Martial Research Master

Chapter 279

279 RISK

Heavenly laws were quite uncontrollable by themselves and hence it was very difficult to even sense a single one of them throughout the break-through process. Many geniuses around the world could sense the presence of a Heavenly Law but would not be able to surpass the barrier restricting them and connect with it.

Long Tao’s avatar was able to sense many Heavenly laws with relative ease. The easiest of these laws were the three laws of thunder, water and wind which Li Meng connected with. To its surprise, even though he hadn’t broken through the Qi King realm, when it tried to resonate with a Heavenly body law, the three laws automatically began to absorb energy.

When Li Meng and the Keeper experienced this phenomenon, they couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Your assumptions seem to be on point this time?” The Keeper spoke to Long Tao. The situation replicated his words exactly. During his breakthrough, they found that various law runes had directly entered the body of the avatars too, and remained dormant in there. When the avatar tried to connect with the Heavenly-Barbarian law and the Hell-Devil law, the law runes started to absorb Heavenly energy.

The only difference between the newly connected law and the law runes which were embedded within the avatar’s body was the fact that they didn’t imbue a huge amount of energy into its body, unlike the newly formed law. They acted like old, established law runes which were just activating after a long time.

“I guess that while the avatars would be able to directly connect with the law which other avatars had already connected, they wouldn’t receive much of an enhancement. Only when they connected with a new type of law would they receive the benefits which a newly formed Qi King receives.”

“Are you suggesting that even if you didn’t connect with a new law, your avatar would still be connected with the previously connected laws?”

“They would be. The only difference would be that they would step into level 1 of Qi King realm.” The Keeper was surprised by this conclusion, yet he couldn’t deny this fact. This was the first time he managed to observe the effect of such a powerful art. Just who managed to create Origin avatar art. It would practically make LI Meng both undying and invincible against his foes.

The only problem at this moment is the huge burden inflicted on his body due to the simultaneous tapping of two laws. Although body cultivation before the breakthrough did help in sustaining him through the process, the infused energy was too conflicting. They couldn’t be stabilized easily. Even after so many attempts, only a small portion of energy was being held within the avatar’s body.


“Didn’t you say that he has already connected with the three laws of thunder, water and wind?” The pill hall master suddenly appeared beside Long Tao.

“It seems like that.” Long Tao replied.

“I might have a way to help you infuse the two types of conflicting energy within your body. Would you like to give it a try?” The Pill Hall master came up with a theory.

“I would try any possibility.” Long Tao wasn’t hesitating to use any means necessary to achieve his goal. He didn’t have a way to ease the process himself.

“I have to warn you that it would be an extremely dangerous process. There is no guarantee that your avatar would survive it.”

“I am totally into experimenting. We could always give it another go if we fail in the process.”

“The danger I am speaking off is not related to the failure of assimilation. It is a danger to your very life. If the process fails, there are huge chances that your avatar wouldn’t be able to cope up with the huge amount of energy and burst.” Pill-Hall owner warned.

“It is a given in any of the experiments I have conducted so far. We could just create a new body for it. There’s no reason to worry so much.”

“You seem to underestimate the power of law energy. If a high-grade Heavenly law such as the Heavenly Barbarian and Hell-Devil collided to burst, it would very well decimate the soul of the avatar too.” Long Tao couldn’t help but clench his fist out of hesitation. He was scared of this outcome.

Avatars were the manifestation of his soul, and if they were to be extinguished, he would suffer a huge backlash. The backlash would not only destroy that particular part of his soul, I would immensely affect the remaining soul too. In the best case, there will be minor damage, in the worst, permanent damage would be caused resulting in his soul being hindered in the soul grandmaster level for all lifetime.

He had to weigh the pros and cons. There was no other way forward. “I would like to hear the details regarding the process. I will be able to make my decision after that.”

“The theory which I have is related to the base principle behind alchemy. The art of pill making depends on a complete fusion between all the conflicting energies present within the pill itself. The range is extremely broad, yet a pill is capable of being formed.”

“I would suggest that you use the three energies which you previously established to form a holder/ cauldron of sorts. You that to assimilate both the conflicting energy and fuse them before assimilating into your body.”

“The way to do it is relatively simple. You could use the pill-making principle and form a cauldron with an inlet and an outlet of sorts. While the inlet would provide the entry of either of the energies, the outlet would help it assimilate into your body as a combined and harmonious product.”

“What are the risk factors in this process?” The Keeper interjected.

“Similar to Pill refining, where your soul energy and aura are handlers, either of them will be used to handle this holder too. The only salient difference is the fact that the cauldron is outside your body, while this is inside. The reaction would be the same, while the danger is similar too. Like an unstable energy condition that destroys a cauldron, your holder will break apart in case of failure too.”

Long Tao began to comprehend the technique and discuss it with either the Pill Hall master or Keeper. This process would not only require concepts of alchemy, but formations and Qi manipulations were also required. A preliminary agreement to use this method had been established.

While Long Tao was busy making his breakthrough, the city was going through a huge number of disruptions.


The city-

Multiple bodies were discovered in the vicinity of every single power within the city. The bodies were not of regular members, but prominent and powerful martial artists of these powers. The bodies were decimated to an extreme level, making it impossible to even recognize the identity of that person. The only identification that was available was their title plates.

The region where the bodies were found was marked with another horrifying scene. The nearby walls contained a message written in blood.


Every single power within the city was alarmed by the situation. The words revenge and the heinousness with which the corpse had been dismantled, pointed in a single direction. The bandits within the Taiwan mountains. This was an open provocation to every single power within the city. Only the bandit groups had that sort of mentality.

The provocation resulted in the emergence of distress within every force. The invitation, which was ignored some days earlier was being responded to in massive numbers. The independent cultivator alliance soon received confirmation letters from every single power within the city.

The vice-master was sitting within his chambers reading the reports of various occurrences within the city. He felt an intense chill in his spine after verifying the means which the person in black-hood used. He killed such a huge number of people without a single alarm being raised within the city. He knew that the means which the man possessed far surpassed anything he had experienced until now.

“Just what would happen if we failed?” The very thought became the nightmare he had to live with.


“I am ready to begin the breakthrough.” After meticulous preparations in every single area which the three could think of, Long Tao decided to go through his break-through.

“Are you sure? This is the end of my wits, yet I can’t say with certainty that we will be successful.” The risk presented by the process was just too much.

“If I want to climb up the stairs to hegemony, I couldn’t prevent myself from taking on dangers presented by the world. I have to try it out. I am confident enough in the efforts that we have put into designing the whole process. It will be a success.”

The avatar once again started to use blood energy and began his breakthrough.


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