Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 135 Don Veneziale’s Guest

"Back then, you said your company would open in two days," Christopher remarked as he made his way toward the prosthetics on the stand.

"Sorry, there have been more processes than I expected," Daniel nonchalantly replied.

Christopher stopped at the arm stand. His gaze fixated on the intricately designed limbs, examining them up close. "Did you create these prosthetic arms?" he inquired.

"Yes, but you cannot use them as they are. We need to modify your right arm stump to support the prosthetic standard port," Daniel explained, pointing at the port on each prosthetic arm.

"Why bother?" asked the Grand Paladin.

"In case you need to make changes for repairs or to adapt to your current situation. There are three models available. The first one is a standard model for everyday use. It replicates the functions of a real arm, including touch, sensation, and the conduit for your faith powers. However, it cannot generate these powers after it has been cut or damaged since it's not your real arm," Daniel introduced, gesturing towards the prosthetic arm that resembled a human arm.

"The second one is designed for heavy-duty tasks. I have made it as sturdy as possible, increasing overall power such as arm strength, grip, and instant acceleration for forceful strikes. It also maintains faith-power conductivity like the standard model. However, I did not install any weapons or additional mechanical functions such as retractable blades, as they would compromise its integrity and durability," Daniel explained, pointing to the bulky prosthetic arm built with pure white Atlantean steel armor for enhanced durability. Its shape and form were a bit bulky, but the heavy plating protecting its structure appeared impenetrable and highly resistant to damage.

"And finally," Daniel proudly declared, walking towards the last prosthetic arm. It was plated with full armor and featured a mechanical part that could move.

"This one is a combat model! I designed it exclusively for combat, incorporating a small mana generator that amplifies and transforms your mana into faith power! It can also transform into a beam gun, firing a superheated beam with a combat range of 600! You can choose between a powerful charged shot or a rapid burst. However, its durability is inferior to the heavy-duty model. I hope its destructive capabilities will meet your satisfaction," Daniel said with a proud smile.

After seeing all three artifact-grade prosthetic arms, Christopher felt something amiss. Why would this Magitek guy create three models for him? He didn't think Magitek would allow him to freely choose a model. If that were the case, he wouldn't have chosen the standard model, as he didn't believe it would be suitable for combat. He also suspected that the three models would have different base prices, with the third model appearing to be the most expensive.

"So... what's the catch? I don't think you created these three models for me to freely choose from, right? Just so you know, we paladins aren't rich like those mages. If it's too expensive, I won't be able to afford it," Christopher voiced his concerns.

"Come on, Father Christopher, I've done my homework and asked around. I know very well that you guys are dirt poor," Daniel replied with a bit of sarcasm with a businesslike smile. He never intended to get money from Christopher in the first place. His true aim was something entirely different.

"So, what exactly do you want? Mage... Spit it out already," Christopher growled at Daniel in annoyance. This guy had a knack for getting on his nerves.

"Well, Father Christopher, these three are just prototypes, and I need your data and feedback to improve our line of artifact prosthetics. I believe the Vatican wouldn't want to relegate skilled individuals like you to the sidelines easily if they can still maintain their combat effectiveness after losing their limbs, right?" Daniel asked with a knowing smile.

"You destroyed my arm for this?" Christopher asked, his voice tinged with anger.

"Hey! Back then, your arm was trying to shishkebab me! If I hadn't destroyed it, I wouldn't be standing here today," Daniel retorted, his voice laced with annoyance. Why did this guy always seem ready for a fight?

Indeed, at that time, Daniel had been fighting for survival. He had used his alchemy to transmute Christopher's right arm into a salt crystal and broke it, completely disabling him and emerging victorious. Then Daniel offered to fix Christopher's arm, not wanting the Vatican fanatics to constantly hassle him. He had a life to live, and dealing with those pesky combatants all the time would be incredibly annoying.

Unlike a hot-blooded protagonist in an Xianxia genre, who would go to the enemy sect and kill anything that moved there, this was Daniel's real life. Christianity was one of the major religions in the world, and he didn't think such an approach would work.

