Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 157 The Hunt - 3

– Evening - 2 Days before the reinstatement of Lucian Councilor status —

Within the vast sewage system, a temporary camp had been set up in a section that looked more like an ancient temple ruin than a typical sewer hall. The bricks appeared to predate the sewer system itself, bearing the design of a long-lost civilization from the Qing or Ming dynasties, or even older.

All the teams had established forward bases and were taking much-needed rest, as the draining effects of the magical encounters grew stronger with each passing moment. Penthesilea had wisely ordered her teams to rest and hold their positions for now.

Daniel, accompanied by the Vatican Paladin under Christopher's command, had arrived at the site. However, it wasn't Christopher who came with him, but rather Matthew, who was eager to witness Daniel's artifact technology and the sacred weapons he had crafted using the power of Atlantean Artifice.

As for Christopher, he led his own team to explore the northern side of the sewer's blueprint, while Daniel took charge of the attached forces that Christopher had offered, directing them towards the southern areas. With Daniel's team encountering unknown magic likely related to the demonic forces lurking within the sewer, Christopher willingly sent half of his people to assist him.

Within the forward base camp, the stalwart Atlantean Vanguard, possessing the physical fitness of super soldiers, stood firm on the frontline, bracing against the intermittent demonic assaults. Meanwhile, those with lesser endurance lay down, while Atlantean medics worked tirelessly to stabilize their life signs.

Sadly, a few of the injured had succumbed to the relentless stamina-draining effects of the demonic magic, making them more susceptible to its malevolent grip.

Daniel gazed at the lifeless bodies of his fallen comrades, their faces covered in cloth to signify their passing. The Keeper's words echoed in his mind: "Everything that has actualized will become part of the world's reality. Everything is real, if it were to be destroyed, there would be corpses or wreckage remaining in the world. Nothing will disappear."

He recalled this particular man, one of the youngest Atlantean Vanguard he had actualized. The truth dawned on him—all those he had actualized were real, with varying ages and personalities, yet confined to the range of combat effectiveness dictated by the arts on the cards.

They were indeed real, human beings with consciousness and emotions.

As the weight of losing his men for the first time settled upon him, Daniel felt the stark reality of their existence. Though his mind had been altered by enchantments from both the Grand Artificer and Grand Hunter, witnessing the loss of those under his command shook him to the core. He knew he needed time to cope with these emotions, but for the sake of his men's morale, he had to remain strong and conceal his anger and sorrow.

Nonetheless, a moment of respite for his mind wouldn't hurt.

"Father Matthew..." Daniel called out to the clergyman who stood nearby.

"Yes, Mr. Magitek?" Matthew replied.

"Please find someone to pray for their souls. I don't know if they are Christian or not, but... at least, give them their last rites," Daniel said, his voice tinged with sadness.

"Of course, it will be an honor, Mr. Magitek," Matthew replied, adjusting his attire to fulfill the solemn duty.

Matthew then began the last rites for the fallen Atlantean Vanguard, the weight of the moment hung heavy in the air. The atmosphere in the camp shifted, grief washing over them like a somber tide.

"Dear Heavenly Father, we gather here today with heavy hearts to honor the life of our fallen brother," Father Matthew's voice trembled with emotion, reflecting the depth of the loss felt by everyone present. "He was a brave and valiant soul, who selflessly dedicated himself to protect others and uphold the values of righteousness and courage."

As the prayers continued, Daniel's mind wandered back to the time he had sent his wives to train with the Atlantean Vanguard. He remembered this young man, always loyal and dedicated, standing at the entrance to welcome them with a genuine smile. Even though it was a short time, his daughter Sylvana had befriended him, and he had often seen them sharing laughter.

"Oh Lord, we commend his soul into Your loving hands," Father Matthew's voice choked with emotion, "May You grant him eternal peace and bring comfort to his family and friends during this time of profound sorrow."I think you should take a look at

The camp fell silent, their hearts heavy with the burden of loss. Father Matthew's words carried the collective grief of all who stood there, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the face of darkness and danger.

"And now, as we bid farewell to our dear brother, let us remember the moments of joy he brought into our lives," Father Matthew continued, his voice gaining strength, "The laughter, the friendship, and the unwavering dedication he showed to his comrades and loved ones."

