Martial Research Master

Chapter 202


Lu Ming suddenly opened his eyes and all the lanterns around him lit up suddenly. Given his promotion to the level of soul Grandmaster, it was no longer a bother for him to be channeling his powers through the lanterns. He could feel that the promotion managed to improve his soul energy by a huge extent, making the expenditure for lighting these lanterns up quite minute.

The whole audience was silent as of now. The participants behind Lu Ming were staring at the stage with their mouths agape. The event was so shocking, that even the elder who was in charge of the test couldn’t find words to describe the moment. All twenty lanterns were lit up. The last time it happened was around a century ago.

Three people simultaneously managed to light up the twenty lanterns. One of them grew up to be the current valley head. The other became the Grand elder of Pill Valley, while the third person became the current head of the Ten families.

The elder in charge asked his assistant” What was the record held by the last three people?”

“The fastest to come out was the Teng family head, while the last one was the Grand elder. But the maximum time taken by any of them was just an hour. Lu Ming has been in the process for half a day. His potential seems to not quite as powerful as the other three.”

The elder looked at his assistant in dismay. Being an inner elder, they did get to read scriptures contained within the core regions of the valley’s library. Every inner elder knew that the twenty lanterns had a deep secret within them. The longer the time of comprehension, the higher is one’s potential. Lu Ming seems to be monstrous when compared to the last three participants.


Teng Family Hall-

The Teng family was holding a secret meeting of elders as of now. Only the top echelon was invited. It comprised of the core elders, grand elders, and the patriarch.


“All the elders have been summoned. We could begin the meeting.”

“I have invited all the people in here to discuss the matter about the black-horse who seems to have emerged out of shadows. Can any of you worthless idiots tell me who he is and where he comes from?” The grand elder was roaring within the hall. The elders responsible for the task instantly bent their heads down.

“We are sorry to inform the patriarch that the boy’s origin still seems to be a mystery. We sent information regarding him to every single subordinate establishment and even the major merchant guilds, but except for certain sightings at particular locations, we seem to have gained no information about him. He seems to have appeared and vanished in thin air after that.”

The grand elder began to radiate a huge amount of pressure. Most of the elders in front were forced to kneel in front, unable to bear such a huge amount of power. Some even began to suffocate under the radiated strength, until the patriarch waved his hands and the pressure disappeared. Everybody was surprised by the sudden phenomena. Just how powerful the current patriarch was.

“I want one of you core leaders to rush into the Brown-stone merchant guild and invite their young miss over. Tell her that it is the Teng clan’s patriarch who invited her.”


An hour later-

The feminine figure of brown-stone’s young mistress once again stood amid the halls of core elders of the Teng family. She had a smile on her face which was radiating sarcasm upon the elders who dared to ignore her previous warnings.

“I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, due to this sudden invite. I would also like to beg your pardon for dismissing your advice earlier.” The patriarch of the Teng family had a surprising character. The girl standing in front could easily feel the sincerity within those words. This kind of character was the worst kind of person to be enemies with.

“The patriarch’s words are too flattering. How could this junior bear the burden of such heavy words from the leader of the Ten founding families.”

“Let’s cut the chase. I would like to know every single detail regarding Lu Ming. I would like detailed information about his cultivation, his powers, and his possible origin.”

“The information we have was provided by a client of our organization. He only divulged the last known cultivation and alchemy. According to him, Lu Ming was an advanced level Qi general with his alchemy rank being a mid-3rd level alchemist.”

“But the information seems to be wrong.” Teng Luo emphasized.

“We did analyze the information to be invalids of now and are in the process of inspecting his backgrounds. We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to get our hands on any relevant information.”

“Could you set up a meeting with this customer of yours?”

“I am afraid that is not possible. We can’t force our customers to do anything for us. They need to be willing to go through with the job.”

“I am asking as a purple-gold ranked customer of yours.”

“I am afraid the level of the customer who provided the information is also purple gold. We can’t insist on him doing anything. Although since patriarch Teng has requested, I might be able to convey the message to the respective person.”

Teng Luo’s eyes narrowed when he heard that the customer who provided the information was also a purple-gold rank. This made things way more complicated than they already were. He began to doubt the real back-ground of Lu Ming. The very fact that purple-gold rank customer decided to relay the information, rather than keeping it to himself proves the fact that he/she wanted the world to know about Lu Ming.

It also signified that the person didn’t care for the possible consequences of his/her actions. It meant that they were ready to face the problems caused.


“What is the patriarch’s order?”

“I want our forces to standby and do nothing.”

“But this Lu Ming has already caused quite a bit of commotion. The prestige of the ten families would be hampered by his actions. We need to fix this problem.”

“I wasn’t asking for your advice, elder. I am ordering you to sit back and do nothing.”

“Should we relay the information to other families.”

“Let them do as they please. I am quite sure that one of the others is surely going to attempt something related to Lu Ming. It would provide us with a chance to analyze our enemies.”

Teng Luo was quite a sinister character to have made a decision. He wanted to test the waters with the help of a borrowed sword.


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