Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 759: Again, Again

Chapter 759: Again, Again

Song Wei led the way. Li Xiang and Hui followed, Hui nudging Tian Lan deeper into his sleeve as they entered the brothel. I dont need her getting any bad influences. Her father will have my head if she learns anything naughty from this!

Tian Lan struggled against his hand. What? It smells funny. Whats going on?

Horrible adult things, Tian Lan. Stay in my sleeve. Its safe there.

Tian Lan harrumphed, but settled down. Daddy always lets me see, no matter whats going on.

Right, but your father probably doesntno, I take that back. I sincerely hope your father does not take you to brothels. I wouldnt have, but whats the other option? Abandoning her to her own devices? Returning to her father? I can see both of those going poorly, and given that I dont want to tank this run, I think its best to just rely on her to keep her eyes shut for a little while.

You can come out in a minute. Just stay hidden for now, Hui told her.

Tian Lan nodded and settled in.

They passed through the lobby and into the hallways beyond. Song Wei led them, but Hui could have led the way himself, remembering the route from his previous times through the brothel. It doesnt feel like thousands of years have passed. I could have been here yesterday. But I guess if I dont remember anything from all those loops, then nothing would have overwritten those memories.

I wonder what it was like for the me outside?

Not that bad, honestly. I mean, from my perspective, its a little annoying if you dont remember stuff, but its not that bad. I just give you a little nudge to not do the same exact thing every now and again, and we see what happens. The sensation is something like watching a bunch of idiots in chat attempt to play a video game through crowd control, except youre the only idiot.

Oh. Well, thanks.

Yeah, no problem.

Once more, the double doors loomed. Song Wei pushed the door open.

Bai Xue sat in the throne opposite them, a bored expression on her face. She didnt even look up as they entered. I dont care. Go away.

Song Wei leaned in to Hui. Shes deteriorating rapidly. Only remembers a little of each loop. She knows it, and it frustrates her. As if shes losing her memories and to know that the end is to sit trapped in the same events for eternity

Hui nodded. No. I understand. Thats a terrible fate. He cleared his throat and called, Bai Xue?

Bai Xue sat up sharply. Xiao Hui? Youre back?

Mhm, Im back, Hui said, nodding.

A moment later, she slumped back in the chair again, sulking. Not that it matters. Ill forget all this soon.

It matters, Bai Xue. This loop is the one, Hui declared.

Li Xiang glanced at him and nodded.

Eh? You really mean that?

Of course I do! Planning for future loops is the same as suicide from my perspective. I wont remember this loop in the next one, probably, so I need to plan to win now.

Fair enough.

In any case, who fights if they plan on losing? Except for us. But only if losing is part of the plan!

Bai Xue looked at him. Do you have anything to back that up?

I have Li Xiang, Hui said.

Bai Xue glanced over at Li Xiang, then snorted. Indeed you do.

Somewhat reluctantly, she sat up. Visibly gathering herself, she stood and crossed the room, walking slowly. After all this time, you appear before me again, when Im this close to full deterioration, and promise that its time to end it. What is your plan, Xiao Hui?

Do you have the White Tigers energy? Hui asked.

She snorted. Yes. We did eventually acquire that. We can acquire that again, if you require. Why?

I have a plan, but it requires that power. Can you acquire it?

Eh? Whats your plan? Weve tried a lot of things with that power.

Do you have some comprehension of time, after all these loops?

Yes. Not a complete comprehension, but some.

That should be enough. Ill tell you my plan later, once its relevant.

Hmm, okay. Ill wait to hear what you come up with.

Oh can I ask you to retrieve Ying Lin from the city, as well? Shes almost certainly going to be necessary for my plan to work, Hui said.

So demanding, Xiao Hui, Bai Xue tutted.

Hui ducked, embarrassed. My apologies!

She snorted. As long as it ends these damned loops, Ill do anything. Song Wei, you heard the man. The statue of the woman in the center of Heart Lotus City, the gold one. I dont care how, but acquire it. Quietly would be better.

Song Wei saluted.

Then what else? Hui put his hand on his chin, thinking. If Im going to do that, then the White Tiger, time, Ying Lin

The Elusive Ghost. What is he? Whats his goal? Does the Golden Immortal know about him?

I dont know either. We dont encounter him often, and when we do, he mostly just escapes. He does seem to be the same type of being as we were in the garbage realm, but aside from that

Hui shook his head, still pinching his chin. We dont have time to worry about him. Lets focus on what we can figure out. If hes us, he has his own game, and we can probably trust him to do his own thing. If hes not us, then well, then he has his own game, and I dont care if it succeeds or not.


Hui took a deep breath. He nodded at Song Wei. Im counting on you.

Song Wei nodded. Ill bring her back. You can rely on me.

Weiheng Hui, I want to go recover the White Tigers power, Li Xiang stated.

Hui nodded. Sounds like a plan, Elder Sister.

She nodded back. Ill see you on the other side.

Li Xiang flew off. With a last longing look, Song Wei replaced his mask and flew after her. Hui stood in the giant room, knocking his hands together and rocking back and forth. And now I wait.

Xiao Hui A seductive voice whispered in his ear.

Hui jumped. Bai Xue!

I cant help but notice that were all alone, with nothing to do, she purred, wrapping an arm around him.

Hui fought his way free. II still have things I need to contemplate and comprehend!

Those things can wait, no?

Bai Xue!

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