Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 181 Change of Perspective

Chapter 181  Change of Perspective

Within the confines of the summoning room, a palpable darkness began to gather, casting an eerie ambiance. From the depths of the ground, rivulets of blood began to seep upward, swirling and coalescing. Out of this swirling darkness, a silhouette emerged, gradually taking the form of a man.

Amidst the gathering darkness, a cloud of bats suddenly burst forth, their wings fluttering and creating an otherworldly spectacle. The bats swirled around the silhouette, their movements choreographed as if guided by some ancient force. And then, with a final dramatic flourish, the bats converged, merging seamlessly to complete the silhouette's transformation.

Vlad Dracula materialized in all his regal elegance. With a charismatic mustache adorning his face, he exuded an air of both masculinity and charm. His shoulder-length raven hair cascaded gracefully around him, framing his striking features. Clad in a blood-red breastplate armor that allowed for easy movement, he emanated the aura of an ideal nobleman.

As the final pieces of his form came together, Vlad Dracula knelt before Daniel, a gesture of fealty that held centuries of history and tradition. His voice, resonant and respectful, rang out in the summoning room.

"My lord, I pledge my loyalty to you, as my master and sovereign," the count declared with a tone of unwavering commitment.

"Rise, Count. Thank you for answering my call," Daniel replied to the noble figure, watching as he gradually regained his stance.

Amidst the dimly lit summoning room, Daniel's attention remained fixed on the illuminated digital scoreboard. This virtual display showcased the culmination of his hard-earned MP, from various great achievements he accumulated over 1 month. The shifting numbers before him represented the cost entailed in actualizing Vlad Dracula from the card.

Each passing moment brought forth a subtraction from his amassed MP, a significant chunk amounting to precisely 10,000 units. As the tally dwindled, his remaining balance settled at 140,000 MP. The expenditure carried weight, equivalent to the value of an entire box of cards that could have been procured through trade.

In that fleeting instance, a notion flickered through his mind, prompting him to contemplate the worth of this imposing entity in comparison to the array of cards he might have acquired alternatively. The decision to conjure Vlad Dracula held profound significance.

"Could you wait for me on the side? I have another actualization to perform," Daniel requested of Vlad.

"Yes, my lord," Vlad acknowledged with a nod, promptly stepping aside and awaiting further instructions.

With Vlad positioned to the side, Daniel focused his attention on the task at hand. He directed his consciousness inward, descending into the realm of his mindscape. Within this internal space, he set his intentions on actualizing yet another card—a card he had eagerly anticipated the opportunity to summon since he first acquired it.

In the deepest abyss of Tartarus, Atlanteus endured an eternal torment inflicted by the minions of Hades. Bound by chains of despair, his soul bore the weight of his defiance against the gods, a mortal daring to challenge the divine order. Despite the relentless agony, a flicker of hope persisted within the recesses of his consciousness, a vestige of his indomitable spirit.

Within this desolate realm, an anomaly ruptured the fabric of hell itself. An unimaginable power, one even mightier than Hades, surged forth, obliterating anything that dared obstruct its path to Atlanteus' prison of torment. The energy surged into his soul, an unstoppable force that began to reshape and remold his essence. It was as if he were being reborn anew, his very being reconstructed from the core.

In an instant, the power not only revitalized his soul but also reforged his physical form. His body transformed, imbued with a vitality that surpassed even his prime. The strength within him surged to heights previously unfathomable, eclipsing the zenith of his golden days.

At that moment, the formidable presence of Hades rushed forth, intent on maintaining his dominion over the suffering soul, he found himself stymied. The enigmatic force not only deflected his advances but disintegrated his grasp, leaving him staggered and confounded. Hades, the embodiment of the underworld's might, stood paralyzed in the face of a force that he could not comprehend.

A moment of stunned silence passed, Hades' usual air of omnipotence shattered. An unforeseen vulnerability gripped him as he felt the overpowering nature of this unknown entity. His shadowed eyes widened in disbelief, a rare expression of astonishment and fear crossing his countenance.

In an outburst of anger, Hades bellowed, a roar that reverberated through the abyss, the rage of a deity whose prized possession was about to escape his clutches. "No! This shall not be!"

