Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 355: 355 Fall of Zhao Lingxin

Chapter 355: 355 Fall of Zhao Lingxin

      "I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Sect Master Yao Huang was determined to kill Zhao Lingxin. Indeed his soul bound his Everlasting Covenant.

Even if he could not directly deal with Zhao Lingxin, but he has his own method.

"I will avenge for what you have always done to me. Therefore, the Realm of the Darkness, please grant me supreme power." Sect Master Yaohuang wanted to use the power of darkness to deal with Zhao Lingxin.

A black aura had covered Sect Master Yaohuang and transformed the surroundings into a terrifying atmosphere.

"The Curse of the Dark Dimension, curse Zhao Lingxin to the Eighteenth Inferno." Sect Master Yao Huang has gained a deep understanding of the power of darkness.

At the tip of his finger appeared a blazing black flame before quickly dissipating into the air.

Sect Master Yao Huang turned towards Grandmaster Li Houshun and Palace Lord Feng Zhong. Who knelt on the side became a loyal servant.

"The Five Elemental Sect and the Demon Slayer Palace take orders."

Sect Master Yaohuang said.

"Request your master to have a commandment," the two divine masters said humbly. The life and death seal had taken control of the soul essence.

"Order a Royal Martial Artist to go and hunt Zhao Lingxin."

Sect Master Yao Huang issued an order. He wanted the Martial Artists of each sect's rank. Go and hunt Zhao Lingxin and no longer have to fear the dead Guardian.

"Yes, my lord." The two Grandmasters promptly sent out an order.

This time, a great crisis had come to Zhao Lingxin.

In the same group, the aircraft carrier fleet was heading back to the Empire at high speed.

"Your Highness, in four hours, we will enter the imperial airspace."

The commander kept reporting to Zhao Lingxin periodically.

"Hmm." Zhao Lingxin only slightly accepted. His mind was now extremely worried. If he was not in his own land, It's hard to calm your mind. Now the aircraft carrier fleet has to pass through the airspace of many countries. There is a chance to have an accident at any time.

The aircraft carrier fleet has a flight ceiling of thirty thousand feet. At such a height, it isn't easy to detect. But in the end, the aircraft carrier fleet was unable to escape the eyes of most people.

      The aircraft carrier fleet was now in the center of the Sacred Sect's borders. And the overlapping area of the Five Elemental Sect and the Demon Slayer Palace.

Zhao Lingxin's nightmare had begun.

The aircraft carrier alarm sounded.

"Your Highness, we have detected a signal of ill-will. is heading this way." The officer quickly warned.

"It was as I thought." Zhao Lingxin was not surprised. Because of all the events that had happened, he had already anticipated that Zhao Lingxin still had a regular expression.

"All units operate independently." Zhao Lingxin gave decision-making power. To the aircraft carrier fleet in response to the invaders that approach every moment.

"Unfortunately, the opponent has a royal energy wave," the official said in shock. Now it showed the screen of the aircraft carrier More than thirty red dots on the net. Moreover, all of them were royal Martial Artists.

"What!!!" The commander was shocked at the sight that appeared. A King level Martial Artist was not something that was easily seen. Only the Major sect had ten master-rank Martial Artists.

However, at this moment, more than thirty Monarch level Martial Artists had appeared at the same time, which greatly shocked everyone.

Three Major Sects of Martial Artists, the Sacred sect, The Five Elements Sect, and the Demon Slayer Palace, had teamed up to send a royal Martial Artists to hunt down Zhao Ling Xin.

Aircraft carriers have advanced defense systems, including defensive magic that has been added to the installation. It was enough to deal with Martial Artists of the King level. However, when meeting over thirty King-level Martial Artists simultaneously, the commander just wiped his sweat in disbelief that he would be able to deal with all the King-rank Martial Artists.

"Enable the defense system." The commander quickly issued the order. At this time, the magic formation and anti-aircraft machine guns have been fully enabled.

"Don't worry. Our jet fighter is extremely powerful."

