May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 197

197 Chapter 197 : Defective child

Melissa heartbeat slowed down drastically until she could barely hear it beat. Elric panicked as he watched his wife’s beautiful face pale.

“Lissa?... Lissa?!” As he body went limp ans swayed to the side he caught her and carried her in him arms. She had fainted, but why? Was it the pregnancy? Had she not fed enough? Now that the lycan knew she was pregnant his mind went into a panic. “Carol! Where is the maid?!”

In a flash a mist, Marceline appeared in the room and gasped upon seeing Elric carrying her unconscious daughter. “What happened?”

“I do not know, maybe she needs to feed,” the silver haired king explained panickingly, “please help me, I don’t want anything to happen to her or my child!”

Marceline paused for a brief moment as her mind digested what the king had just said, did he just say his child? Oh no, had he found out the pregnancy and thought it was his?! This was bad, this was very bad.

“Lay her down on the bed,” Marceline ordered Elric, “hurry!”

Elric gently lay his wife on their bed ans stepped back, he watched fearfully as Marceline unbuttoned the blouse of her dress and exposed her chest. She chanted a few words as she drew a circle between her breast and on her forehead, after which Elric saw what looked like flashes of lightening appear. It didn’t long after that for Melissa’s chest to begin raising and falling gently once again. She was breathing again even though her eyes remained closed.

Marceline took a step back and covered her daughter with a blanket, “She will be alright, she seemed to have experienced some shock, “what happened?”

“I don’t know,” Elric muttered, “we were just talking, I asked her about the baby and she just-”


“I see..”

The look on Marceline’s face made the lycan knit his brows, “did you know? About the baby?”

Marceline threw her head back, this was a very complicated situation indeed, just from the look on his face Marceline could tell that Elric was already on edge, he had been looking this way for a while now, telling him she knew about the pregnancy and that it wasn’t his would be the trigger he needed to finally snap.

“I’ve know about it for a few days now,” Marceline lied.

“But why didn’t she tell me about this, surely I should be aware of such a development..” Elric held Melissa’s hand in his and sighed. A smile then painted his face making Marceline worry even more, “it’s alright, she must have noticed how stressed I was and was afraid of how I would react to the new.” He placed a kiss on her knuckles and leaned into her hand, “she’s always been an overthinker, my Lissa.”

Marceline looked away and sighed, what in the world was taking the elf so long to get here? This was turning into a real mess rather quickly. For now, she supposed, she would let the lycan think the child is his, just a few more days and Gareth would come for her.

About a week or two back, Melissa’s family was surprised to be served with the news that they were being allowed to leave and return to their homes, their first reaction of course was pure suspicion, what had changed his mind? Did he have some hidden agendas to follow through in their absence?

But Melissa had assured them that it was her idea, she had convinced Elric to let them leave. Hesitantly, her family traveled back to their homes, John and Emma returned to Greenhill, Bahram to his wife in Guria and William to his beautiful Klarrysa. But of course, they couldn’t just leave Melissa in Elric’s hands just like that, so Marceline offered to stay behind under the pretense of wanting to bond more with her daughter, while the twins Jonathan and Alexander voyaged to Gavaria to meet with Gareth and help him in whatever way they could to take Melissa away from Elric once and for all.


Deep In the uncharted forested of the kindom Cenia, within the castle of mist up in a tower, Estel was sitting by the small window looking outside. The beautiful colors of spring had been replaced by shades of brown ans grey, trees were shedding and the wind grew colder with each passing day. Another winter was apon them, another winter alone with her son, with Aiden nowhere to be seen. How many winters had passed since she last heard his voice, too many to count that’s how many.


Estel turned around and pursed her lips as she tried hard to withhold the tears that threatened to pour from her eyes. Why did her son have to resemble him so? If it wasn’t for her sweet baby boy Damien, she would have long forgotten what Aiden looked or sounded like.

“You are brooding over him again,”

Damien spoke as he sat down on a chair next to his mother, “I don’t want you thinking about him anymore, I will save us, when the opportunity presents itself, I will get us out of here.”

Estel could only smile at her son, what could she say? She still had a glimmer of hope that Aiden would still come for them, but Damien would not have it, he was hellbent on the idea that his father had abandoned them and honestly she was starting to believe him.

“Take heart mother, no need to be sad.”

Juat then Estel quickly rose to her feet and threw her gaze at the door, “someone is coming, grab a vial from under the pillow, hurry!”

It had been quite a while since one of the mages came up to the tower to check up on Estel, she sensed that something must have happened that was keeping them occupied. She had vaguely heard some of the talkin of one of their own who had gone missing but she didn’t hear much after that.

Damien grabbed a vial and placed it to his lips. He drunk the potion, but only half of it, and hit himself under the covers. His form shrunk but because he didn’t finish the potion his mind remained the same. He didn’t want to be completely suppressed by the potion, not today. If an opportunity to escape wasn’t going to present itself, Damien was going to take it.

The door flew open and Damien heard a pair of heavy footsteps enter the room, there was only one mage who was so big in build as to have such heavy feet, it was Kazan.

“Have you been fed?!” Kazan growled at Estel who nodded in agreement. The mages’ eyes then trailed to the bed where Damien lay, “and the boy? How is he doing?!”

Kazan seemed to be a little more irritable that usual, there was definitely something going on out there that was triggering all this tension.

“He is doing better,” Estel responded flatly.

Kazan grabbed the blonde elven woman by the wrist and pulled her close to him, “better isn’t good enough! What the hell is wrong with that defective child of yours?! All these years and he is just doing better?!”

Damien frowned within the covers, it always infuriated him when Kazan got this way with his mother, and now that he was fully in his right mind, it angered him even more.

The mage wrapped an arm around Estel’s waist and with a firm grip pressed her body onto his, “he needs to be better than better..”

“I told you he is a new kind of species, I can’t know how his development will be..” Estel squirmed in the man’s arms, “now let me go!”

The man drew his face closer to Estel and smiled menacingly, “maybe you just need to make a new hybrid...” the way in the tone of his vice changed made Damien bite down on his lip in fury, what the hell was this man insinuating?!

“How about a half human half elf hybrid, I’m sure the master would be pleased with that as well,” Kazan trailed his hand to Estel’s collar. “I can help you with that Princess.”

“No! Leave me alone Kazan I’m warning you!” She tried to pry herself away but the mage managed to pin her again her against the wall as he chuckled snarkily.

“Or what Princess?” He challenged Estel, “you and your little brat have been living here free od charge just eating and shitting and giving nothing back!” He licked Estel’s neck making her whimper, “it’s high time you do something in return.”

When Damien heard the sound of his mother’s dress ripping, he could hold himself any longer. Kazan threw his gaze at the bed where a dark mist like substance was forming.

“What in the bloody-”

The mage did not even get the chance to finish his statement, before he new it, some shadow like figure zipped towards him and rammed into his stomach. Kazan gripped his stomach coughed violently, traces of blood splattered from his mouth as he gazed up at who had attacked him.

In front of him stood a demon, a being from hell with one black wing and devilishly glowing purple eyes. “Who the hell are you?!”

“I’m the defective child...”

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