Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 171 Meeting With The Romanov

Stepping through the ornate doors, Daniel found himself in the opulent expanse of the Kremlin Palace's audience hall. The room was a symphony of grandeur, adorned with intricate golden filigree, majestic tapestries depicting historical scenes, and towering marble columns that seemed to touch the heavens. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues across the polished marble floor. The air was rich with a sense of history and power, the very essence of the Russian monarchy.

At the far end of the hall, atop a dais, sat Tsar Dimitri Romanov on his resplendent throne. Clad in regal attire that spoke of tradition and authority, he exuded an air of dignified gravitas. His piercing gaze held a mixture of curiosity and scrutiny as he regarded Daniel, a visitor from the Vatican, a very talented and young Paladin who had great future prospects. Silver streaks adorned his dark hair, a testament to both age and wisdom.

The throne itself was a masterpiece, intricately carved from rich mahogany and adorned with precious gemstones that shimmered like stars. It was a seat that had borne witness to centuries of history, a symbol of Romanov rule and the weight of leadership.

In the spacious hall, only a select group of royal court mages and trusted advisors accompanied the Tsar. The assembled few represented a confluence of power and knowledge, well-versed in the intricacies of the arcane. The hushed atmosphere was pregnant with anticipation, as everyone present understood the gravity of the matters that were about to unfold.

As Daniel approached, he could feel the weight of the moment. The eyes of the assembled courtiers and advisors were upon him, their expressions a mixture of respect and curiosity. Their eyes met as Daniel reached the base of the dais, a moment of silence ensued before the Tsar spoke.

"Lord Paladin, It is nice to meet you. About last night, we apologize for obstructing you. In truth, we have had some dealings with Satan before. However, this time he came to us, asking us to use all of our power to resist you. But we were unaware that this is a matter involving the Vatican, so we unknowingly tried to obstruct you. 

For that, we apologize. Yet, as mages, we have an obligation to help when there is a matter of demonic infestation occurring while you are trespassing in our palace. These matters will offset each other; we will not pursue this matter further. In return, you must keep the matter of us unknowingly protecting Satan a secret from the Vatican. How do you feel about this deal, Lord Paladin?" Tsar Dimitri explained, then asked with a smile.

Seeing the Tsar's explanation, Daniel felt the sincerity, yet he also sensed that the Tsar was hiding something, as revealed by his eyes or subtle facial movements. Daniel now understood why the Tsar wasn't skilled in politics; he struggled to control his expressions.

However, this was not Daniel's concern. He wanted to return home. Despite the misunderstanding about his identity as a Vatican Paladin, he wouldn't back out of this agreement, and he intended to keep the secrecy of Satan's presence in the Kremlin palace.

Just as Daniel was about to bow and give his word, a brisk voice from a young girl in her late teens, around 16 or 17 years old, resounded within the audience hall.

"Father, I don't think he's a Paladin." The girl's hair was pure white, a stark contrast to Dimitri's blond locks. She was beautiful, exuding a brisk and youthful aura. The enigmatic air that usually accompanied her blue sapphire eyes and snow-white hair appeared subdued, replaced by a spirited and youthful energy, tinged with a hint of lingering childish stubbornness.

"Oh… Anastasia… please, Don't be like that, my girl. He can use faith power, as we all know, no mages can use faith power." The Tsar admonished his daughter no different than a loving father admonishing his girl, this personality of the Tsar gave Daniel a light smile as he also had a daughter, albeit she was still in a kindergarten.

"Father… While it's true that mages are typically unable to harness faith power, there can be exceptions. Take, for instance, the enigmatic man before us, the one we had come to believe is a Paladin—Magitek."

Anastasia's revelation of Daniel's true identity was met with an eruption of voices in the audience hall. The royal court mages swiftly positioned themselves between Daniel and the Tsar, forming a protective barrier around their sovereign.

Based on their knowledge, Magitek was a rogue mage who held a grudge against the Hightower—an understanding propagated by the Path of Knowledge faction. Many mages within the Hightower, regardless of their faction, subscribed to these rumors.

Given the ample free time that mages enjoyed, unburdened by concerns of wealth and influence, they had a penchant for savoring rumors and tantalizing stories. This inclination was not unlike that of nobility during the Middle Ages. 

