Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 144 The Attack On Veneziale Gang 2

The invader aimed his gun at the oblivious little rabbit. The Don desperately wanted to shield the rabbit from harm with his bulletproof suit, designed to withstand small-caliber handgun bullets like the one in the invader's hand. However, his injured leg prevented him from intervening. Just as the invader prepared to shoot...

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Cotton, the little rabbit, turned towards the invader, its innocent eyes now furrowed with a frown. Its little leg pounded loudly on the floor, displaying anger. The invader was confused by the rabbit's behavior and laughed.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! What are you doing, you stupid animal? Do you think I would fear you?" the invader taunted, still pointing his gun at the little furball.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The rhythmic thumping sound grew louder and louder as the rabbit continued to provoke and annoy the invader.

"Shut up, you damn animal!" the invader shouted in anger and annoyance.


The invader fired at the little rabbit, causing panic for Don Veneziale. But instead of a scene where a bullet hole appeared on the small body of the rabbit or where the rabbit screamed and lay in a pool of blood, its head tilted slightly to the side, revealing a flash of blue magical rune.

Silence filled the room. The sound of gunfire and distant commotion went unnoticed by both the Don and the invader. The only sound that registered in their ears was the hissing of the little rabbit.

"Fu... Hssss..."

Thump! Thump! Crack! Two loud thumps echoed in the area as the final thump created a crack in the parquet floor, shattering it into pieces. The blurred form of the little rabbit disappeared.

Boom! Crack...

A resounding boom and the sound of bones cracking filled the space, as if a large truck had collided with an unfortunate victim. The sight of the little rabbit, its white fur now stained crimson, ramming its head into the invader's chest was witnessed.

"Urgh..." The invader had no chance to scream and could only grunt in disbelief.


The invader's body was sent flying into the wall, crashing through the concrete and emerging on the other side. His lifeless body lay on the green grass lawn, blood dripping from all seven of his orifices, with nearly all of his internal organs turned to mush.

"What the... hell...?" The Don was stunned by the scene unfolding before him, witnessing the transformation of an innocent little furball into a ferocious predator.

"Fuuu?" The little furball, its fur now stained with blood, nudged the Don's arm as if asking, "Are you okay?" Its innocent head tilted to the side after the gentle nudge.

The Don couldn't help but let out a small laugh. He should have expected that the pet entrusted to them by the archangel and his backer, Daniel, was no ordinary creature.

"I'm okay... but it'll take some time before I can stand again," the Don replied, understanding the message conveyed by the little one's body language, while gently petting its blood-soaked head.

"Fu!" The little rabbit emitted a prideful sound before hopping towards the entrance.

The little rabbit appeared before the eyes of the invaders outside, its small body and white fur now stained with blood. The sight perplexed the invaders, wondering how such a harmless creature could be involved.

Suddenly, the little rabbit leaped and darted towards the invader's pickup truck. Its shadow split into four, transforming into copies that attacked the remaining invaders.

Boooom!! Boooom!! Boooom!!

The deafening explosions and crashing sounds echoed through the estate as the little rabbit, now known as Cotton, unleashed a relentless assault. One of the invaders unfortunate enough to block its path found himself impaled through the torso, his blood staining Cotton's fur.

As for the other four invaders, their torsos were left in a bloody mess, but they remained alive. The copies created by Cotton's shadow did not possess the same devastating force as the original body, as it had been heavily enchanted by Daniel's spell cards. Cotton's enchantment consists of…

Card: Unholy Strength

Picture: The image depicts a middle-aged, handsome man with an unknown black monster silhouette behind him. The man possesses immense strength, effortlessly breaking through the frontline of a knight's army.

Rarity: Rare

Type: Enchantment - Attachment

Mana Cost: 2 Non-Element, 1 Wood, 1 Dark, 1 Fire

Description: Enchant target creature you control.

Enchanted creature gets +5/+5, gains Unstoppable and Penetration.I think you should take a look at

Flavor Text: With the unholy and unnatural strength granted by a drop of Jesus' blood, Vlad plowed through the front line of the holy knights of the Vatican as if they were mere sheets of paper.

