Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1714 - 232: Do You Dare To Deny It?

Nancy's skin was very white, so her wounds stood out in stark contrast. Paul had never seen her look like this before. The sight of her caused his heart to beat fast. And for the first time in his life, he felt pity for one of the women he was screwing.

He touched her shoulder, and she flinched away from him. Her skin is so soft, and she is actually quite delicate - he realized. When they'd been married, he'd only seen her as a baby-making machine. Over the last couple of days, he'd decided that she was a wh*re, just like every other woman. Now, though, she had somehow touched his heart, and he felt terrible about assaulting her. Now, when she cried out in pain, he seemed to feel it too. It was inexplicable and undeniable.

What is happening? - he wondered. All he knew was that Nancy was really annoying. He was so distracted that he didn't notice that the water had run cold until she mentioned it. Then, without thinking, he turned it as hot as it could go.

"It's too hot!" Nancy shrieked.

"Seriously?" Paul exclaimed. He thought This woman was in more trouble than she's worth! He shut off the water and said, "If you're going to be difficult, you may as well dry off."

Nancy closed her eyes and held out her hand for a towel. When he didn't give her one, she put a hand on either side of the tub and tried to stand up. Just as she began to push, though, Paul put his hand on her shoulder and held her down.

"I need a towel," Nancy whined. "Water hurts my eyes."

Paul looked over his shoulder. The towel was far away, and as she cried out in pain, he began to panic. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and dried her eyes. Nancy was surprised by this, and she thought - What's the matter with him today? One minute he is hurting me, and the next, he's helping me... "I'd better let a servant help me," she said.

Paul: "Do you want everyone to know that we had sex?"

Nancy: "Do you think that's what I want?"

Paul: "I think you want Noah to help you."

Nancy nodded and said, "Better him than you; that's for sure."

Paul squirts water in her face. "What? Do you want him to see this?" he asked.

Nancy: "What are you talking about? You did this to me!"

Paul: "You came into my room and seduced me!"

Nancy: "I didn't seduce you. I didn't do anything wrong!"

Paul: "Are you sure? If you weren't down to fuck, why weren't you wearing a brassiere?"

Nancy's face turned red. She couldn't believe how easily he was twisting the situation in his favor.

Suddenly, Paul cupped her left breast in his right hand. He kneaded it gently, and when she tried to pull away, he twisted her nipple, not too hard, but just hard enough to keep her in line. The feel of her breasts caused him to fall in love with her, and he could not stop playing with them.

Paul: "Every time I have sex with you, you fight me and cry. If that isn't seduction, what is it?"

Nancy: "That's the last thing I want to do with you."

Paul: "Does that mean that if I tried to have sex with you again, you would fight me?"

"That is exactly what I mean!" Nancy shouted. When she saw the look in his eyes, she knew immediately that she had said the wrong thing. He looked like the Big Bad Wolf, and she felt like Little Red Riding Hood. She gulped when she saw the enormous bulge in his pants.

"If you didn't want it, then why are you seducing me now?" Paul asked.

Nancy was speechless, and she did not know what to do. The more she protested, the more he thought she wanted him. All she could do was wait and see what he would do.

Paul turned the water back on, and he poured some bath lotion on a loofah. Then he began to rub her body with it. He scrubbed vigorously, and she dared not protest, no matter how much pain she felt. After several minutes, she forced herself to quit fighting or complaining. She knew that his brain circuits were different from others and that he misunderstood her struggles against him as an invitation to have his way with her.

Paul chuckled and said, "You are such a dirty girl."

Nancy scowled and said, 'You are sick in the head!"

"Me? Sick?" Paul smiled and said, "If you say so." Then he leaned in to kiss her on the lips. She tried to pull away, but there was nowhere to go. She was trapped in the tub.

Paul kissed her hard on the mouth, forcing his tongue into her mouth, and sucking her tongue into his mouth, and the more he kissed her, the angrier he became. She should be mine! - he thought. He wanted to kill Noah so that she could not marry him.


While Nancy dried off, Paul took the First Aid Kit out from underneath the sink. He had her sit on the toilet, and then he began to treat her wounds. He didn't know what to do, and he was going to call the doctor for advice, but she said, "Don't ask him. I know what to do. Do you have any anti-inflammatory medicine?"

"It's in the medicine cabinet," Paul replied. "I'll get it for you."

Nancy: "Can I have some water, please?"

"Sure." Paul handed her several medicines and went to get her a glass of water from the kitchen. When he returned, she took two anti-inflammatory pills and two extra-strength Advil.

After she had taken medicine, Paul stared at her for a long time. "Do you want me to apply some medicine to your wet core?"

Nancy: "No, I've already taken care of that."

Paul: "What? When?"

Nancy: "When you went to pour the water."

Paul: "So soon?!?!"

Nancy: "What's the big deal?

Paul opened the medicine cabinet and said, "Which ointment did you use?"

Nancy: 'Why do you ask?"

Paul: "I'll reapply it."

Nancy: "Well, no. One application is fine."

Paul: "I'm sure you didn't apply it well. You were in a rush. Let me do it again."

He held her down when Nancy still said no, pried her legs apart, and reapplied the medicine. This time, though, when he touched her, he was unexpectedly gentle. He watched her face as he did it, and when he was done, he kissed the sore area. There was something about the look on his face that made her uneasy, though.

There was a knock at the door, and Paul looked up. "Who is it?" he asked.

"Sorry, Sir." It was one of the servants. He said, "Mr. Noah Laurent is looking for Miss Nancy. He said that he sent her some pictures."

Paul frowned. "Tell him that I'm bathing Nancy," he said.

Nancy stared at him in disbelief.

Paul: "What? Do you want him to join us?"

Nancy: "Did you do this on purpose?"

"Wait a minute." Paul called the servant and said, "Ask Noah to send up some clothes for Nancy."

Nancy: "Paul! You mustn't go too far!"

"What?" Paul looked at her, smiled wickedly, and said, "We've done it all. Do you dare deny it? Didn't anyone teach you that it is bad to tell lies?"

Moments later, Noah arrived with the clothes. He handed them to Paul, and when Paul received them, he said, "She was so enthusiastic last night that she can't walk this morning. You are going to really enjoy her when it's your turn."

Nancy was left stunned and speechless.

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