Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 167 Satan's Nightmare - 03

167  Satan's Nightmare - 03

The ferocious punch sent shockwaves rippling through the hellish realm, causing the ground to convulse violently. Cracks spread like intricate webs across the scorched earth, while nearby pools of lava surged and splashed with each mighty tremor. The infernal river of fire, once flowing steadily, now churned chaotically, mirroring the fury of the battle above.

Despite the devastating blow, Satan's wrath and demonic power surged, fueling a berserk rage that refused to let him yield. He rose from the ground, his red eyes ablaze with fury, and an eerie smile twisted his grotesque face.

"Roooooooooooooooooooaaaarrrr!" Satan roared once more, his voice echoing through the hellish realm.

With a burst of demonic energy, he lunged at Daniel once again. However, he was met with the same crushing punch from the Hecatonchires Avatar, slamming him back into the hellish ground he had just risen from.


The impact created shockwaves that swept through the demonic realm, causing fissures to form in the molten ground and sending towering columns of lava shooting into the air. The hellish landscape trembled with each collision, as if the very realm itself quaked in response to the epic battle unfolding within its fiery depths.

"Let's see if I can punch you back to your senses!!" Daniel declared calmly, though his murderous intent surpassed even Satan's wrath. He commanded all the Hecatonchires Avatar's arms, which floated behind him like a wheel made of appendages.

"Barraging Satan with punches until he regains his senses or this realm crumbles to dust."

With an unearthly roar, Satan pulled himself out of the molten lava below and charged at Daniel once more, fueled by an unyielding desire for vengeance. But this time, instead of facing another devastating punch, Satan encountered something different.


Instead of one devastating punch, Satan was met with a relentless barrage of blows from all 100 arms of the Hecatonchires Avatar, each strike packing the same power as the devastating punch he had previously faced.

What followed was a scene that could only be described as a world-ending calamity. The dark sky tore apart, unleashing flashes of lightning and thunder. The earth split open, and molten lava erupted in violent bursts. Devastating shockwaves rampaged throughout this hellish dimension.

As Satan found himself at the receiving end of the relentless barrage, the hellish realm around them trembled and quaked with escalating fury. The ground beneath their feet shattered like glass, revealing the fiery chasms that lay beneath. The very fabric of the realm seemed to unravel as the Hecatonchires Avatar's arms struck with unrestrained force, each blow causing shockwaves that rippled through the entire dimension.

With every thunderous impact, the landscape bowed to the will of the devastating battle. Mountains crumbled, their colossal forms reduced to mere rubble. The infernal river of fire surged with newfound intensity, its molten waves surging higher and higher as if striving to escape the cataclysmic scene.

The darkened sky above churned with malevolent energy, twisting and contorting with flashes of lightning and bursts of thunder. The celestial spectacle clashed with the infernal chaos below, creating a mesmerizing yet terrifying dance of elemental forces.

[What? What happened here? Where am I? What am I doing?] A small semblance of reason began to emerge within Satan's chaotic and berserking mind. His thoughts struggled to find coherence amidst the tumultuous frenzy of battle.

Amidst the chaos, the hellish ground quivered under the colossal force of the blows. Fissures tore open, spreading like cracks on a shattered mirror. Molten lava erupted in violent bursts, gushing forth with relentless fury. Fiery geysers erupted from the ground, spewing molten rock high into the air before cascading back down, painting the battlefield in shades of infernal red.

The concussive force of the Hecatonchires Avatar's blows propagated outward, causing the very air to tremble with raw power. Invisible shockwaves rippled through the realm, distorting and warping reality itself. The boundaries of the hellish dimension were pushed to their absolute limits, creaking and groaning under the weight of the cataclysmic showdown.

Satan's body bore the brunt of the merciless punishment delivered by Daniel through the Hecatonchires Avatar. His mana and demonic energy were unable to keep up with the devastating, world-ending onslaught.

[What? ...What was that thing!? No! Impossible!! Was that Hecatonchires!? He is not human but an ancient titan who survived the god and Titan war!? Impossible!!] Satan's thoughts began to surface as his reason returned.

