Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 762: Escape

Chapter 762: Escape

Ying Lin!

Hui pulled with all his might, yanking Ying Lin out of the gap in the barrier. Ying Lin leaped at him, throwing herself forward at the same time. Hui fell backward, pulling Ying Lin with him. The barrier slammed shut.

They struck the ground. Hui bounced, holding Ying Lin close so she wouldnt hit the floor. He let out a relieved sigh. Shes safe! Hui craned his neck. Ying Lin?

Ying Lin laughed aloud, fear echoing in her laughter. She pushed off Hui and stood, then offered him a hand up. Master! Thank you for freeing me.

Of course, of course, Hui said, nodding. Ah, Im sorry for taking so long to free you. I shouldnt have left you locked up there.

Mmm. Whats a few thousand years for a cultivator? Ying Lin asked, beaming.

A few thousand Hui whispered to himself. A few thousand. Wait, hold on. Was the mortal world progressing at the same speed the whole time? My children theyd be either dead or ascended by now! But I havent seen them. Neither has the Golden Immortal taunted me about them, and why not hold my children hostage if you can?

Is time running faster than the mortal world? Is time looping in the mortal world, too? Or Hui bit his lip. Is the Immortal world fully decoupled from the mortal world? Is it no longer possible to ascend?

Come to think of it, I havent seen any new ascenders lately. After Song Wei that is, after I realized it was all a loop, I havent seen anyone else ascend. I wonder after I ascended, and the Golden Immortal locked on to me, did he decouple the worlds? Or maybe its more like, the worlds decoupled as a result of him aggressively looping the Immortal world. Either way, its not a good sign for the status of the world.

The worlds were already breaking down before the Immortal Realm decoupled from the mortal realm. Now that the Immortal and mortal realms are broken apart, I wonder how damage the mortal realm has become?

I cant let this continue. For my children. For my friends. For the mortal realm and the Immortal Realm. I must end this.

He looked at Ying Lin. You remained aware of the loops, the whole time?

Ying Lin tilted her head. Loops?

Time is looping over and over, Elder Sister, Hui explained.

She shook her head. Time is progressing.

Hui furrowed his brows. Huh?

Ah, maybe it is. Yes, looping. Definitely looping.

Hui squinted at her. What does that mean? Why did she say that? Unless is there something Im failing to comprehend?

Time is progressing. I knew that. But the Immortal Realms time is looping. Right? Or Hui put a hand on his chin. Is it that the Golden Immortal is just replaying the same events over and over? If thats the case, why are people getting sucked into the loop?

No, thats the wrong question. Why should people get sucked into the loop in the first place? If its a loop, we should all start absorbed into the loop and slowly fall out of it, right? Being stuck in the loop would be the default. Instead, we fall into the loop. Its more as if theres some kind of corrosive force, eating at our minds until we give in and become part of the loop.

But if thats the case, why did it absorb me so easily? Im typically mentally resilient. I

No, no. Perhaps Im only being too full of myself. I shouldnt consider myself so highly! To think, I thought I had a strong point. Today, the reality revealed itself so clearly! I couldnt have strong points. My own foolishness led to me letting my guard down!

Hui frowned. That doesnt feel right, either.

How much did I forget? How long did I lose between ascending and meeting Song Wei? If time progresses normally, five hundred years which isnt that much, for a cultivator.

But all Ying Lin said is that time is progressing. Not that its progressing normally. Lets assume for the moment that the Golden Immortal cant truly loop time. In which case, to run the Immortal Realm over and over again from whatever point in the ancient era, he would have to compress time.

Time shall compress all reality denie

Ahem. In any case, if he isnt truly looping time, then hes running time faster than it should be, so that we can rerun the Immortal Realms entire history multiple times in the space of much less time. Then, in that case, we might be only a little past five hundred years passing in the mortal realm since I ascended. Maybe a thousand years, since Ive lost quite a few loops again. My children still should have ascended, but if the Immortal Realm decoupled shortly after Song Wei

Wait. Is that it? Are we completely decoupled from the mortal realms time, now? Could infinite time pass in this deranged Immortal Realm before a single second passes in the mortal realm?

Ying Lins eyes sparkled. She tilted her head. Whoops. I said too much.

Hui narrowed his eyes at her. She definitely did that intentionally.

Oh, well. Im not going to complain. Thank you for the tip, Elder Sister!

He pressed his fingertips together, thinking. I have Zhubi. I havent fixed his problem yet, but hes here. I have Bai Xue and Li Xiang, and Li Xiang is going to find the White Tigers energy. I still count as the Vermillion Bird. As for the Black Dragon-Turtle and the Azure Dragon He looked down at his neck and arm.

As soon as Li Xiang returns, Ill have all four cardinal beasts. Once I achieve that, I cant wait. Ill have to immediately attack the Golden Immortal before he fully realizes my plan. I dont expect to get the jump on him, but as long as he isnt completely prepared, I might have a chance.

I dont want to die. I know Im just a clone, but given that I wont remember this loop if we move to the next, Im faced with a more true death than almost any other time Ive faced death. I need to end it here. Maybe its greedy, maybe its selfish, but I want to end this. This is my victory. I refuse to lose by default yet again.

Lets do it. Ill believe in this loop, too.

How many times have we tried to defeat the Golden Immortal?

Not good, huh?

Youve tried a few times before. Er, maybe a few dozen. Its never gone well.


But but youve never done it with Li Xiang and all four cardinal beasts before! I mean, honestly, I thought we were off to a bad start with the imprisonment thing, but since then, its been a total speedrun. I mean, top tier splits, here. The first split was rough, but youve really made up an insane amount of time since then. Who knows? Maybe this is the run?

Have you been keeping a speedrun leaderboard for the loops?

Youre third place.

Hui pursed his lips. I dont know what I expected. I am me, so its not like Im that surprised, and yet

Light burst through one of the windows. Hui whipped around, stumbling back in preparation to fake death. Did the Golden Immortal come after me already?

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