Zhao Lingxin said confidently. And S-22 aircraft. The Empire's command was spread out. Fight in the air with Martial Artists.

"Target confirm." The fighter targeted the Martial Artists in front of them.

The fighter launched a guided missile. Along with machine guns suddenly attacked the Martial Artists. Thus, create an advantage in dominating the airspace in this battle.

The imperial S-22 fighters were able to deliver unmatched combat performance. The aircraft's performance was much superior to its predecessor in terms of speed, weaponry, and ability to fight against royal Martial Artists.

      "I told you, this is the power of an army. that Martial Artists must be afraid." Zhao Lingxin listened to the good news that had occurred on the battlefield in the sky. Royal Martial Artists had to deal with fighter jets in second place. Inaccessible to the aircraft carrier.

Zhao Lingxin was not afraid of these people in the slightest. Because right now, his Cultivation Power was at the highest level of a Monarch. Ready to fight anyone.

But at that moment, Zhao Lingxin felt his whole body hot. As if something was attacking him.

"Arghhhh." Zhao Lingxin spat out a massive pile of blood.

"Your Highness!!!" The commander saw Zhao Lingxin's horrible condition. He hurriedly followed the military doctor urgently.

"What is this?" Zhao Lingxin looked at his palm. A curtain of black mist creeping through every part devoured his life force.

At this moment, they covered Zhao Lingxin's body with a black mist. The Curse of the Dark Dimension used by the Sect Master It was starting to affect Zhao Lingxin at this moment.

"My profound energy has disappeared."

The curse had easily sealed Zhao Lingxin's Qi. The King's cultivation was no longer applicable. Zhao Lingxin had become an average person again.

The curse of the dark dimension didn't stop there. Also attacked Zhao Lingxin's heart. It was meant to take the life of Zhao Lingxin. Zhao Lingxin's life now hung on life and death.

The pain spread everywhere until Zhao Lingxin could not bear it. Finally lost consciousness.

But in Zhao Lingxin's body.

The power to decree the rulers of the First Emperor He showed his golden ability against the curse of the Dark Dimension with all his life. Help save Zhao Lingxin's life. But the two highly different powers attacked each other until Zhao Lingxin's internal organs agitated.

At this moment, outside the aircraft carrier, There were silhouettes of three Divine Masters watching the battle.

"Even though I cannot intervene in the battle, But just like this, Zhao Lingxin will definitely not survive." Sect Master Yao Huang knew that his curse was now working. Before long, Zhao Lingxin would have a final time.

"The imperial fleets are dazzling to the eye. Very annoying." Sect Master Yao Huang wanted to get rid of this fleet of Zhao Lingxin ships.

"The Power of Darkness, Woe to this." Sect Master Yao Huang had sacrificed his blood essence. Unleashing the power of darkness to create a gigantic skull, and Borrowing power from the dark dimension to avoid the prohibition of the Everlasting Covenant, Dark forces attack the aircraft carrier fleet.

" Retreat Retreat." The Divine Martial Artists had already withdrawn. The giant skull attacked everything. Even the aircraft carrier itself began to be damaged.

Imperial fighter jets were crushed to scrap. The power of darkness had eroded the defensive magic until it collapsed.

The pilot didn't have time to think of anything. The skull devoured them.

Everyone on the aircraft carrier now knew that they were definitely not going to survive. They were staring at the giant skull rushing to attack.

"Hurry and lead the emperor to escape."

The commander thought to lead Zhao Lingxin's body to escape through the lifesaving capsule. But when he looked again, he saw that the throne was empty. They could no longer see Zhao Lingxin. Zhao Lingxin had already disappeared.

When the commander found that Zhao Lingxin's body was missing, I no longer have a duty to do it. The commander turned to look at all the officers before taking off his helmet.

"It is an honor to be able to fight with you all."

All the officers paid their respects.

"To the emperorrrr!!!!."

"For the Holy Great Da Zhou Empire!!!!."

The black skull destroyed the aircraft carrier. Now the superior fleet of the Empire had collapsed. Along with the disappearance of Zhao Lingxin.



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