Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 287: 287 Confront the former Evil Queen

Chapter 287: 287 Confront the former Evil Queen

      "Confirm the order to begin the operation to awaken the sealed creatures. The code is called the Cursed Woman." Number seven received a green light from Zhao Lingxin. began to order more than thirty scientists in the expedition to follow and start the operation at once.

They installed several devices into the coffin located in the center of the hall. With various quantity measurements, carefully observe.

Inside the Government House room, Everyone shook their heads at what had happened.

"Even the Guardian can't stop this little boy from what he is going to do." Sect Master Li Houshun had heard the story of the Evil Queen in the past. He knows that the evil powers are sealed on the moon for a very long time.

"Right now, we can only watch and wait for what will happen."

Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun said. The moon is too far away. It was too much for them to interrupt.

The Guardian stared uninterruptedly at the live broadcast of the lunar mission. The demons of the past are being awakened.

And at this moment, a group of scientists had everything ready.

"Use electricity to initiate."

"Right now, the voltage level is 77 percent." Scientists are analyzing the situation in detail.

"The internal temperature has risen. let's begin to take the next step."

The Number Seven heard so then opened the lid of the coffin. At that moment, the people inside the Government House held their breaths. Watch what's happening without taking your eyes off.

But everyone who saw inside the coffin couldn't believe their own eyes, for there is nothing left inside.

"Verified, we found no relics in the coffin," said Number Seven.

Zhao Lingxin, who was staring at the operation, furrowed his brow because he did not know where the malfunction occurred.

"Huh, why is the coffin empty? Or the Cursed Woman has died?" Sect Master Li Houshun said suspiciously. Everyone in the room looked at the guards for answers.

The Guardian, who saw that everyone was staring at himself, had said something.

"I'm sure that woman hasn't died yet. She is immortal, and even I can't kill myself. Five thousand years ago, I witnessed it with my own eyes. that the First Emperor had sealed her to the moon. There was no mistake in this matter."

Even though the guards said so, what is shown clearly shows that Not a single one was sealed in the coffin.

And at that moment, Zhao Lingxin spoke.

"Everyone, I think what happened next was the real resurrection."

Everyone who heard this turned their attention to the image on the screen.

      Meanwhile, on the Moon Ruins, Scientists have discovered an anomaly.

"Energy has been detected forming inside the coffin."

"Inside the coffin, the temperature has risen." This anomaly caused all eyes to gaze upon the coffin once again.

Now in an empty coffin. Gradually appeared fragments of black dust filled with unfathomable evil. Finally, the dust particles slowly gathered together appeared in the form of a human.

In the coffin appeared an older woman. Where the body withered, leaving only the bones, The white hair gradually grew longer. Red eyes filled with malice. The cursed woman has awakened. A wave of evil has spread across the universe, revealing the horrors of the past returned.

At that moment, the entire Government House, Zhao Lingxin, Grandmasters. They all felt goosebumps as they stared at their dry bodies.

"I remember her. Even after five thousand years, the Guardian muttered to himself. But that sound made everyone clearly confirm the identity of the other party.

At that time, the entire Yanhuang Continent seemed to have hallucinations in the sky. The red giant's eyes appeared. They were shining down on the Earth.

The beasts across the Yanhuang Great Continent were all amazed by the giant red eyes shining down. There was chaos everywhere, like doomsday.

"May the Divine Light give his blessing to ward off this evil devil." Sect Master Yaohuang chanted in praise of the Divine. to get rid of the unfortunate aura that is spreading all over the world now.

"Guardian, Can we have a way to preserve her?"

Sect Master Li Houshun asked angrily. Because he could clearly feel the vengeful force that shone down to the Earth, even such a divine being, he was still not sure if he could fight such a devil or not.

"Guardian, can you deal with her?" The Palace Master also began to ask.

The Guardian who heard that shook his head.

"It is too late. Only the power of the First Emperor can seal her back again." The Guardian's reply brought total despair to everyone in the hall.

