Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 140 To Hong Kong

Seeing that his wife was still dejected and in low spirits, Daniel turned toward his little troublemaker.

"Sweetie, would you like to sleep with Aunt Greed tonight?" Daniel asked, clearly having an ulterior motive in mind.

"Huh?" Little Sylvana tilted her head in confusion. Usually, she would want to sleep with her favorite aunt so they could enjoy their time indulging in ice cream and games until midnight. But she sensed that something was amiss from her father's question.

"Why? You usually don't want me to sleep with Auntie because you know we'll play games until midnight," Sylvana innocently asked.

"Oh, it's because tomorrow is a special day. I wanted to see if you can wake up on time if you enjoy the games with Aunt Greed. If you wake up late, our time to enjoy Disneyland will be reduced," Daniel answered, teasing his little princess with a half-truth, half-lie.

Hearing that her enjoyment time might be reduced, the little troublemaker quickly turned to her favorite aunt.

"Aunt Greed! You have to wake me up, okay? I don't want our time to be reduced," Sylvana pleaded with her puppy eyes.

"Aww, okay! Then let's go to bed early tonight," Greed assured her little troublemaker with a wink at Daniel. She knew exactly what Daniel wanted to do to console Wrath.

After enjoying a lighthearted dinner, Daniel led his wife to their room. That night, Wrath found herself in a state of pure bliss, her body tingling with pleasure. The earlier dejection had completely dissipated, replaced by overwhelming sensations that left her incapable of feeling anything else. The pleasure Daniel bestowed upon her, rendered her lower half nearly numb. At that moment, there was no room for sadness or dejection in her heart, as her mind was consumed by an all-encompassing wave of ecstasy.

Daniel realized that Wrath's physical endurance was far greater than that of an ordinary human, allowing her to keep up with him for so long. However, he didn't want her to feel dejected anymore, so instead of focusing on her shortcomings, he flooded her with overwhelming pleasure, which miraculously worked.

Unbeknownst to Daniel, his actions only fueled Wrath's determination to find more partners for him. It was no longer just about ensuring the continuity of their mage clan; it had become a matter of survival for her as well.

In the morning, little Sylvana woke up with Greed's alarm. Excitement surged through her, and she swiftly got ready, putting on her best dress and boots. She eagerly awaited her parents, who were in a rush to prepare themselves. Wrath had slept in a bit later due to exhaustion from the previous night, much to Greed's knowing smirk.

Amidst the chaos of the morning, Daniel and Wrath hurriedly gathered their belongings, packing their clothes and daily necessities into their travel bags. Greed, still wearing a smile, asked a question that caught Daniel off guard.

"By the way, which airline are we going to use?" Greed inquired.

"Huh?" Daniel looked at Greed as if she had said something incomprehensible.

"Don't tell me you haven't even booked a flight," Greed pressed, her curiosity evident.

"Why would I? We have our own aircraft," Daniel responded matter-of-factly.

"Danny... all of your aircraft are military aircraft, and they're all magical artifacts, too. Do you think it's appropriate to use them for this?" Greed questioned, raising a valid concern.

"Huh? Who told you I only have military aircraft?" Daniel furrowed his brow, puzzled by the assumption.

After making all the necessary preparations, Daniel led his family and Greed to the hangar he had specially arranged for them. There stood a large VTOL aircraft, which Daniel had modified to become a luxurious air transport. Its engines were already warmed up, ready to take off at a moment's notice.

Entering the aircraft, the family was greeted by a spacious interior filled with various amenities, an abundance of food, drinks, and snacks, and a team of attentive flight attendants ready to cater to their needs throughout the journey. The VTOL also boasted several private bedrooms for the passengers and a common room where they could gather and socialize. Every aspect of the design aimed to provide maximum comfort to the passengers.

As the aircraft began its ascent, Daniel, Koyuki, Greed, and Sylvana found themselves in the common room. To their surprise, they hardly felt any noticeable shaking during takeoff. Only a gentle vibration reminded them that the VTOL had left the ground, swiftly soaring into the middle of the air as it embarked on its journey to Hong Kong.I think you should take a look at

Thanks to its advanced camouflage system, the aircraft remained undetectable both by radar and visually. The wonder of Daniel's technology left Greed in awe. She had never imagined that Daniel possessed such groundbreaking technology. It was worth noting that even the most accomplished artificers in the Curtained World had never managed to produce anything capable of eluding modern radar detection.