Card: Godly Rune of Invincibility

Picture: The image displays a blue rune engraved onto a shield, radiating immense magical power. The shield stands strong, defending against the attacks of Vlad Dracula, the strongest vampire in history.

Rarity: Rare

Type: Enchantment - Attachment

Mana Cost: 2 Non-Element, 4 Light

Description: Enchant target creature or artifact equipment you control.

Enchanted creature has Mitigate-4. Alternatively, Enchanted artifact equipment grants the equipped creature Mitigate-4.

Flavor Text: "With God on my side, no one can defy His decree! Not even you, Count!" - Quote: Cornelius Van Hellsing

Card: Vampiric Shadow

Picture: The image depicts Maria and her shadow, both silhouettes, silently assassinating five people simultaneously.

Rarity: Rare

Type: Enchantment - Attachment

Mana Cost: 2 Non-Element, 2 Dark

Description: Enchant target creature.

Enchanted creature has "Whenever it attacks, create four shadow tokens that copy its original attack power, tap them, and have them attack. You may choose any target for each token as an attack target."

Flavor Text: "The Vampiric Shadow is more than a mere shadow; it is the extension of your body if you know how to wield it." - Quote: Maria, The Eyes of The Count

The scene of devastation and chaos unfolded before the eyes of both the invaders and the defenders.

The invaders were stunned at the sight of the carnage caused by the once-innocent rabbit-turned-predator. Meanwhile, the defenders stood in shock, realizing that they had played and interacted with this cute little furball. Now, they trembled at the thought of the consequences that would befall them if they were to incur the wrath of this seemingly harmless white rabbit.

The front lawn of the estate became the battlefield, where chaos and destruction reigned supreme. The once tranquil grounds were now consumed by flames and strewn with the wreckage of the invaders' pickup truck.

Amidst the burning wreckage, Cotton, the small white rabbit, unleashed her incredible ramming abilities. With each powerful charge, she transformed into a force of nature, resembling a large truck driven by a mad driver at full speed.

As the defenders watched in awe and the invaders stood frozen with fear, Cotton, the small white rabbit, went on a rampage unlike anything they had ever witnessed before.

The invaders, once filled with confidence, now found themselves utterly helpless against the unstoppable force that was Cotton. Their weapons were rendered useless as she plowed through their ranks, her tiny frame striking with the impact of a wrecking ball.

With each ram, the invaders crumbled under Cotton's relentless assault. Their screams filled the air as they were hurled aside like discarded dolls, their bodies crushed under the weight of her blows.

"What the fuck is this mad rabbit?" "Arrrgg! Mommy!" "Damn it! Why didn't Sokolov warn us about this monster rabbit?"

The voices of the invaders rang out in indignation, fear, and disbelief as they faced their inevitable demise at the hands of Cotton's devastating ramming and her splitting shadow.

The devastation was immense. One by one, the invaders were sent hurtling through the air, their bodies colliding with flaming debris and scattering it in all directions. Cotton's force was akin to a wrecking ball, obliterating bones and reducing the invaders to mere playthings in her path.

The cacophony of twisted metal and cracking bones filled the air as Cotton continued her relentless onslaught. The invaders' cries of pain mingled with the roar of flames, creating a symphony of chaos and destruction.

Meanwhile, the defenders watched in awe and disbelief. Never before had they witnessed such power emanate from such a small and innocent creature. Cotton had become a symbol of unwavering strength and protection, a force to be feared and respected.

By the time Cotton's rampage reached its climax, the front lawn lay strewn with the defeated invaders. Their broken and lifeless bodies intermingled with the charred remains of the pickup truck, while the flickering flames cast an eerie glow upon the scene of utter devastation.

At that moment, the Capos who had rushed to the basement to retrieve heavy weapons from the armory emerged in a flurry. They carried an array of powerful weaponry, including heavy machine guns, RPGs, grenades, and even anti-tank missiles. However, upon catching sight of their faces, the Don's expression contorted as if he had just seen a cockroach.

"Why the fuck are you coming now, you slowpokes? It's already over!" The Don vented his frustration at his tardy men.

"Eh!?" One of the Capos let out a bewildered sound as he glanced around and spotted little Cotton being tossed in the air like a champion at the World Cup by the defenders.

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