As Father Matthew concluded the last rites, the camp stood in a somber unity, paying their respects to their fallen comrade. The memories of the young Atlantean Vanguard would forever remain in their hearts, a testament to the indomitable spirit and courage that had graced their lives.

In the midst of loss, the bond between the Atlantean Vanguard grew even stronger, as they vowed to honor their fallen brother's memory by continuing the fight against the demonic forces.

Daniel felt a little bit better, his mind became clearer and for the people in the camp. The priest and Paladin that came with him had already created a sanctified ground to cleanse all of the curse and demonic enchantment and magic, making the people within the camp to get better.

The potion supply that Daniel brought with him proved to be invaluable, quickly restoring the stamina and injuries of the Atlantean Vanguard. In no time, the injured soldiers donned their repaired armor, courtesy of the Atlantean Artificer who had accompanied Daniel.

However, at this moment, a silent wrath gripped Daniel, propelling him to join the front line alongside the reformed Atlantean Vanguard assault formation. His mind delved into his inner mindscape, seeking enchantment cards that could ensure the safety of his people. Unfortunately, most of the cards at his disposal were spell cards meant to counter enemy magic and vanquish demons.

Frustration mounted as he realized that changing to the enchanting deck he had prepared was not an option. There seemed to be a limitation to his power - as long as enemies targeted his life within a certain range, he would be unable to alter his deck. To do so, he either needed to be outside of that range, which he didn't know its specific range, or eliminate all hostilities aimed at him.

With clenched fists and determination in his eyes, Daniel marched forward, shouldering the weight of responsibility and the burning desire to protect his men, despite their attempts to dissuade him from joining the front line.

The demonic assault intensified as if recognizing that their foul magic had no effect on the Atlantean warriors anymore. They surged forward like a relentless tide of corruption, bone, and demonic flesh, challenging the Atlantean Vanguard now bolstered by priests and Vatican paladins in this holy war.

The ear-piercing sound of the Heavy Machine Gun echoed through the sewer halls as the Atlantean Vanguard unleashed a relentless barrage, mowing down the demonic hordes with no regard for their own lives. 

Thanks to the blessing and sanctification of their weapons by the paladins and priests, the power of holy faith was stronger than ever. The specially designed blessed bullets pierced through the demons, leaving only foul residual remnants that were purged by the searing holy flames of the Heavy Flamethrower.

"By the love of God! I absolutely love those flamers! I wish I could have one!" One of the paladins exclaimed in awe, marveling at the devastating effectiveness of the Atlantean Vanguard's Heavy Flamethrower. The paladins, like excited children discovering their favorite toy, couldn't stop praising the Vanguard's weaponry and expressed their ardent desire to wield such powerful tools themselves.

As the relentless assault of the Demons showed no sign of abating, the marching of the Atlantean Vanguard, led by Daniel, pressed on without pause. Every demon that dared enter their melee range met a swift end, blasted to pieces and cleansed by the power of Daniel's large caliber handgun.

To further aid in the assault, Daniel released a group of his blade drones, each reforged and adjusted by his own hands to possess holy and cleansing properties. These drones proved incredibly effective, turning any demon that ventured into their blade range into minced meat.

"I must say, those drones are quite impressive," Matthew commented, admiring their efficiency. As a Sacred Smith, he saw the potential in Daniel's creation and was eager to learn more about its intricacies.

The paladin, however, had a different perspective. "It's too boring. True cleansing requires us to take action ourselves and personally engage in the battle," he said adamantly, emphasizing the satisfaction that came from directly eradicating the abominations.

"But those drones get the job done effectively! Can't you see? What's the difference between pulling the trigger and letting the drones or flamethrowers do the job?" Matthew asked, struggling to comprehend the paladin's battle-centric mindset.

"That's the point, Father Matthew. We have to be the ones to pull the trigger and cleanse them. It's the ultimate satisfaction when we personally rid the world of these abominations," the paladin explained, highlighting the significance of their direct involvement in the cleansing process. Though it may sound absurd, but for these battle maniacs, this hands-on approach held a particular kind of logic.

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