Despite the plethora of modern entertainment options like games and movies, mages still found themselves drawn to the allure of gossip. While engrossed in the study of lore, thaumaturgy, and mysticism, they frequently engaged in discussions about the latest rumors and intrigues within the Curtained World.

Observing the tense hostility emanating from the royal court mages, Daniel couldn't help but release a weary sigh.

"I came here with the intention of having a civilized conversation, to listen to your concerns, and to hopefully reach an understanding," Daniel calmly conveyed as he withdrew a substantial caliber handgun from his Universal pocket.

A sudden plea emerged from Anastasia, a fervent attempt to defuse the escalating situation.

"Hold on! Why are you all acting this way? I revealed his true identity not to label him an enemy, but to ensure that we aren't misled in our negotiations. We must seek terms and conditions that are mutually beneficial. What's gotten into all of you?"

However, conflicting voices still filled the hall, fueled by uncertainty. One particular query hung heavily in the air, spoken by the Tsar himself. 

"But... aren't we aligned with the Path of Knowledge Faction? Isn't it our duty to eliminate this rogue mage? As members of a noble mage clan, isn't that our responsibility?"

Anastasia's exasperation was palpable as she countered her father's confusion.

"Father, seriously? Sigh... Being part of the same faction doesn't guarantee honesty or full disclosure of vital information. You need to exercise caution and not blindly trust even your allies within the Path of Knowledge Faction. Their motives are often more complex than they appear. I had hoped you'd understand this, Father," her response laced with a mixture of frustration and concern. She had long known about her father's limited political acumen, but the extent of his naivety surprised her.

This is why she chose to involve herself in this audience hall. She didn't want her father to be deceived by Magitek, but that doesn't mean she wants Magitek, the mage capable of defeating Satan and cornering him into using self-detonation as a means to escape, to become their enemy either.

Hearing this Daniel kept his large caliber gun away in the universal pocket and let out a tire sigh. If it's just this much, he would understand why this girl appears here to reveal his identity.

"So… Now you know Who I really am. What do you want from me? Remember, even though my identity as a paladin is something I led you to believe in. But the fact that I have some connection and dealings with the Vatican still stands. Be careful what you wish for from me." Daniel gives out a warning with a smile before using his feet to transmute the marble floor where he stands to become a chair out of the floor for him to sit.

Upon hearing this, both the Tsar and Anastasia's faces contorted as if they had just tasted something exceedingly bitter. While Tsar Dimitri wasn't renowned for his political finesse, he wasn't entirely naive either. He understood the implications behind Daniel's words. 

Essentially, Daniel was conveying that he held the key to the information about them unintentionally sheltering Satan. Therefore, any requests they had for Daniel should be presented with caution; otherwise, he could expose this sensitive matter to the Vatican connections he had.

Amidst the silence, both Tsar Dimitri and Anastasia pondered their true intentions. What they genuinely sought was something Daniel might not be able to fulfill, or they might not be close enough to him for him to comply.

Tsar Dimitri and Anastasia exchanged hushed whispers, consulting on how to proceed. Their uncertainty about Daniel deepened, as crucial information about his immense power had been withheld by faction leader Cyrus Ashborn. This veil of secrecy aimed to prevent their people from abandoning them due to fear of Daniel's might and potential retaliation.

Daniel waited a moment, his demeanor relaxed as he casually checked the time on his phone. This action, however, sparked irritation among the royal court mages, who interpreted it as a disrespectful gesture towards their Tsar. Had they known that Daniel harbored deep resentment towards royalty due to the Tessia Kingdom incident, they might have been grateful for his restraint during his palace visit.

As time passed, Daniel's patience dwindled. Frustration reached its peak, and he decided to dispel the pretense. He turned to leave, his intention clear. "If you still can't think of anything substantial, how about I excuse myself first. Don't worry, I won't reveal your secrets to the Vatican, as long as you refrain from provoking me. That's my promise," he declared.

Ignoring the seething anger of the royal court mages, Daniel walked towards the exit, signaling the end of his façade.

"Wait! Magitek!" Anastasia's voice halted Daniel's departure, causing him to turn back, perplexed by her sudden intervention.

"Huh?" Daniel's confusion was evident as he faced Anastasia's inquiry.

"Can I go with you? I mean, can I go back with you?" Anastasia's inquiry had a profound impact, prompting some of the elderly attendants, who had been involved in her upbringing, to faint. The audacity of such a proposition from a princess left them utterly aghast.

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