Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 206 Repaying Favor 2

Chapter 206 Repaying Favor 2

Now that he was also a mage, he understood why those prisoners were never heard from again. Most of them ended up as resources, sold to the Willow family to be used as nutrients for the Sylvan tree. If he allowed the royal family to move Erina to that prison, he could forget about ever seeing her again.

The reason he hadn't helped Erina break out of that prison was because he had considered her life after the escape. If he broke her out, Erina could forget about living a normal life ever again, especially since Tessia Kingdom had extradition treaties with most countries in the world, including America, which had conflicting ideologies with Tessia Kingdom.

However, now that he was going to acquire this island and make it his own, he no longer cared about those concerns.

"Thank you, General. I'll deal with this shortly," Daniel said with a nod.

After General Sullivan left the room, Daniel quickly contacted the base using his phone. It rang for a few moments before Penthesilea's voice answered from the other side.

"Yes, My Lord? How may I serve you?" she asked.

Daniel skipped pleasantries and got straight to the point. "Penthesilea, could you please check when the prison I asked you to monitor will transfer the serious criminals to the supermax prison under the royal family's jurisdiction?" he ordered.

"Please wait a moment, My Lord," Penthesilea replied before putting the phone on standby to process her lord's request.

In a few moments, Penthesilea's voice returned with an answer. "It's tomorrow night, My Lord."

Hearing this, Daniel issued another command.

"Collaborate with Maria to check the list of people who will be transferred tomorrow night. If Erina Sun's name is on that list, break her out of that prisoner ship, along with all of the royal family's political enemies and anyone arrested under the lese majeste law."

"What about the other prisoners, My Lord?" Penthesilea inquired.

"This incident will be treated as an accident. The ship will explode and sink to the depths of the sea. No one will survive," Daniel said with a cold tone. He knew that the real prisoners being moved to the supermax prison were the worst of the worst.

The wardens and officials on the boat were all hardcore royalists who saw anyone with differing opinions as disloyal. They often displayed cruelty towards those who thought differently since the distorted laws of the country were on their side. It was time for them to experience the cruelty of others.

"It will be done, My Lord," Penthesilea accepted the command without hesitation. This was the first time her lord had ordered the deaths of ordinary people, but she didn't mind, as she had killed many before during the Trojan War and other battlefields.

After Daniel was done with his command, and Penthesilea was about to hang up he quickly called her out. "Wait…"

"Yes, My lord?" Penthesilea responded.

"I'll send you a good helper to deal with all the evidence, and I'll send Michaela to rescue them, she is an archangel, people would listen to her more than the others." Daniel instructed.

"As you wish, My lord." Penthesilea accepts her lord's command before hanging up.

"A good Helper to deal with the evidence?" Penthesilea repeated as she can't come up with a people who could do that other than Maria who could easily penetrate the network defense of the target and delete all of the evidence from the database, but if her lord means that it was Maria he would have already say the name and not act mysterious like this.

"Hm… Who is that guy." Penthesilea mutter but still can't come up with a suitable name who is within that category before she shrugged and kept her thought to the back of her mind, since sooner or later she will know who exactly it is.

— A day later? —

The prisoner ship, a hulking vessel with rusty, weathered metal, cut a sinister path through the tempestuous, moonlit sea. The cyclone raged around them, churning the waters into a turbulent frenzy. The night was pitch black, broken only by the occasional flash of lightning, revealing the towering waves and howling winds.

Onboard, the warden, a man of imposing stature, barked orders and obscenities at the unfortunate souls confined within the ship's iron bowels. The prisoners were a motley crew, but a distinct divide was evident. The hardcore royalists, fiercely loyal to the ruling monarchy, and those who had dared to defy the crown, were at the heart of the warden's fury.

Erina Sun, the only beautiful woman of Asian heritage among the inmates, was singled out for particularly vile and lecherous comments from the warden. Her delicate appearance and grace contrasted sharply with the harsh surroundings. Fueled by power and a sense of superiority, the warden believed that he would have his way with her when they reached the supermax prison under royal jurisdiction.

"Hey beauty, I know you're one of those who dared to defy the royal family. Your life in the prison is not going to be beautiful, I assure you, unless..." The warden spoke while lecherously gazing at Erina's curves and womanly features. "You become my woman. How about it, Erina Sun? Hm?" He asked with a lecherous smile.

Erina did not say anything in response. She simply closed her eyes, the clothing gag in her mouth and the many chains and restraints on her body effectively preventing her from committing suicide. She would rather die than be defiled by these monsters in human skin.

Amidst the howling winds and towering waves, the darkness was suddenly pierced by a brilliant radiance.

Descending from the heavens above, Michaela in her true form as an archangel. Her majestic presence was marked by the unfurling of three pairs of resplendent angelic wings, each set shimmering with divine light. Her arrival was an awe-inspiring spectacle that defied the chaos of the storm.

With a grace beyond mortal comprehension, Michaela descended towards the prisoner ship. Her celestial aura surrounded her as she descended, and with a sweeping motion of her wings, she severed the iron deck with divine precision, creating a passageway from above. The night sky shimmered with ethereal luminescence as she unveiled her divine might, ready to intervene in this dark and desperate hour.

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