Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 766: Shatter, Immortal Realm!

Chapter 766: Shatter, Immortal Realm!

Zhubis eyes snapped open. Black qi stopped pouring into him. He let out a little breath, exhausted.

Are you done? Hui asked, a little hopeful, a little relived. Phew. I only had to wait for a few minutes! That isnt that long, surely?

Zhubi nodded. He tilted his head, giving Hui a confused look.

Ah no. Pay no mind to my tone. Im a little strange right now, a little strange!

Isnt that all the time? Bai Xue asked.

Hui jolted. He turned. Bai Xue?

I dont think I can gather any more qi, Bai Xue said, shaking her head. Not right now, anyways. Maybe after I send some to you. Are you ready? I wasnt going to load you up with qi before you gave the go-ahead.

Lets wait for Li Xiang, Hui said, nodding. Once Im using the qi, its a different story, but Bai Xue is right. I cant take any more qi right now.

Its a good thing Im used to you. You always ask for more than you can handle, then suffer in silence if I dont take the initiative to ask if youre okay, Bai Xue said, giving him a look.

Thatthat only happened once, Hui protested.

It shouldnt have happened once. You know, most people would tell me to stop.

Ah, well, you know, Hui shrugged awkwardly.

Bai Xue sighed. You know, I worry about you. Constantly. Youre my most troubling spouse. I cant trust you not to do something stupid and try to save the world alone.

Hui scratched the back of his head. Elder Sister, when you put it like that, it almost makes me sound like some kind of hero.

You are a hero, Bai Xue said, a little confused.

Me? No, no. I couldnt be. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Hui said, waving his hands. Incredibly uncomfortable, he cleared his throat. Li Xiang, are you ready?

No reply. Hui fell back, waiting. I shouldnt rush her. Shes focusing.

What do you think youre doing right now? Bai Xue demanded.

Right now? Well, Im just trying something. I dont know if it will work or not. I cant call that heroism, Hui said firmly.

Then what is it? Bai Xue asked.

Er, experimentation? Trial and error? But I create way too much error for things like world-saving. No, no. A hero should be someone who never fails. Ive already failed several times today, alone.

Who does qualify to be a hero, then? In your eyes.

Hui shrugged. You or Li Xiang.

Bai Xue snorted. Im from a half-demonic clan, and youre calling me a hero?

Why not? Youve done so much for the good of the realms, Hui pointed out.

Thats not Bai Xue sighed. Xiao Hui, youre very frustrating, at times. No all the time, actually.

Apologies, apologies. I try to rein back my heart-demon-creating habits around my friends, but sometimes it slips out despite my best efforts, Hui responded earnestly.

Bai Xue rolled her eyes. I think I want you to close your mouth right now. Could you do that? Please?

Er, of course. Hui shut his mouth, not really sure what went wrong. How did I end up accidentally inflicting a heart demon upon Bai Xue? Bai Xue, of all people! I would never. And besides, if one of us is going to come away with a heart demon, its far more likely to be me, with all the teasing she does! Shes lucky Im so mentally resilient.

Tian Lan looked at Bai Xue. Its that easy to shut people up?

Not all people. Just Xiao Hui.

Tian Lan nodded. I need to find a mate like Xiao Hui.

Bai Xue laughed aloud. Good taste!

Hui pressed his lips together. I dont know if I should be proud or insulted.

The sword burst with white light. The White Tiger behind it shone. The white light faded, and Li Xiangs human form stood before Hui once more. Every hair glimmered with pale light, every fold of her robes alight, even her skin gleaming. She opened her eyes, and bright white light beamed out. Lowering her head just once, she looked directly at Hui, though Hui knew she couldnt know he watched. Im ready.

Hui settled himself, quietly circulating what little qi he could in his completely-full dantian. He reached out, taking ahold of the first loop hed formed. Everyone, send me your energy, and prepare to receive energy!

Quadruple cultivating? Xiao Hui, how bold! Bai Xue grinned, waggling her eyebrows.

Bai Xue! You know thats not whats happening, Hui grumbled.

Bai Xue shrugged. It can be whats happening for me.

Tian Lan squinted. Whats a quadruple cultivating? I know dual cultivating is something you do with your mate, but quadruple? Is it a different technique?

Hui froze. He licked his lips. You know what? Im going to pretend like I didnt hear that. Bai Xue, keep that kind of thing to yourself. And Tian Lan, please forget that. Its not important. Bai Xue is a ridiculous person who says many ludicrous things.

Thats not true. Im a wise person who says many wise things.

Tian Lan looked at Bai Xue, then nodded. I think its Xiao Hui whos foolish.

Hui sighed. Im sorry, Zhubi. Your pursuer is already becoming a domm ahem. Shes already being corrupted by Bai Xue!

Putting the matter of Tian Lan aside for a moment, Hui turned to the full group of four. Now. Send me your energy!

Bai Xue closed her eyes. Li Xiang folded her legs, then vanished back into sword form. Zhubi coiled in the air, spinning around to send the hexagonal shell flashing. Three streams of energy flew forth, hurtling toward Hui.

Instantly, three of his mental clones sent three loops of Vermillion Bird, south-oriented energy toward Zhubi. Zhubi trembled, but held on. One of Huis clones collected Zhubis north-oriented Black Dragon-Turtle energy, while another one passed Bai Xue and Tian Lans east-oriented Azure Dragon energy to Li Xiang, and yet another redirected Li Xiangs west-oriented White Tiger energy to Bai Xue.

Okay. Here we go. Li Xiang, Bai Xue, Zhubi, send the power Im sending you directly into the ground below you! Dont stop. Just keep pouring it in. If it breaks, if it cracks, dont stop! No, actuallythats even better! Just pour all the energy you can into the source of the dragon vein!

Understood! Li Xiang responded.

Bai Xue nodded.

Zhubi coiled around in the air, tipping his head up and down.

Hui pointed his free hand down, sending the north-directed energy into the source of the southern dragon vein. On the screens, the others sent their energy toward the source below them. Below them, the dragon veins bubbled and spat. Molten qi flew up. Hui himself dodged a blast of qi from the dragon vein under him. Well, as expected. The dragon veins arent going to give up without a fight.

The ground began to tremble and quake. It tore beneath Hui, coming apart bit by bit. Huge gashes bit through the earth, cutting deep rifts through the earth and the fabric of the very realm itself. Hui continued to route and pour energy, his eyes utterly focused. Go! Shatter, Immortal Realm!

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