Martial Research Master

Chapter 238


The rotation was extremely slow, absorbing the thunder energy from the outside like a hungry demon. The problem with such a vast amount of lightning energy was the strength of Li Meng’s Qi channel. He would be deeply wounded if they couldn’t handle the pressure of this berserk thunder energy.

“It is a huge chance for you boy. The very fact that 9-Thunder body managed to kickstart on its own speaks a lot about its qualities. It might be related to the opening of acupoints and the refining of your body.”

“Would I help me open up all the acupoints?”

“That is the mystery you need to solve by practicing it to perfection. The very ability to connect to a heavenly law is a blurred stage. You could take the example of those who managed to reach the Heavenly law stage without even practicing body cultivation. The Crimson Lords are an example of it.”

“I feel that their cultivation must have resulted in the automatic opening of their body cultivation realms. They might not have experienced a unique phenomenon like me, but they must have undergone these changes while preparing for break-through.”

The Keeper couldn’t help but speculate. It might be a valid point. The Crimson Lords were famous for being able to connect with elemental Heavenly laws, some even managing to have multiple within his body.

“If the theory is correct, then the 9-Thunder body must be able to open up some of the Thunder elemental acupoints within your body. This should be enough for you to connect with a Heavenly Law.”

“The Girl in front is quite mysterious too.”

“Is there something special about the art she is practicing? The figure behind her does feel powerful.”


“There are multiple specialities within her body. The art she is practicing is of a much higher grade than the 9-Thunder body. It should be a body refining art on similar standings with the so-called Thunder-god body.”

“Thunder-god body is said to be the core refining art of the academy. Although the art feels special, it shouldn’t be as powerful.”

“That might be the case, but it doesn’t harm to be a bit cautious. As of now, if you competed with her, the outcome of a frontal confrontation of the body is undecided. Although your body cultivation has reached near the peak of what one can achieve, there are some arts which could compensate for that while at lower levels.”

“I am not worried about the last round. There are too many hidden cards up my sleeve to be worried. Although this art is quite powerful, I possess at least three arts which could easily decimate her defences.”

“You need to behave with more humility. The number of geniuses around the world is scary. You are not the only one who has decided to walk the dual path of body and QI cultivation. Many people try to combine multiple arts into one. There are even those who practice multiple cultivation arts at the same time.”

Long Tao didn’t expect the Keeper to be so serious. It seems that his flaunting attitude has made the Keeper a bit apprehensive.

“I don’t call myself the very top of Heaven. But I do believe that in the realm of my cultivation, I am invincible.” This wasn’t arrogance, but rather confidence gained from hard work and perseverance.

“You will be confronting the girl in the upcoming competition. Let’s hope you can come out on top. Even without her at, she would still prove to be a difficult opponent.”

“Is it related to the Qi she has cultivated?”

“It is related to her body. She possesses a body which is on similar grounds to Su Menqi. I couldn’t categorize it with certainty, but it has awakened.”

It was Long Tao’s first experience while confronting someone who has a high-grade body type like Su Menqi.


“Both of these younglings are pure monsters. One of them is trying to practice the9-Thunder body to consummate level while the other one is cultivation Lightning devil art.”

“The confrontation in the final round is going to be thrilling.”

“The Chu girl is sure to succeed in her venture. I can’t say the same things for the brat. The 9-Thunder body is not that easy to complete while in Qi General level. This might be his last chance at trying to achieve that. If he fails, he wouldn’t get enough time before break-through.”

“The wasteland is not dead yet, managing to birth a talent like him.” Many of the elders sighed. Just how high could his achievements be if he belonged to one of the top-ranking Thunder-god halls?

“He is destined to fail.” One of the elders spoke up.

“Why do you say that?”

“The diagram being projected is an indication of the consummate level. I hope fellow Daoists can easily feel the amount of instability it is carrying.” It was the leader of the third Thunder-god hall.

“Although the diagram is shaky, it is still present. Only time will tell.” The elder in charge spoke up.

“What about the Chu girl? How did she get her hands on the Lightning-devil arts?” Many of the elders wanted to solve this mystery.

“It is speculated that one of the core elders has some karma with her ancestor, and presented some of the beginning parts of Lightning-devil arts to her. The core elder might also be trying to rope her into his camp.”

This is huge news for the masses here. A core elder was going to accept a new disciple. It was huge news for the world.

The figure was slowly forming, from the first line, to second, third and finally eight. The ninth line was slowly growing from that point. The whole stadium went silent, watching the two figures slowly materializing.

The elder in charge was concentrating on Li meng, hoping that he would be able to reach the consummate level.


The rotation was reaching its final stages. Li Meng’s internal QI veins had gone through multiple cracks and rebuilds. Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. He bit his lips multiple times just to keep his consciousness stable.

When the rotation was in its final stage, the Qi vein finally busted, forcing Li Meng to cough out blood, but he managed to sustain the pain and use the energy contained within all his acupoints to support the damaged veins.

“No need to force yourself.” The elder in charge advised. He didn’t want a talent like Li Meng to fall here.

Li meng was immersed in his own world, forgetting about the people around him. He was finally about to reach the consummate level. On the other hand, the devil figure finally materialized. It opened its eyes and lightning started to radiate all around.

A huge amount of lightning rushed out of its body, signifying its completion. When the berserk energy was rushing towards Li Meng, the audience couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath.

“The boy’s life is in danger.” One of the elders spoke up.

“We can’t interfere with their battle.” The elder in charge spoke up.

The energy was about to hit Li Meng when the figure behind it finally materialized and radiated immense energy. Thunder energy was directly devoured by the wheel and integrated within Li Meng’s body.

Two huge figures were facing each other. “Nine Thunder facing the Lightning devil.”


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