Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1624 - 142: That’s The Spirit

Arnold pushed Leslie back into her seat and put his hand on her shoulder so she couldn't move. She struggled against him, hitting his arm, shoulder, and chest, and he shouted at her to stop. "You are utterly shameless!" he roared.

Arnold was pissed. His lips were pressed tightly together, and the veins in his forehead were popping out. Leslie had always done everything she wanted to do, and she had never been afraid of anything. But when did she get into the habit of sitting on men? - Arnold asked himself.

Leslie laughed and said, "I am not shameless, but you relieve me of my shame, and I think you do it intentionally. We both know that you have feelings for me!"

"Shut up!" Arnold roared. "You are my sister, for Christ's sake, so don't ever do that again! Do you hear me? It's not going to happen between us, and I'm tired of having to repeat myself. For the last time, I will not fall in love with you, so just let it go."

Leslie smiled, and in a sing-song voice, she said," Let it go. Let it go. I can't hold it back anymore... "She knew that Arnold hated that song, and it amused her to annoy him.

Arnold could tell by the look on her face that he hadn't gotten through to her. She would continue to do as she pleased, regardless of what he said, unless he found some other way to end her wicked shenanigans. He turned to look at her and scowled when he saw that she was batting her long, luscious eyelashes at him.

You are not allowed to fall in love with her-Arnold told himself- You can fall in love with anyone you please, with your sister being the exception!

A smaller voice spoke up in his mind. It reminded him that they weren't related by blood, and he firmly told it to - SHUT THE fuck UP!

Leslie folded her legs, one over the other, and the hole in the leg of her jeans exposed her knee. It was white as freshly fallen snow, and Arnold found himself drawn to it. "You shouldn't wear jeans like those," he scolded her. "You'll attract unwanted attention."

"Maybe I like the attention," Leslie replied.

"After today, I'm going to see if I have feelings for other men."

Arnold was appalled by what she'd said, but she'd put headphones over her ears before he could reply. He didn't know it, but she didn't put any music on. She didn't like listening to music through headphones. The only reason she ever put them on was to discourage people from talking to her.

Arnold's grip on the steering wheel got a little tighter. He could see Leslie in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were closed, and she looked peaceful.

They were getting close to Beverly villa, and as soon as they arrived, Crystal ran out to greet them. Then, when they got out, Arnold gave Crystal a stern look and said, "Please keep an eye on her today. Can you do that for me, Miss Smith?"

Crystal nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will watch her carefully. And you can just call me Crystal." As she spoke, she suddenly noticed a hand around her waist. At some point, Nathan had put his arm around her.

Nathan looked at Leslie. He smiled and said, "You're lucky. If it weren't for Arnold, I'd never have agreed to lend Crystal to you!" Nathan remembered that Leslie had drugged Arnold, so he didn't like her, let alone trust her. He turned to Crystal and said, "Don't get too close to her. Stand at least one meter apart from her at all times!"

Leslie's face turned red from embarrassment. "Don't worry," Leslie said. "I will be on my best behavior, and I will keep your woman safe." In her mind, though, she was thinking- I will protect her, but there is no way that I am going to give her that kind of space!

Crystal took the car keys from Nathan and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. Then she opened the door and got in the driver's seat. Leslie chuckled, called "Shotgun!" and climbed in beside her. Then, while they were still in the driveway, she rolled down her window and called out to Nathan. "Do men always like 'The Crystal Type'?" she asked.

Nathan looked at Crystal, and then he turned back to Leslie. He grinned at her like a hungry shark and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what other men like," he said. "I do know what men like, though: 'The Leslie Type.' He was utterly ruthless when he was angry or annoyed. "Not even your brother wants you," he added spitefully. He didn't know that Leslie was trying to have a relationship with Arnold, but he did know that he was trying to pawn her off on some unsuspecting man.

When Leslie heard what Nathan had said, all of the fights left her body, and she looked fragile suddenly. Tears appeared in her eyes as she closed the window.

Crystal hadn't noticed that she was upset yet. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"Anywhere," Leslie cried. "Just not here. How about Delly Square?"

Crystal could see now that Leslie was upset by what Nathan had said. "Never mind what Nathan said to you," she said. "He gets mean sometimes. He didn't mean it."

Leslie rubbed her short hair and said, "What he said is not enough to affect me."

Crystal knew she was lying, but she didn't want to further upset her friend by putting her nose where it might not belong. "What about Arnold?" she asked.

Leslie scowled and said, "Don't talk to me about him."

Crystal: "Well, you know that you can talk to me about anything."

They rode the rest of the way in silence, and as they arrived, Leslie said, "I'm going on a blind date tomorrow. I'm going to take it very seriously. If I find someone I like, Nathan and Arnold will be forced to eat their words!"

"That's the spirit!" Crystal chuckled, and as they got out of the car, she said, "And who knows? Maybe the man you find will be a woman!"

Leslie smiled when she heard that. Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting? - she wondered hopefully. She turned in Crystal's direction to see if she could read her friend's expression. Unfortunately, Crystal was two steps ahead of her already, so it was impossible.

When they got into the mall, Crystal noticed that it was bustling, and she said, "I wonder if they are making a TV show here today? Look at that couple over there. The guy's not tall, but he's cool."

Leslie: "I like that girl better. She looks so shiny. Is she a Drama Idol?"

Leslie looks cool - thought Crystal, suddenly Her every move is tantalizing and charming.

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