Atlanteus, his soul now infused with newfound vigor, was both taken aback and exhilarated by the sudden turn of events. He had been prepared for eternal suffering, a punishment for his defiance, but now an unexpected glimmer of salvation had arrived. His heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude, surprise, and determination as he realized that fate had granted him a second chance.

The unknown power transformed into a pillar of light, an embodiment of the unfathomable power that had shattered the boundaries of space and time, tore through the fabric of existence itself. Its radiant brilliance traversed the cosmic expanse, reaching towards the celestial realm where Daniel stood. Amidst the tapestry of stars, worlds, and dimensions, the pillar of light emerged, illuminating the vast and infinite horizon.

Near Daniel, a colossal sphere of luminescence materialized, representing the wellspring of this enigmatic energy. It was a convergence of forces, a nexus of possibilities that transcended the laws of reality.

As the pillar of light connected with its destination, Atlanteus, the once-imprisoned soul and last Leader of Atlantis, manifested before Daniel. His form took shape as that of an aged yet powerful man, his physique exuding a robust strength reminiscent of a seasoned warrior. Clad in his Atlantean power armor, his features conveyed a sense of wisdom and experience.

In his renewed form, Atlanteus gracefully descended to the earth before Daniel, a reverent gesture that echoed the customs of ages long past. The ceremonial oath of fealty he undertook was steeped in history, a bridge between eras connecting his unwavering loyalty to the one who had called upon him.

"Master," Atlanteus intoned, his voice laden with the echoes of a journey spanning millennia.

"I pledge my fealty and unwavering service unto you, just as those who came before did in days of yore." His words carried a deep resonance, an oath that transcended time and fused the present with the echoes of antiquity.

Vlad, an observer to this profound scene, was struck with awe in the presence of such a momentous occasion. The wellspring of power emanating from his new master was nothing short of vast and incomprehensible. To reverse the very cycle of life and death and grant him rebirth, his master had expended a portion of this boundless power. The evidence lay before him: as his new master resurrected or, as he called it, actualized the aged figure, the power source visibly dimmed.

Uncertain if his master had similarly sacrificed a portion of this immense power to bring him back, Vlad contemplated the implication. If indeed such sacrifice had been made, it signified a deeper level of devotion required in service to his new master.

Daniel stood within the summoning room, his gaze fixed upon the scoreboard that displayed the result of his recent act of actualization. His MP had dwindled once again, dropping from 140,000 to 90,000—a deduction of 50,000 points to bring forth Atlanteus. This staggering cost indicated the immense significance that Atlanteus held in the annals of human history, far surpassing even the renown of Vlad Tepez III, also known as Vlad Dracula.

Although a pang of reluctance tugged at him, Daniel quickly quelled his frugality. He turned his attention to Atlanteus, the embodiment of an era long past, who was still knelt before him.

"Rise, old man," Daniel's voice held a gentle command. "You needn't be subservient any longer."

Curiosity etched across Atlanteus' features as he rose to his feet, confusion dancing in his eyes. "But why, Master? Might I inquire?"

Daniel's wry smile preceded the explanation that followed. He detailed his need for Atlanteus to assume the role of his teacher, guiding him in the ways of Atlantis Artifice

—a knowledge that Daniel had acquired during their time apart. The narrative also included the story of their meeting, the circumstances that led Atlanteus to this moment, and the bond they now shared.

Similar discussions were undertaken with Vlad, as the trio worked to craft a cohesive story that would withstand scrutiny if ever questioned.

Atlanteus' tale condensed into a narrative of his extended slumber within a concealed realm, disrupted by a glitch in his stasis pod that unexpectedly jolted him awake. Continuing with the unfolding events, Atlanteus roused from his lengthy slumber, emerging from the depths of his hidden domain, his senses attuned to the life force that lay dormant beneath the earth.

Employing divination magic, he detected Daniel's natural aptitude for mastering the complexities of Atlantean Artifact creation. Intrigued by this revelation, Atlanteus offered his assistance, taking on the role of a mentor as he cared for Daniel's well-being and generously shared his vast pool of knowledge. Additionally, Merlin's guidance enriched Daniel's comprehension of magic, while Cornelius Van Helsing contributed expertise akin to that of a seasoned hunter.


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