Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 753: Downsides

Chapter 753: Downsides

The door slammed open. Hui and Xi Muchen both startled, while Jun Ke grabbed for a weapon he lacked.

Cho Haoli stormed in. Xi Muchen! You dont have the authority to remove prisoner

Ah? I dont? Then why are they here? If I dont have the authority, wouldnt they still be in the prison? Xi Muchen asked, gesturing.

Cho Haoli frowned. That

Huh? What does he mean, if he doesnt have the authority? Is the prison controlled directly by the Golden Immortal, or something, that he needs to have authority to open prison doors? How else does us being out indicate that Xi Muchen had permission to remove us? Seems like a strange thing to do, but the Golden Immortal is a bit of a control freak, based on controlling the villages, and the loops, and the city, and reality itself yeah, come to think of it? I wouldnt be surprised if he directly controlled the prison. Why not? He directly controls everything else!

Control freaks, ugh. I hated control freaks in my first life, and I still hate them. Theres no need to control everything! Its fine if everyone doesnt act exactly according to your standards! The world is chaos, and everyone does things in their own way, at their own pace!

Ah, though, I guess a child wouldnt understand

At that thought, Hui put a hand on his chin.

Come to think of it, why does the Golden Immortal appear as a child? Is that his taste? Or did he really cultivate so quickly as to retain a childs body from the ancient era until now?

Mmm, well, even if he cultivated that quickly, he could still adjust his age. Theres no accounting for poor taste, I suppose.

Putting his thoughts aside, Hui met Xi Muchens eyes. Elder Brother, before we were rudely interrupted, you were about to tell me the downsides?

Ah, thats right. My apologies. Please forgive me for the rude interruption, Xi Muchen said, nodding.

Who are you calling a rude interruption, huh? Cho Haoli muttered under his breath.

I wasnt calling anyone that, but now that you mention it, I suppose it would be a good way to describe you, Xi Muchen replied smoothly.

Cho Haolis face burned. Xi Muchen!

Before they could get into it again, Hui coughed. Elder Brother, the downsides?

Right, right. Well, you have to collect the new immortals from the villages every thousand or so years, if the loop lasts that long. And you have to monitor the villages, and Heart Lotus City. And you have to pledge allegiance to the Golden Immortal and drink his blood

Ah, I see, Hui said, nodding. Drink his blood? Thats a step too far. Thats a common baseline move in demonic cultivation! The kinds of things you can do when another cultivator drinks your blood you can use it to anchor the other cultivator, call them or summon them from anywhere, track them, even cause permanent damage to their cultivation or lifespan. Thats a pass from me, hard pass!

Though, I wonder Like how I have my secret me, I wonder if the Golden Immortal is outside the loop, somehow? Otherwise, wouldnt all the Inspectors have to drink his blood every time they return? Hed have a long line at the start of every loop.

Wait, hold on. Or would he? There seems to be an ancient era in these loops, even though, according to Bai Xue, they only last a hundred years or so. Or does she only experience the last hundred years or so, and thus assume the loop only lasts a hundred years? But Huh? Only five hundred years passed in the mortal realm, so how could the Immortal Realm replay the ancient era?


The Golden Immortal is already looping time. Why not compress it, or run it back, or reroll it? I cant count on anything. When it comes to time, I cant count on anything anymore!

Xi Muchen tapped his finger on his cheek and shook his head. Consider it more. It isnt that bad. Simply giving in and going along with the world why fight it? Weve fought this long to get to the Immortal Realm, but now were here. We dont need to fight anymore. We can rest. Weve crossed the finish line.

Even with the world in unrest, as it is? Hui asked him.

Who cares? What is the world doing to harm me? It doesnt matter, as long as we can continue to enjoy life, Xi Muchen argued.

Ah, now, thats a familiar argument. All the way back from my world, its an argument Ive heard many times. Hui shook his head. Even if the Immortal realm and mortal realm are going to fall apart?

Xi Muchen shrugged. When it gets that bad, we can figure something out. Maybe it never gets that bad. Who knows? Whether it does or doesnt, Im not the one who has the power to do something about it. Ill put my trust in the Golden Immortal and live a good life for now.

Hui bowed. Sincerely, Elder Brother, I dont believe I can do the same. I suppose youll have to put me back in prison, since I wont be becoming an Inspector.

Truly a pity. You would have made a good Inspector, Xi Muchen said, shrugging.

Before you go, hand over Tian Lan. She shouldnt go to prison, Cho Haoli demanded.

Hui narrowed his eyes. Elder Brother, please reconsider. Tian Lans father trusts her with me. Does he trust you with her? To protect her, I can only hand her off to her father himself. Anything else would be irresponsible.

Im an Inspector! Cho Haoli argued.

And so is Xi Muchen, Hui pointed out.

Cho Haoli opened his mouth, then closed it. He nodded reluctantly.

I thought we were friends! Xi Muchen said, mock-betrayed. He shook his head and turned to Jun Ke. What about you? Will you become an Inspector, and have a chance at winning Sa Zhanglis heart once more?

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