"It's because you are the only one who insists on resurrecting her. So, Zhao Lingxin, this is your fault." Sect Master Li Houshun turned to blame Zhao Lingxin.

However, Zhao Lingxin's calm face did not seem to be troubled. On the contrary, it made everyone even angrier. And at that moment, the cursed woman, The sorceress of evil, slowly rose from the coffin. It was causing everyone to turn around and look again.

The cursed woman looked weak. The body was extremely tired. But that existence is an ancient nightmare that has frightened all over the world. Every speaking word of her could curse anyone with a scourge that lasts for eternity. So it was something that everyone in ancient times had fearfully avoided this Devil.

"Humans of the Eastern Lands. Thank you so much for resurrecting me," said the cursed woman softly. Because it has been sealed for thousands of years, But every word was etched into the hearts of all who heard it.

"It's been a long time since I fell asleep. Today I will reclaim all my grudges." The cursed woman looked at a human clad in strange clothes to awaken herself. Astonishingly, this group had no breath but had reached the moon. How commendable.

"A normal human being who came back to this place was considered capable."

But when it's like this, it's good. The woman of the curse was most fond of ordinary human beings who were helpless to resist. She wanted to return to rule over humans again.

      "Come and receive your goodness for resurrecting me this time." The cursed woman called to the mortal who had resurrected herself. Since the other party has merit, she must pay back.

"I promise as long as I wipe out the Martial Artists. You will be free. Everything you wanted was fulfilled." Her words were like the temptation of the Devil. that deceives every human being.

Number seven approached the cursed woman.

"Very good, come closer. I will grant immortality to."

The cursed woman never finished speaking. Number seven suddenly moved without her being able to stand up because she couldn't have imagined that the ant that she snubbed would dare to take such a sudden action.

In hand number seven, there was some equipment. So Number Seven brought that to the mouth of the Cursed Woman.

The device had broken apart, tightly covering the cursed woman's mouth. It was causing her to be unable to speak.

"!!!" The cursed woman was extremely shocked. Preparing to cast a curse, she suddenly found that she could no longer speak.

The cursed woman had to remove the foreign device from her mouth. Then, in order to use her power again. But the number seven moved faster.

"Wicked lady, don't expect it." Number Seven punched a fist into the other side's cheek with full force. The fragile body slammed into the coffin until the dust spread.

"Everyone can do it," Number Seven finished. Several scientists have crept in. Along with some devices, they locked the other party's limbs so tightly that she could not move.

But then, her injuries quickly recovered. As a result of the eternal power within, The damage that Number Seven caused was restored.

However, the demons of the past were not only this vicious. Although unable to move or make a sound. But she was still able to telepathize. At this time, the Devil was furious to the point of being humiliated.

"You think that you have shut my mouth. Will you survive like that? Prepare yourself." The cursed woman suddenly felt sleepy until she passed out. On the side, the scientist gave her a sleeping injection.

"Aesthesia No. 34 One and a half hundred thousand times of dose were successful," the scientist said. This was effective doping that even the cursed woman could not tolerate.

"The capture was successful. The target is now under our control." Number seven reported back to Earth.

Zhao Lingxin immediately smiled.

"Everyone, the show is over. The cursed woman is under our control."

The faces of the Grandmasters and the Guardians were all shocked at what had happened. The sight they saw was even more dramatic than the apocalypse. As if what he saw was a lie. How could such an easy thing exist in the world?

"How easy is this?" Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun said in a puzzled tone. The ultimate evil being held in prison-like a prisoner.

They easily conquered the devils in the past. However, the human resources of a few ordinary human beings have opened up the world to all the Grandmasters, even the guardians, to the point of being stunned to the end of speechlessness.

The Guardians' hardships had always been described and easily conquered until the grandmasters had to look at them with suspicion. Was what the Guardians said was true because of what they saw? It was so easy that it was impossible to speak.

Everyone looked at Zhao Lingxin for an explanation.



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