirk playing on her lips.

She landed with such impact that the pavement beneath her cracked, stopping the car dead in its tracks right before her.

The horrified driver, overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of this strange woman, let go of the steering wheel, bracing for impact in fear.



In a breathtaking display of strength and agility, Du Yun'er acted at the critical juncture. As the car hurtled towards her, she extended her long legs, placing them firmly on the bonnet of the car, effectively flattening it with her incredible force.


The car screeched to an abrupt halt, leaving the occupants shaken and the onlookers wide-eyed with astonishment. Du Yun'er stood unscathed, her figure imposing and her presence ethereal, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"The surname Zhang, come outside! You have broken the sacred rules of Martial Arts and undermined the authority of the Martial Arts Association numerous times. As the enforcer, I am here to bring you to justice!" Her voice, firm and commanding, resonated with a righteous fury.

Her eyes, ablaze with the flames of conviction, left no doubt about her purpose.

In her eyes, the greatest sin was evil, and she had dedicated herself to eradicating it.

"Mf, what is this new drama?" Zhang Wei couldn't help but slap his forehead in exasperation. 'What in the world is a woman with Martial Ancestor realm capabilities doing here?' he wondered, his thoughts swirling more with confusion than with any real concern.

With a resigned sigh, he rolled down the window, leaning out slightly to address the formidable figure standing before the crumpled bonnet of the car. "The surname Du, you're obstructing the flow of traffic. I might just have to ask my girlfriend to slap a hefty fine on you for blatantly ignoring traffic rules and disturbing the public order. And since you've cracked the road, be prepared to spend a few days in jail for vandalizing public property!" He shouted back, his tone dripping with sarcasm and a hint of mockery.

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