With each punch, Satan's once fearsome form became more tattered and diminished. The flames of his wrath flickered and waned, struggling against the overwhelming onslaught. His body accumulated injuries, unable to heal fast enough to match the relentless barrage of blows.

As the relentless barrage of blows continued, pain started to consume Satan's mind, radiating through his entire body. In his berserk state, his power surged, temporarily reaching its full potential despite only having regained 50% of it. However, this state came at a cost, rapidly depleting his mana and demonic energy.

Satan realized that his time was running out; once his energy reserves were depleted, he would be defenseless against Daniel's devastating onslaught. With no means to protect himself, his body would be at the mercy of the unyielding power of the Hecatonchires Avatar.

He knew that the moment his power ran dry and his body was destroyed, all of his current demonic power would vanish into nothing. The realization that he would need at least 1000 years to regain this 50% of power he had made desperation and fear intensify, but he was powerless to escape his fate.

In this desperate situation, Satan's mind raced, searching for any possible way to survive the onslaught and prevent his impending destruction. However, his options were limited, and he found himself trapped in a battle he could not win. The once-mighty demon lord now faced the consequences of his actions, paying the ultimate price for the harm he caused toward Daniel's family.

Seizing this opportunity, Satan quickly decided to flee, attempting to teleport himself away from the 11:28

relentless onslaught. But Daniel was quick to catch on to Satan's plan. With one of his arms, Daniel Crack! Crack! Crack! .... Booom!

The thunderous sound of cracking space and distortion drew Daniel's attention as he looked toward the source of the disturbance. The space around the battle scene began to fracture and crack, causing Daniel's barrage of blows to slow down momentarily.

Seizing this opportunity, Satan quickly decided to flee, attempting to teleport himself away from the relentless onslaught. But Daniel was quick to catch on to Satan's plan. With one of his arms, Daniel touched Satan's arm, preventing his escape. In a swift and merciless move, he teleported both himself and the Hecatonchires Avatar along with Satan.

"You took her wings… so I'll take yours too…" Daniel's voice remained eerily calm, dripping with murderous intent. With that chilling statement, ten arms of the Hecatonchires Avatar broke Satan's two arms, causing the reddish bones to protrude from his demonic skin. Another set of ten arms caught hold of his two fiery wings and violently tore them out from their roots.

"Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!!" Satan's agonizing cry reverberated throughout the hellish realm.

Satan's demonic wings were more than just appendages; they contained a portion of his demonic power essence. The magical material they possessed was enough to entice even the most powerful mages and could potentially spark a mage civil war. However, no one would dare provoke the mage who could tear such coveted material from Satan's very body.

In a split second, Satan transformed his body from a giant form to that of a human, but gone was his once elegant appearance and luxurious suit. His current state was one of tattered and injured misery, with fiery demonic blood drooling from his mouth and countless wounds covering his body. All that remained were red rags haphazardly covering his crotch, reducing the once mighty demon lord to a pitiful beggar-like figure.

Satan attempted to break this temporary hell dimension in a desperate bid to injure Daniel. However, he knew that at best, he could only delay Daniel's pursuit or inflict minor injuries.

Observing this, Daniel immediately delved into his mindscape, swiftly casting a spell to draw a card and then searching for the one he desired.

Card: Mind Link

Picture: The illustration depicts two individuals sharing their thoughts.

Rarity: Uncommon

Type: Enchantment

Mana Cost: 1 Dark, 1 Water


All players must reveal their hands while playing. The owner of this enchantment may pay 1 non-element at the start of each turn to prevent this effect until the start of their next turn.

Flavor text: A twin mind link, but with a sleight of trickery, all secrets revealed to the chosen one.

Daniel swiftly played the card, connecting his mind with Satan's to see what the demon had in mind. He witnessed Satan attempting to collapse the dimension, hoping to injure Daniel and delay his pursuit.

Without hesitation, Daniel wrested control of the hellish dimension from Satan. Drawing upon his knowledge of an Archmage, seizing control was like taking a stroll in the park for him.


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