He had discussed this with Greed, and while these paladins were dirt poor, the Vatican and the Secret Exterminator Unit as a whole organization were the opposite—their wealth was immeasurable. That's why he planned to use Christopher Ward as a presenter and tester for his product. 

From what Greed had told him, there were many retired paladins who had lost limbs and were waiting in the shadows or serving as instructors to train new paladins. And since Christopher Ward was a Grand Paladin and could be considered a celebrity in the Curtained World, he was the best choice as a presenter. That's how Daniel came up with this plan.

After a few more moments of a verbal battle, the two decided that enough was enough, and Daniel shifted the conversation to business.

"So, when would you like to schedule the surgery?" Daniel asked.

"Does it take long?" inquired the paladin.

"It usually takes about 3-5 hours. Since you'll be the first case, I'll need to gather more data while the doctor operates on you in order to create a medical bot that can perform the surgery more quickly," Daniel explained.

"Got it... then let's do it this Saturday..."

"Sorry, I need to take my daughter to the amusement park this weekend," Daniel interjected, causing Christopher's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise.

Then it was transformed into a mix of annoyance and irritation. This guy had an uncanny talent for pressing all the right buttons! Didn't he just ask me about my preferred date?

"Fine! Monday it is!" Christopher exclaimed with exaggerated exasperation, throwing his hands up. He stormed out of the room, clearly irritated, leaving Daniel chuckling.

— Meanwhile - Veneziale's Estate —

As evening fell, Ardito Veneziale, the Don of the Veneziale family, resided in the guest wing, eagerly awaiting his anticipated guest. He was known as the most powerful and influential figure in the Sector Alpha City underworld. All who dabbled in the realm of gray business, whether businessmen, gangsters, or denizens of the underworld like hired killers or professional assassins, had to seek his audience before proceeding with their ventures. The preservation of one's business relied on his favor.

A white Benz glided into the guest parking lot, and a bespectacled man in his mid-twenties, with tan skin, stepped out of the car. He was greeted by a member of the Veneziale gang, who welcomed him with deference and led him towards the guest wing of the imposing main building where Don Veneziale awaited.

This man was none other than Aryan Sharma, an accomplice of the Prescott business group. He had paid a hefty price for an emergency meeting with Don Ardito Veneziale, the most powerful man in Sector Alpha City's underworld and the only individual holding an A Rank membership in the Syndicate Union of the Tessia Kingdom. This elevated his influence even by global standards.

Aryan Sharma's purpose for being here was twofold: to dismantle Astral Tech Corporation and gather intelligence on Daniel Emberweave, the CEO of Astral Tech.

In the guest room where Don Ardito awaited, Aryan Sharma entered, guided by one of the Veneziale gang members.

"Good evening, Don Veneziale," Aryan greeted with a warm smile, politely bowing to the Don who sat in relaxation on the luxurious sofa.

"Likewise, Mr. Sharma. What brings you here? What pleasure do I owe this visit?" Don Veneziale asked with courtesy. If his previous encounters with Daniel had taught him anything, it was the importance of maintaining proper manners towards unfamiliar guests, as one never knew if they might be connected to the world of magic.

Though he had encountered a few mages in his time, none had dared to cross him, fearing the repercussions that would come from angering Daniel, his benefactor. However, there was no guarantee that every mage would respect his connections. It was why he approached new guests with a friendly disposition, as a protective measure. After all, no one wants to slap a smiling face unless they're a complete psychopath.

Aryan Sharma took a seat on the sofa opposite Don Veneziale, and a maid entered, placing a cup of high-grade English tea in front of him.

"Thank you very much, Don Veneziale," Aryan expressed his gratitude, savoring the tea with moderation before setting the cup down.

"Don Veneziale, I am here with an urgent business matter and a promising proposition that we would like to offer you as a collaborative venture," Aryan began, his smile indicating his sincerity.

"Oh? Now you have my attention, Mr. Sharma. Pray, enlighten me," Don Veneziale responded with amusement. After all, it would take a truly irrational person to decline an opportunity for greater wealth.

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