Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 260: 260 Fire King and nuclear bomb

Chapter 260: 260 Fire King and nuclear bomb

Martial Artists who do not obey the rules will be dealt with at the highest level.

Border Guard Air Force 47. The four warplanes received orders and attacked immediately.

The stationary machine gun was throwing ammunition quickly. It certainly couldn't do any harm to the Fire King.

"Come on, dare to attack this Fire King." The Fire King was angry at being provoked. It emitted an extremely high profound energy into flames that enveloped the body. Even though he came to develop goodwill with the empire, he did not allow these ants to go to humiliation.

"The target is not damaged. Switch to air-to-air guided missiles, SIIA2." The four fighter planes, seeing their regular attacks were ineffective, quickly turned to ballistic missiles.

"Lock target"


More than ten missiles fired simultaneously, targeting the Fire King.

"Huh, what do you think these things can do to me?" The Fire King looked at the missile with contempt. Even if it was a new generation of military weapons, it would be difficult to cause damage to the Profound Realm Martial Artists.

The Fire King emitted a wave of flames over a hundred meters wide, forming the first layer of defense.

"Hahaha, you low-class ants. This kind of toy can't do anything to me." Fire King laughed happily.

"The attack failed. I repeat, the attack failed." After that, the fighter continued to attack the Fire King at a higher speed. So the Fire King was unable to catch up.

The failed attack was directed to the Security Council, the same time Zhao Lingxin knew about this.

Zhao Lingxin came to the Imperial Army Headquarters to hear the problem with Foreign Minister Li Wei.

"From our database, he is a king-level Martial Artist of the King Slay Demon Palace Sect," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei reported on the Fire King's identity.

"Is he a king-level? The King Slay Demon Palace Sect and we have a good relationship. Why would he do this?" Zhao Lingxin said, curious.

"We do not know about this as well. But psychologists estimate this might be a very arrogant symptom of a Martial Artist that is difficult to fix," said Lieutenant Li Wei.

The foreign ministry has specialized psychology specialists. To deal with negotiations on various matters, he demeanor of the Fire King made an expert estimate like this.

"Hmmm, this is really the arrogant nature of a Martial Artist," Zhao Lingxin thought the same way.

"Your Majesty, how should we continue to manage? A Martial Artist with this level of high strength would suffer severe damage if allowed to enter the center of the country." Air Force Xiang Mu, responsible for the airspace defense system, was worried about the Fire King, as the military's weapons had no effect at this time.

"Ordered Aviation Unit 47 to withdraw," Zhao Lingxin said.

"Your Majesty, but if we withdraw like that" Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu exclaimed.

"Follow my orders. As I know, our secret military base is located in that area," Zhao Lingxin said.

Just these words of Zhao Ling Xin, Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu immediately realized what Zhao Lingxin wanted to do.

"I will quickly order them to withdraw," Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu said, then issued the order.

The withdrawal order has been in effect. Command 47th Border Guard Air Force immediately withdrew from the battlefield as soon as possible.

"Hahaha, so cowardly. Why did you flee so quickly?" The Fire King was not satisfied enough that he had not yet entirely rampaged. The Fire King saw his enemies retreat. He was preparing to travel to the city of Shenzhou to meet Zhao Lingxin.

Hundreds of kilometers from that point, beneath the desert, was the imperial secret military base, the purpose of which was to test highly lethal weapons.

"An order came down from the HQ. Prepare to install missiles."

At that moment, the desert moved to reveal a rocket launch platform underground, tens of meters in size. This is a weapon that the army develops medium-range missiles with a range of more than a thousand kilometers.

And more importantly, this medium-range missile is also equipped with a nuclear warhead.

The Empire did not fire nuclear bombs to wipe out the invading hordes of demons back then. Due to environmental limitations that can affect the capital and domestic areas and affect hundreds of millions of people to suffer from it.

But the land is full of a desert. There are no contraindications, any restrictions. The vast desert was chosen as a base for testing military weapons.

Coincided with the fact that the Fire King was in this area when standard weapons have no effect, Zhao Lingxin arranged a big outfit for the other party. Send medium-range nuclear warheads out.

