Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 178 Friendly Bet

"So… Mr. Matsudaira, I guess you're here for Wrath's answer?" Greed inquired.

"Yes, it is as you said, Ms. Greed," Takayuki Matsudaira answered with a nod that carried a hint of a bow, his Japanese accent still evident.

Greed's expression became complex as she grappled with how to convey the news of Wrath's current condition. She had been attacked by Satan and was now in a coma, suspended in a state neither fully alive nor dead.

"Before I begin, Mr. Matsudaira, please gather your people and follow me to the meeting room. We've prepared some desserts for you," Greed suggested. She led Matsudaira and his associates to the elevator, guiding them to the executive floor's meeting room.

Once in the meeting room, they were greeted by an assortment of light desserts and English tea. Matsudaira displayed a slight aversion to the English tea, but he still partook in it with the same ceremonial approach as he would with Japanese tea, expressing gratitude for the hospitality. After the pleasantries, Greed began to address the matter at hand.

"Listen… Mr. Matsudaira, Wrath… might not be able to go to Japan with you in the near future. She was attacked by Satan," Greed started.

"What!? Attacked by Satan!? Is she safe!? Is she injured?" Matsudaira's concern was palpable as he rapidly inquired.

Greed proceeded to explain the situation, detailing the events that had transpired. She recounted the story of how the Witches had perished before, only to be reborn with power fragments from the seven high-ranking Demons representing the seven deadly sins. This complex dynamic meant that some Demons might seek to reclaim their power from the Witches, leading to dire consequences.

She clarified that some Demons were sealed or had formed contracts with the Witches who possessed their power. If a Demon reclaimed its power from a Witch and the Witch survived, the Witch would die within minutes. However, Wrath's case was unique, as she had become trapped between life and death, her soul suspended in an extraordinary limbo.

After hearing Greed's explanation, Matsudaira's initial concern seemed to transform into an unexpected calmness. It was almost as if he had been prepared for this outcome, suggesting a level of foresight or understanding. His demeanor shifted from immediate worry to a more composed contemplation as he processed the gravity of the situation. The revelation that Wrath was trapped between life and death seemed to resonate with him on a deeper level.

Greed's thoughts raced as she considered the possible reasons for Matsudaira's composed response. She pondered whether Japan's recent emergence from self-isolation had granted them insights into the unique condition Wrath was experiencing. The complexities of magic and its interactions with the world were still unfolding, and perhaps Matsudaira was privy to knowledge that eluded others.

"You know something, don't you, Mr. Matsudaira?" Greed posed the question, sensing an underlying depth to his demeanor.

Matsudaira's attention was drawn from his thoughts as Greed's question pierced the silence. He turned his gaze toward her, his expression guarded yet thoughtful.

"Maybe, Ms. Greed. But until I see Ms. Wrath's situation for myself, I can't commit to anything," Matsudaira replied with a measured tone, acknowledging the enigma that surrounded Wrath's state. His response indicated a cautious willingness to share his insights once he had firsthand knowledge of the situation.

Matsudaira's words held a certain wisdom, one that Greed understood. However, she was also aware of the limitations when it came to revealing the exact location of Wrath's stasis pod within Daniel's subterranean base. The sensitive nature of the situation required discretion.

"Understood," Greed responded with a determined yet measured tone. She weighed her options, recalling the existence of a portal within Veneziale estate that directly connected to Daniel's secret base, providing an untraceable route. A similar portal had been planned for this building but was yet to be fully integrated.

"Please follow me," Greed continued, leading Matsudaira's group out of the meeting room. Her thoughts were already formulating a plan to discreetly transport them to Wrath's side without compromising the security of the base's location.

Guiding Matsudaira's group, Greed led them through the city streets to the sprawling Veneziale Estate. The estate's opulence stood as a testament to the power and influence that the Veneziale gang, under Daniel's command, wielded. The compound encompassed a diverse range of buildings, including elegant manors, functional structures like garages and gyms, as well as various recreational facilities.

