Martial Research Master

Chapter 270


As Li Meng proceeded towards the central hall, he could see the various rooms attached to it. After inspecting multiple rooms within the vicinity, he found out that the base was fairly crowded with a huge number of bandits hiding within it. The layout was perfectly designed and each of the rooms had a unique facility to itself.

The first few rooms were designated for storage of weapons and all the loots collected from hoarding different cities and villages around. There were intricate rooms for planning and rooms where the bandits stayed. Li Meng was impressed by the whole set-up, which goes against the general perception towards bandits.

He continued to explore until he finally found the room which belonged to the upper echelon. He didn’t want to rush a fight with the bandit leader, hence he wanted to capture a vice-leader if possible. He hid in the hallways, and soon enough, a meeting was held by the group.

“The search squad is on their way back to the city. We aim to engage and eliminate as many people as possible without incurring much damage on our side. The plan is to intervene while they are about to cross into the outer borders of the range.”

“No one of you is allowed to enter proximity to the town itself, as a receiving and back-up squad must be present right there. I also want all of you to return alive from the fight, and hence we will not engage in a battle which is over our own capacity. The aim is to force the independent alliance into a retreat. We need to teach them the price for trying to enter into our territory.”

“The groups would be divided into similar proportions, with a difference in numbers. Two squads will attack the retreating group directly, while the third and fourth squad will lay in ambush. The ambush is going to be carried out in this location.” The vice-leader pointed to a location within the outer borders of the mountain range.

“Be sure to maintain your formations, as there might be some powerful cultivators hidden with the group, who are waiting for us to make a move. They must have been aware of their losses today and will waste no time while retreating. I also want a group of four people to continuously report the progress within the plan. The reward this time includes all the personal belongings of the practitioner which you have killed along with medium grade Qi stones.”

The group instantly cheered after hearing the huge number of rewards which they were about to receive. “The pursuit will result till the outer borders and the emergency flairs will be provided to each one of you. If a variable did occur during the operation, you are to immediately report it to us.”

The squad leaders were appointed, all of which were initial Qi Kings. The vice-leaders of the group had taken care of the intermediate QI Kings within the area long ago. Only the initial Qi Kings and very powerful intermediate Qi Kings remained within the excursion force.


The squad slowly began to exit and two of the vice-leaders left along with them. Only the last vice-leader and the leader, whose face Li Meng was yet to see remained in this area. Once the troops exited the cave, Li Meng slowly slipped towards the residence of the vice-leader.


“Just what are your objectives behind such a passive attack on the search party? We might not get such a chance in the future. Missing out feels like a huge waste of labour.” The vice-leader seems to be talking with someone.

“The proposal for attacking the search party was not my idea. We managed to get our hands on the information because of the internal strife within the various parties. If it wasn’t for them trying to undermine the strength of the independent union, we wouldn’t be able to attack them.” Another voice spoke up. The tone was a bit raspy, yet the way of speech was quite normal according to Li Meng.

“I understand your decision as to the leader of this stronghold, but I would like to know the source of this information, as the group is collectively affected by any consequences which result from this expedition.”

“The force which approached me was the Fire-Dawn palace which is a subsidiary of the Volcanic sect. The man informed me that the independent union has decided to be the first in taking action towards the Bandit groups within the Taiwan mountains. They would be sending an excursion group which would be in charge of surveying the area.”

“The deal was that I would be taking care of the strong cultivators within the group, and in return, they would not only provide me with regular updates of any attacks by forces which they are not allied to but also pay a huge amount of QI stones as compensation.”

“We are just like the independent union bastards and require a huge number of resources to advance in cultivation. I took the deal because it was mutually beneficial for us, and they were just eating out their own internal strength.”

“But wouldn’t that mean we would be in the path of establishing a good relationship with the fire-dawn palace? What if they decided to betray us?”

“We are never going to choose aside.” Just stay neutral in your stance. I also want to send an envoy to the independent union who would help reveal the fact that it was the fire-dawn palace who leaked their activity. Since there is no p[roof, the independent union would have to pay back the fire-dawn palace while in shadows.”

The vice-leader couldn’t help but smirk. “That is when we came into play. We would benefit from this internal strife and gain any news regarding the fire-dawn palace trying to send an attack towards us. But it is too risky.”

“Out Black-Dragon stronghold is not as powerful as the other bandit groups, as they have practitioners in the very peak of QI King, and some even entered the realm of emperors. We can operate so smoothly because of our integrity and this location which provides the best cultivation situations.”

“We need to take the risk to collect enough resources for our cultivation. We wouldn’t be able to keep this location a secret for too long. It is time to hasten our speed.” The vice-leader understood the leader’s concerns regarding the difficulties they were going to face in the future.

“I am going to retreat for my next break-through. You will need to handle the proceedings of the group until then.” The leader spoke to the vice-leader and left.

Li Meng was hidden all this time, listening to their conversation.


“Did you manage to sense his cultivation level?” Long Tao asked the Keeper.

“He is presently in the seventh level of QI King, nearing the saturation point for the next break-through. I couldn’t sense his Qi quality and attribute, and hence am unable to verify the element he practices and the Law he connected to. We will know once you begin a fight with him.”

Li Meng entered the vice leader’s room, finding him to be reading through some documents.

“I hope I am not interfering with your activity?” Li Meng said in a calm tone. The vice-leader was instantly alarmed by the sudden voice, which came from the door. He waved his sword with fire Qi and attacked Li Meng’s figure. Li Meng responded by dodging the slash and hitting his abdomen.

The figure was blasted around by Li Meng’s incredible physical prowess. He combined it with a little of his qi, and the vice-leader looked injured.

“I didn’t expect these guys to be so talented in cultivation.” The keeper responded. “The man in front has managed to connect with Heavenly Fire law, and around two earthen laws.” Li Meng was surprised. In a location like this, there was a bandit vice-leader who managed to connect with a Heavenly law.

Li Meng had initially decided to eliminate the whole group part by part, but he must change his plan if the bandits were so talented. With the perfect number of resources, they would be able to become a great group of underlings for his force.

“You want to make these bandits a part of your force?”

“I do want to open up that avenue. They have an adequate talent which is required to become a part of my force. All they require is resources.


The bang seems to have created a commotion, and the Keeper warned about another person rushing towards them. LI Meng instantly attacked the vice-leader once again, rendering him unconscious, while the closed-door suddenly opened, revealing the face of the Bandit leader. A handsome man in a battle garment stood in front of Li Meng.

It was a man in his late twenties, not much older than Li Meng himself.

“Who are you and how did you manage to enter this place.” A violent aura radiated from his body, filling the atmosphere around.

“Two Heavenly Laws.” The Keeper responded.


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