Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 352: 352 Decisive

Chapter 352: 352 Decisive

The Guardian didn't want to waste time in vain. He thus put an end to the conflict that had arisen between Zhao Lingxin and the God Masters. He wanted the Yanhuang Great Continent to enter the era of peace without the danger of war. This was the origin of the Thousand-Year Peach Blossom Festival that the Guardian intended to hold a meeting to lay down rules for all superpowers to follow.

"I hope you all are aware of the consequences of the war. I don't want to cause any more chaos," the Guardian said at the meeting, clearly expressing his intent to require everyone to comply unconditionally.

Zhao Lingxin did not object to such a matter, but he seemed a little surprised because the Guardian's attitude this time seemed unusually rushed, as if there were some strange things going to happen.

"I won't talk about the past. But from now on, everyone, let go of the killing thought to each other." The Guardian glanced at Sect Master Yao Huang with some hints.

Sect Master Yao Huang knew precisely what a Guardian meant. The previous Great War of the Martial Artist was a Sacred sect that sparked a dispute. Destroying the Tian Long Temple disciples and its master until it collapsed. Absorbing huge territories to occupy. Therefore, the Guardian was clearly focusing on the Sect with some warnings towards to Sect Master Yao Huang who is the one that cause for all of this.

"Heh." Sect Master Yao Huang let out a slight snort before turning his head to the other side, ignoring the Guardian's warning at all.

Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun nodded in agreement with the Guardian's approach this time and supported it.

"There is no reason for me to deny these good intentions of the Divine Temple. Immortal Sword Monastery would like to support the peace of the Yanhuang Great Continent." Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun expressed his stance, gladly standing beside the Divine Temple to maintain the peace of the Yanhuang Great Continent.

The Guardian saw that one of the Godmasters had approved his course and immediately turned around and looked around.

"Your time has come to make your decision." The compelling Guardian, everyone in the congregation, made a clear statement.

"The Empire is willing to obey the orders of the Divine Temple to maintain the world at peace." Zhao Lingxin had no reason to reject this idea either. The Empire was entering a fully developed path. Peace was the subject that Zhao Lingxin longed for the most. Moreover, Zhao Lingxin's relationship with the Guardian inevitably caused Zhao Lingxin to support the Guardian.

The Immortal Sword Monastery and the Great Dazhou Empire had already expressed their stand, it was time for the other three sects to be in trouble and hard to make their decision.

The Five Elements Sect, Li Houshun, thought carefully. Today's meeting, on the surface, is a general meeting of the Sects Master and just to celebrate old time tradition. But in essence, the Guardian controlled the pace of the meeting every step of the way, forcing everyone to agree.

Also, the peace and quiet did not affect the Five Elements Sect much. Finally, after going through many analyzes, Sect Master Li Houshun decided to stand beside the Guardian Front.

"I agree with the Guardian."

"I agree, too." Palace Lord Feng Zhong said without a choice as most of them had already expressed their stance. Unfortunately, the King Slay Demon Palace Sect did not have the power to resist the tide of change.

Only Sect Master Yao Huang, with a sad expression on his face, did not want to follow the Guardian's orders.

"Lord Yao Huang, or do you want to start another war on the Yanhuang Great Continent? I couldn't make up my mind." Zhao Lingxin said hurriedly.

Under Zhao Lingxin's mocking words, Sect Master Yaohuang made a decision at the last moment.

"I can agree." Sect Master Yao Huang's expression clearly softened. Today's meeting will never change. The Guardian wants peace as soon as possible.

The Guardian, who saw all the Godmasters, including Zhao Lingxin cooperating very well, showed a rare smile.

"Since everyone has a unanimous agreement, let's sign it."

The Guardian took out the Eternal Covenant that had been used with Zhao Lingxin. He wanted all the Divine Masters to make an oath to prevent future abuses.

The Guardian has used the Eternal Covenant to bind everyone so that they cannot violate the oath. Because even a Godmaster could not escape the punishment of the Eternal Covenant. The Guardian had already fully interfered with the world.

Such a level existence thrust into the hand. The Divine Godmaster had no choice but to agree to sign the Spiritual Promise of the Eternal Covenant.