Upon reaching the estate, Matsudaira's gaze swept over the surroundings, his initial disdain for the mafia's presence etched onto his expression. In his eyes, they were mere parasites, draining wealth from both the common people and the government. However, as they descended underground, his focus shifted.

Greed led the way to a concealed portal, its circular form serving as an enigmatic gateway. The advanced magical technology that maintained its perpetual openness, fueled by a solitary philosopher's stone for a year, left Matsudaira awestruck. The fusion of magic and technology surpassed any encounter he had experienced, momentarily overshadowing his previous contempt in the face of such innovation.

Turning to Greed, his expression a blend of curiosity and appreciation, Matsudaira remarked, "Truly remarkable, Ms. Greed. The convergence of these elements... It's unlike anything I've witnessed."

Greed acknowledged his observation with a nod and a subtle smile. "Indeed, Mr. Matsudaira. Yet, what you've seen is merely the tip of the iceberg. I'm willing to bet 10 USD that there are more awe-inspiring revelations to come."

"Ha ha ha, Ms. Greed, I, too, am a mage well-acquainted with the Curtained World. I've witnessed many phenomena that should exist solely in folklore. At this juncture, I doubt anything can truly awe me."

Greed's response was a gentle smile as she led them toward the portal. She took the first step, entering it with a sense of purpose. Filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, Matsudaira and his companions followed suit, passing through the portal's luminous threshold.

Stepping through the portal, Matsudaira found himself in what resembled an expansive airport terminal. The bustling scene was reminiscent of travelers queueing up to board their flights, and yet something felt distinctly different. As he approached the gate, his eyes fell upon the illuminated sign that read "Atlanteus," accompanied by the warm words, "Welcome to Atlanteus."

Led by Greed, Matsudaira followed her through a designated VIP channel. The transition from the portal area to the inner part of Atlanteus was seamless, and yet it felt like stepping into another world entirely. The grandeur of the underground city revealed itself, and Matsudaira couldn't help but marvel at the advanced technology and meticulous order that surrounded him.

Above, an artificial ceiling replicated sunlight with an astonishing degree of accuracy, imitating 99% of sunlight's properties. Were it not for the seamless expanse overhead, Matsudaira might have questioned whether he had been transported to a future era. The integration of magical technology was so advanced that it seemed to defy the boundaries of his understanding.

His gaze swept over the cityscape, taking in the intricately designed buildings, efficient infrastructure, and the sense of harmony that pervaded the atmosphere. It was a metropolis hidden beneath the earth's surface, a testament to human ingenuity that left Matsudaira in awe. The seamless blend of technology and magic was nothing short of extraordinary.

As Matsudaira ventured further, he couldn't help but notice a fleet of flying cars and hover vehicles gliding through the air, propelled by mana-powered engines. The absence of carbon emissions and pollution was striking, a manifestation of the environmentally conscious approach that defined Atlanteus. These vehicles hummed softly as they moved, creating a tranquil soundscape amidst the advanced urban landscape.

The sight of such advanced transportation, coupled with the grandeur of the underground city, solidified Matsudaira's sense of wonder. He felt as though he had entered a realm where the boundaries of possibility had been expanded, where imagination and innovation converged.

In a moment that seemed to punctuate the awe-inspiring spectacle before him, Matsudaira quietly reached into his pocket and retrieved a $10 bill. Without a word, he handed it over to Greed, who accepted it with an amused grin. While the scene held a touch of comedy, there was an undeniable sense of camaraderie between them.

Greed's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief as she held the bill in her hand. "Well, Mr. Matsudaira, I must say, you're a good sport for paying up so promptly. Money well spent, wouldn't you agree?"

Matsudaira nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, Ms. Greed. I can't deny the extraordinary sight I've witnessed here."

After their light-hearted exchange, Greed led Matsudaira's group to the medical center. The transition from the advanced marvels of Atlanteus to the medical facility seemed to evoke another sense of awe from the Japanese visitors. Their wide-eyed expressions and slightly open mouths betrayed a mix of amazement and wonder, as if they had stepped into a world far beyond their expectations. It was as if they were country bumpkins suddenly thrust into a bustling capital city, surrounded by technological marvels that defied belief.

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