Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1728 - 246: How Shameless

(Triggered Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene and inappropriate words. If you're not comfortable reading it kindly skip it and move to another chapter)

Paul was a musclebound hunk, and Nancy and Michelle were both surprised to see him taking off his clothes. Certainly, neither of them expected that he would throw his underwear over Nancy's head.

How shameless! - Nancy thought - How dirty! She closed her eyes and pulled his underwear over her head. Once she could see again, she saw that Paul had positioned himself on the bed, and he was snapping his fingers.

The servants that had been massaging Michelle's genitals retreated. She climbed on the bed, sat on Paul's chest, turned to Nancy, and said, "Well, get to it!" She sneered. "Let us see if you are as good of an artist as you claim to be…"

Only now did Nancy understand the full extent of the punishment. She frowned as she chose a pencil, and she began to sketch a likeness of Michelle and Paul.

Paul smirked and said, "When you're done, let me inspect it."

Unlike Paul's treatment of Nancy, he treated Michelle with gentle indulgence. He kissed her hair, forehead, nose, and all the way down to her toes. Finally, he asked her if she was ready.

"I like it when you kiss me," Michelle replied. "Kiss me a little longer. "

Paul smiled, and as he kissed her, he began to touch her body. They seemed to have completely forgotten that they were not alone.

Suddenly, Paul shouted, "Lookout, Michelle! I'm comin' in..." He tore off her panties, and she cried out in pain as he forced himself inside her. "It hurts..." she wailed.

Nancy's hand shook as she drew. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore Michelle's pain. She hated the other woman, but she had been in her position and did not think anyone deserved this kind of treatment.

"Does it hurt, baby?" Paul finally slowed down and said, "I'm sorry, I was so rude just now..."

"It doesn't matter." Michelle stroked his face lovingly and said, "Just get it over with."

"You are a man. You have needs. I understand."

Nancy's sweat was dripping onto the paper. She gripped her pencil, and as it snapped in two, she thought - Paul, I hate you!

"Oh, Paul," Michelle moaned seductively. "I love you so much." As he fucked her, she ran her nails down his back.

Paul gasped. "Baby, I love you, too."

'I'm finished!" Nancy announced. But it was the wrong time, and she was so loud that Paul almost ejaculated.

"Do you want to die?" Paul grabbed her chin and squeezed it. "Because that is what is going to happen to you if you keep shouting like that!"

"You were so into it that I was afraid you wouldn't hear me."

Nancy picked up her drawing and said, "I've finished the painting. Mr. Burnett, please check it." She felt humiliated. She felt like a schoolgirl turning in a late assignment to a preoccupied teacher.

Paul was slightly annoyed by Nancy's announcement, and he did not stop fucking Michelle. "Can't you see that I'm busy?" he growled. "Give it to me!"

Nancy stood up and handed him the picture, but he just took one look at it and dismissed it. "Try again," he said. Then he crumpled up the paper and threw it away.

"Why? What was wrong with it?"

"It wasn't good enough. It should be picture perfect!"

Tears welled up in Nancy's eyes, and she said, "I am doing my best. It would help if you were more cooperative…"

Paul froze mid-thrust, sighed, and said, "What do you need from us?"

"You could stay still while I draw?" Nancy suggested.

Paul put Michelle's leg over his shoulder, giving Nancy a clear view of their genitals and Michelle's sweaty breasts. "How's this?" he asked. He smiled, and as his eyes lit up, he slowly pushed himself inside her.

This was more than Nancy could handle. Suddenly, she felt the contents of her stomach begin to come upon her. She sprinted to the bathroom, went down on her knees, pushed the toilet seat up, and vomited. Then, when she was done, she stood up and looked in the mirror. "How did things get this far?" she muttered. Her face was pale, and there was a chunk of vomit on her chin.

Nancy turned on the tap, ran the water as hot as she could, and washed her face. Some of the colors returned to her cheeks, but she felt no better. She looked herself in the eyes, and she began to cry. Why am I letting him get to me? - she wondered - It is just a picture...

Up until her wedding day, Nancy had not known anything about sex. Before she went to her wedding bed, though, the servants had shown her some porn. After that, she had thought she was prepared, but the things Paul had done to her were nothing like what she had seen in those movies. She supposed that she had PTSD from having sex with Paul. If that were the case, it made sense that this would trigger her.

Nancy did not want to be pushed around anymore, but she did not know what to do. She waited for as long as she possibly could, and then she returned to the bedroom. Paul and Michelle were still going at it, but he looked up as she entered. He said, "Our time is limited. If you do not get this right tonight, you will have to try again tomorrow."

Nancy glared at him. "I'm sure I can do it tonight," she said. "Or are you not as virile as you used to be?" When he did not reply, she calmly returned to the easel, picked up a pen, and adjusted the Angle. As she began to draw, she directed the lovers. She said, "Michelle, raise your hand, please. Yes, hold it there.

"Paul put your right hand on her left breast and try to show some enthusiasm if you can."

As Nancy painted, she tried to focus on the mechanical task while distracting herself with other thoughts. She had come from a good family, and although she was not a rich girl, she was the apple of her parent's eyes. When she was a child, she studied hard in the hopes that she would marry a good man one day. It had all come to naught, though, and her talents were being wasted.

Nancy drew very carefully. She readjusted Paul and Michelle's bodies from time to time, and the more she interfered in their act, the less passionate it became. Eventually, Paul became aware that the painting was affecting his stamina, and as hard as he tried to get it back, he could not.

Michelle ran her hands through his sweaty hair, raised her body to kiss his ear, and said, "Paul, are you alright?" His ear was the most sensitive spot on his body, and he froze when her lips touched his skin.

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