In the midst of the comfortable flight, with the aircraft gliding smoothly through the air, Greed couldn't contain her astonishment any longer. She turned to Daniel with wide eyes, her admiration evident.

Greed leaned closer, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Daniel, I want this aircraft. I want one just like it. Name your price, and I'll pay any amount."

Daniel's eyebrows raised, feeling a bit surprised. However, knowing Greed's nature, he didn't dwell on it for long. He pondered for a moment, considering her proposition. "You don't need to, Greed. You've already helped me in so many ways, and I haven't had a chance to repay you. Consider this VTOL yours. After we return, I'll build another one for my personal use."

"Just like old man Stenmark said, you really hate owing people favors, don't you?" Greed said, a teasing grin on her face.

Daniel let out a sigh and nodded. "You could say that," he admitted, shifting his attention to his little princess. They engaged in playful chats, enjoying simple moments together. They played console games, sharing laughter and excitement. As they immersed themselves in the games, an hour passed by swiftly, and the pilot's voice resonated through the speaker in the passenger cabin.

"Sir, we've arrived above Hong Kong. Where should we land?" the pilot inquired.

Daniel pondered for a moment, considering their options. "Find a secluded spot near Disneyland and land there," he instructed.

Greed's eyes widened in disbelief, her voice rising with concern. "Wait! Are you planning to land near Disneyland? That's insane! There's..."

However, before she could finish her protest, the VTOL descended at a dangerously low altitude. Greed's gaze was drawn to the glass panels of nearby high-rise buildings, and to her astonishment, she saw people on the rooftops who seemed oblivious to their presence. It was as if they viewed the aircraft as nothing more than empty air or a familiar sight.

"This... is... unbelievable," Greed uttered in disbelief, taking in the surreal sight before her.

She had known about the VTOL's camouflage features, but she never anticipated it would be this extraordinary. She had expected some semblance of an outline or a translucent appearance, but the aircraft seemed to blend seamlessly with its surroundings.

"This VTOL's camouflage utilizes an illusion magic array, which creates the illusion of invisibility. My next goal is to develop a prototype of a phasing vehicle that can pass through solid objects, but it's still a work in progress," Daniel boasted, unable to contain his pride in his creation.

Rolling her eyes, Wrath chimed in, her patience wearing thin. "Yes, yes, you are awesome Danny. Now, where are we going to land?"

"The scan indicates two secluded areas for landing," the pilot relayed. "The first option is a cemetery, and the second is an empty plot of land in the midst of a dispute."

Daniel glanced at Sylvana, considering her feelings about passing through a cemetery. "Let's choose the empty land plot. We'll make a brief stop there. You all stay and guard the VTOL," he instructed.

With their destination decided, the aircraft began its descent, navigating through the airspace with remarkable precision. The VTOL landed smoothly on the soil, causing no disturbance in the surroundings. Daniel led his family off the VTOL and they stepped onto the land plot.

Unbeknownst to Daniel, their mysterious arrival did not go unnoticed. From an office nearby, a man representing one of the factions in conflict over the land plot was keeping a watchful eye. His role was to prevent rival factions from encroaching on the territory. Both he and the rival faction had deep connections within the Hong Kong underworld, one as a member of a triad and the other as a prominent family with underworld ties.

The man in the Hawaiian shirt quickly reported the situation to his superior through the phone. "Sir, some unknown individuals just emerged from the land plot."

His superior responded with a directive. "I'll go and check it out. Stay on standby."

Accepting the order, the man in the Hawaiian shirt made his way into the empty land plot. As he walked, he couldn't shake off a growing sense of disinterest and laziness. It was as if an unseen force was discouraging him from venturing deeper toward the VTOL. Instead, he circled the perimeter of the land plot, avoiding the center where the aircraft was located. 

Little did he know, the diversion array within the VTOL was exerting its influence, dissuading anyone from approaching and potentially discovering their presence. Its power was potent enough to deter even a seasoned individual with the strength of a master magician, let alone an ordinary person in the mundane world.

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