The nuclear warhead moves from underground to the surface. The staff immediately proceeded.

"Missiles installed successfully"

"Request a fire order," the officer sent a signal back to the capital.

"Confirm order," Zhao Lingxin said.

There is only one person who can shoot nuclear warheads in the Empire. That was Zhao Lingxin, the power provided by the constitution.

Zhao Ling Xin accepted a card engraved with a series of messages from General Guo Ling before reading the card.

"FDE3-543GH-VBFDE-6324-GLOS8" Zhao Lingxin read the missile release authorization code.

The missile launch is loaded with multiple layers of security to ensure the correct order that all missile launch codes are kept at the Prime Minister.

"Sound waves are correct," officials calibrated Zhao Lingxin's voice according to the database.

"Code is correct." Upon verifying that all codes match, the staff immediately takes the next step.

"Specify the target coordinates 115 kilometers away. Moving at a speed of 455 km per hour.

Two officers inserted two keys into the launcher. From now on, they would count to three and twist at the same time.

"3 2 1" Two officers twisted the keys at the same time.

Medium-range nuclear warheads fired at Mach 4 times faster than any imperial fighter.

In less than a minute, the medium-range nuclear warhead missile had reached the Fire King.

At that moment, as if ten times slower. The Fire King stared at the missile coming forward at the speed of sound, heading towards himself.

The missile was ten meters larger than the missile he had previously encountered. The Martial Artist's premonition began to work.

The Fire King was familiar with this sensation, which he had seen twice in his life, and this was the third time the Fire King was going to be hit by a nuclear bomb again.

The Fire King is perhaps the most unlucky person in the world to be hit by another nuclear attack three times.

Medium-range missiles traveled so fast that there was no time to set up. The Fire King hurriedly emptied all the superlative artifacts out of the spatial ring to quickly build a protective barrier.

"Damn, why am I having this kind of thing?" At this time, the Fire King was pretty sure that nuclear bombs must have come from the Empire.

In the blink of an eye, and the Fire King had not yet made preparations. Missiles work. A nuclear bomb emitted a megaton of energy, ten times more violent than the last time the King of Fire had encountered it.

Bright as the sun shines bright. This time, the ten-kilometer radius was melted until the desert on the ground condensed into green glass.

The heatwave spread over a wide area.

"Arghhh" Fire King was attacked by a nuclear explosion. Hundreds of magical items could not resist. Melted with a million degrees of heat. Until his profoundness began to shake, ready to collapse at any time

All of this only lasted for a split second, but the Fire King felt many years have passed.

In times of crisis, critical situations, he uses the last card. Biting the tongue using forbidden subjects surrenders part of energy permanently and cannot be recovered. Cast a technique to increase life force suddenly.

The nuclear bomb was so bright. If you look at it from outer space, a huge light will appear. Then the unique mushroom cloud emerged. When the Mushroom Cloud disappeared, the Fire King's body was still floating in the sky. But the symptoms were not very good.

"Ha Haaaa," Fire King gasped with exhaustion, torn clothes on his body.

"Why do I have to face this?" The experience of three nuclear bombs is not so memorable. And the agony of the whole body. If he didn't have a royal body and hundreds of magical items would not survive the explosion.

Fire King was hit by a level one nuclear bomb and survived. This greatly surprised Zhao Lingxin and the Security Council.

"He hasn't died yet?" Zhao Lingxin respected the Martial Artist, who was now superior to the cockroach.

But the screenshot shows: The Fire King's body slowly fell into the sand below, now transformed into a crystal block from the heat of a nuclear explosion.

"Thud," the body of the Fire King was hit on the ground, not knowing whether it was dead or alive.

Zhao Lingxin, who saw this, issued an order.

"Bring the Fire King back to the capital as soon as possible."

"Roger that, your majesty"

Special operatives wear radioactive protective clothing. Hundreds of special operatives have moved. Travel to the desert in the Southern Guard State of Dalian to bring the body of the Fire King to the capital of the empire and give it to Zhao Lingxin.



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