Martial Research Master

Chapter 184


Su Menqi remembered being held in Long Tao’s arm. The search was on. Suddenly it seemed that Qin Wen found something out and decided to try his theory. The next moment, she could feel a rapid descent in space. All she could do was scream with a little panic. The drop seemed to be quite deep, and she couldn’t make sense of what was happening until she finally made contact with the ground below.

The first feeling was a short yet intense pain. Although they were Qi general level cultivators, the height seemed to be quite deep to hurt this much. She opened her eyes, and all she could see was the darkness around her. The group-maintained silence for some time, recuperating from their injuries.

“Can anyone feel the same thing I do? The ground seems to be damp, and the moisture around me is quite high. In a pure snowy region, this shouldn’t be the case. I guess there is a body of water nearby.” Qin Weng stated.

The other three seemed to be thinking about the same thing. Traces of water could be felt around them. Both Qin Weng and Lu Ming started using their beast flames to light the path ahead of them. The structure of the pit seemed uneven. The pit was so bottomless that only a tiny hole could be seen up in the sky.

Long Tao turned to Su Menqi. “Do you feel anything?”

“I can feel a huge amount of frost energy coming from that direction.” She pointed at the direction left to her.

“I guess we will be proceeding towards it then. Let’s hope the indications lead us to the destination we came in search of.” If the frost spring was supposed to exist, it should be somewhere in these kinds of surroundings.


On the other side of the mountain range-


“Are you sure that this is the location we are searching for?” The boy decided to consult with his sister about the whereabouts of the spring. They were tasked by their master to find the spring and help the girl cultivate it. It could help her in acquiring the ice-jade body of the legends.

“The map does indicate that the frost spring should be existing right in the center of this mountain range. One of the previous patriarchs created a passage to the spring through these mountains. We need to find the secret entrance to the passage. If my assumptions are correct, it should be somewhat near here.”

The girl came forward and extended her hands to touch a nearby stone. Surprisingly with a few efforts, the stone started moving. When it finally reached the end of its path, a small hole appeared on the mountain walls, with a little pearl extending from it.

“I guess this is the security the previous master left within the entrance.” The girl took out a small badge, which she then fitted onto the pearl and slowly rotated it. As expected, an outline of an entrance soon came into view and opened up. The girl collected the badge and proceeded into the passage.


Long Tao’s group-

“The frost energy is slowly rising. Even we could feel it. I hope we don’t find any hurdles while locating the spring.” A weird scene could be seen all around. Although the temperature was way below outside, the water still stayed as a liquid. The phenomenon managed to give Long Tao some assurance about this being the right location.

The Crimson lord world-

“I guess you need to start to create some fire pills to help the girl out.”

“She has the Ice-jade body which could rival my elemental lord body in terms of quality. I think she should be fine absorbing the frost energy. She is in a favorable domain, which compliments her body’s characteristics.”

“You always manage to surprise me in weird ways. Most of the time, it is positively, but even you can be na?ve. When even you are feeling cold even after having the elemental lord body, do you think It would be easy to claim the resource?”

“If I am not wrong, the grade of the frost spring, although not on the same level as the fire vein, should be equivalent to the fire stones you gathered. What would happen if you start absorbing the firestone as of now.”

“My body would explode, not being able to absorb energy.” Long Tao muttered under his breath.

“Exactly. The girl is not yet ready to absorb the energy on her own. You need to help her with the absorption process. At least until her body manages to get acquainted with the energy levels. If I am not mistaken, she would be entering the Qi King level before you.”


After around half a day of walking, the group managed to reach the endpoint finally. The view awaiting them was quite surprising. The last time Long Tao saw a picture like this was when he had entered the pit where the fire-vein was located. The frost energy was so immense in the region that strands of ice-energy were visible floating mid-air.

“It’s beautiful.” Su Menqi’s eyes couldn’t help but roam around the surrounding, finally coming to a halt on the other side of the room. A spring of whitish liquid was slowly falling and getting collected. What else could it be, other than the frost spring they were looking for.

“I guess your mother’s words were right. The spring is a massive resource for someone possessing the ice-jade body. But before that, I need you to start cultivating in the surrounding. Once you manage to accommodate yourself with the surrounding, proceed into the pool.”

Su Menqi was too excited about the find. With this, her path of getting revenge on the force pursuing her parents got a little shorter. She was about to move forward when Qin Weng suddenly grabbed her hand. ” Wait for a moment, sister.”


” We would soon be reaching the en fo eth tunnel. The spring must be on the other side of the wall in front.” The sibling duo rushed past the walls and finally entered the vast space where the spring was located.

But before they could celebrate their discovery, a strange view appeared in front. Four figures were standing right ahead of them. Either of the groups recognized each other immediately.

“We now understand why you were totally fine with us leaving the two of you. You must be searching for this place, too, I suppose.” Lu Ming was the initiator of the conversation.

Although the boy remained silent for the time being, the girl couldn’t help but reply. ” How did you people find this place. You should be able to enter the passage without adequate allowance by the sect.”

Before Long Tao’s group could make any sense of what the girl was murmuring about, the boy drew his sword out. ‘ I will give you one chance to explain the situation. This location was found by a previous generation patriarch of our sect and sealed for the younger generations to train in. You shouldn’t be able to undo the seal without the adequate artifacts presented by the sect. Just who the fuck are you, people.”

The Crimson lord world-

“What are their cultivation levels.”

“These two seem to be geniuses from a massive power around. The girl is a level nine Qi general, while the boy is a level 8 Qi general.”

“It is the first time a Qi general level cultivator has threatened me after the blood-general incident. I need to talk through my actions.”

“You should be so arrogant with the little strength you hold. There are geniuses all around you. If I am not wrong, the boy posses a sword body, while the girl is a holder of another kid of ice-elemental body. It is called purple-frost. Although It’s not at the level of the Ice-jade body, it doesn’t fall far behind. You should be careful while handling these two.”


Long Tao decided to try and negotiate a deal with the du-

“We reached here through a pit formed at the top of the mountain range. I guess your ancestor didn’t know about the entrance. Since both of us have managed to find the spring, I guess we can share it among us.”

The girl came forward. ” We don’t need to share eth sect property with outsiders. I would like for you to leave this place and don’t report this location to anyone.”

Long Tao couldn’t help but laugh out loud inside. A duo fo Qi generals were threatening him. ” I guess we can’t reach an agreement. My earlier offer is no longer valid.” He turned to look at Su Menqi. ” You can start cultivating. Lu Ming will help you with the process. Qin Weng and I should be able to take care of these two.”

Qin Weng turned to face the duo.” I will take on the damsel. You take care of her brother.”

“I should be the one taking care of the girl.” Long tao insisted.

“it doesn’t matter. We just need to kill either of them.”. the siblings were holding Qi king weapons. It spoke a lot about the power backing the two. But Long tao couldn’t care less.

‘I guess we need to have some weapons too.” Qin Weng took out two huge cases. One contained a sword while the other held the hammer given by the weapon hall’s elder.

While eth sword was a Qi king weapon, the hammer had an ethereal feeling to it. Although It couldn’t be specified into a particular grade, it was an ancient object used to forge emperor level weapons. The brother and sister were taken back after seeing the two sets of weapons.

The hammer was giving them a lot of pressure. Its grade was way out of their reach. “State your name and the sect you belong to. We might let you live.”

Qin Weng gave out a mocking expression. “As my brother here said, the deal is out of the way now. The two of you will die right here.”


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