Zhao Lingxin, without the slightest hesitation, quickly released a fraction of his soul to make a vow. The other masters continued to follow through on the agreement. Everything is going well. But then there was a problem in the end because Sect Master Yao Huang didn't sign the covenant at the last moment.

"Lord Yao Huang, why didn't you sign?" the Guardian asked. Right now, the eternal peace of the Yanhuang Continent is only one step away. They all wanted Sect Master Yao Huang to complete the signature.

Zhao Lingxin also stared at Sect Master Yao Huang with curiosity.

Sect Master Yao Huang did not answer the Guardian's question. Refused to sign the covenant. He was silent for a moment under everyone's gaze before raising his head with changing eyes.

This time, Sect Master Yao Huang was staring at the Guardian with clearly unfriendly eyes.

"Your Guardian is too old," Sect Master Yao Huang said. Everyone in the pavilion listened in disbelief. But Sect Master Yao Huang didn't let everyone understand the matter in time. say another sentence

"Right now, you are no longer qualified to protect the world." Sect Master Yao Huang finished speaking, standing up and challenging the Guardian out of the front, as if no longer afraid of the Guardian.

Sect Master Yao Huang's reaction led everyone, including Zhao Lingxin, to think about what was going on.

The Guardian's expression remained calm as usual, not showing an expression of anger at the act of insulting him with no manners.

Sect Master Yao Huang's face sneered as if he had imagined it.

"Hahaha." At that moment, Sect Master Yao Huang laughed madly. Again, ignoring the staring eyes in the slightest. This time, Sect Master Yao Huang's eyes shone with an incomprehensible mystery, as if he had discovered some secret that was enough to shake the world.

"Right now, you don't have the strength to control us any longer." Sect Master Yao Huang looked at the remaining Divine Godmasters before raising his hands to the side.

"The era of the Guardian is over. Now it's time for us to decide our own destiny. The story of the Yanhuang Great Continent doesn't want the Guardians to interfere." Sect Master Yao Huang finished speaking and walked out of the pavilion. He didn't even say goodbye to the Guardian, as if the other party didn't exist anymore.

Sect Master Li Houshun and Palace Lord Feng Zhong turned to look at each other. Right now, the Thousand Year Peach Blossom Festival has fallen badly. When there was a lack of one Godmaster, any covenant was useless any longer.

Zhao Lingxin hadn't even thought that the Divine Temple's Thousand Year Peach Blossom Festival would end up like this. The meeting went on for less than half an hour and came to an unsettling conclusion.

"Let's go. It would be useless to stay here." Sect Master Li Houshun and Palace Lord Feng Zhong turned away at the same time, heading towards the direction of Sect Master.

The Guardian had a sour expression on his face. This was the first time Zhao Lingxin had seen the Guardian's face that showed a grim expression.

Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun also found an abnormality and asked,

"Guardian, what does this mean?"

The Guardian, who heard the question slightly, waved his hand and gave a short answer.

"Nothing, leave me like this," the Guardian dismissed the Sword Master.

Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun, who saw that, also rose up.

"Since this is the case, I have to say goodbye." Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun didn't see the benefit of staying seated. So he turned away as well. The Martial Artists below saw their Godmaster coming back and were greatly shocked that this meeting was too fast. Each Godmaster had already returned to his own sect.

The news that the Thousand Year Peach Blossom Festival had suddenly collapsed quickly spread, causing people to panic.

In the Peach Blossom Pavilion, there were only two people left.

"Zhao Lingxin, follow me." The Guardian said as he walked forward.

Zhao Lingxin obediently followed the Guardian. However, he now had a premonition that caused some anxiety to arise in his heart, causing a headache.

The two of them walked towards a corner of the valley. The Guardian stared blankly at the clouds in front of him. All around was extremely silent, as if time had slowed down.

"Why didn't you stop them?" Zhao Lingxin was filled with doubt about the power of the Guardians. Restraining the Divine Godmaster was extremely easy. But why didn't the Guardians do it?

The Guardian who heard such a question slowly turned around and spoke to Zhao Lingxin.

"Perhaps Sect Master Yao Huang is right. I am too old now." The Guardian said in a gloomy tone.



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