Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 210 Release the Kraken

Chapter 210  Release the Kraken

While Eisenhart fought desperately to save himself at the wardens' cost on the ship, James transformed into an unstoppable force of carnage. His once-human eyes were now consumed by an insatiable hunger and wild rage, his fangs dripping with saliva. The terrified wardens screamed in horror as he lunged at them, their gunfire helpless against his monstrous hide. Normal bullets merely bounced off his tough, fur-covered skin, further enraging the beast.

The ship's deck was quickly transformed into a scene of carnage. James's monstrous strength became evident as he punched through the deck, causing significant destruction. Fortunately, the damage was limited to the deck and did not compromise the ship's hull, averting a catastrophic disaster.

The air was filled with the sickening scent of blood and the desperate cries of the wardens. James tore through their ranks with ruthless efficiency, his claws tearing through flesh and bone like paper. He granted no mercy; anyone in his path became his prey.

As James continued his brutal onslaught, his tremendous power left deep dents in the metal deck, creating jagged craters where his blows landed. These scars on the ship's surface bore witness to the sheer force of his attacks, yet miraculously, the ship remained intact.

The scene was a nightmarish reality, with James's hunger seemingly insatiable. He savagely devoured the unfortunate wardens, tearing into their bodies with gruesome delight. Their pleas for mercy were drowned out by the symphony of snapping bones and rending flesh.

Gunfire continued to echo through the confined space, but it was clear that nothing could halt James's rampage. A few survivors managed to escape, their faces etched with horror and disbelief at the massacre they had just witnessed. However, nearly half of the wardens had met a grisly end, their lives brutally extinguished in a frenzy of violence.

The floor was awash in blood, a grotesque testament to the werewolf's insatiable hunger. When James finally felt satiated, he paused, his monstrous form still smeared with the blood of his victims.

The survivors watched in terror as James had torn through the wardens, all while the ship itself bore the scars of his rampage. The deck had been transformed into a battlefield strewn with debris, blood, and the remnants of what had once been a place of relative safety.

In the midst of the horror, the surviving wardens and onlookers could only pray that the bloodthirsty werewolf's hunger would be sated before he turned his attention to them or the ship itself.

After his hunger had been satiated, James turned his attention towards Eisenhart, who was attempting to free himself from the iron bar pinning him to the ship's railing.

With a swift motion, James yanked an iron bar from a nearby pipe and hurled it towards Eisenhart, determined not to let him escape "Arrrggghh!" Another iron bar impaled Eisenhart's shoulder, nailing easily.


"Arrrggghh!" Another iron bar impaled Eisenhart's shoulder, nailing him to the railing once again.

Excruciating pain coursed through Eisenhart's body, originating from both his abdomen and shoulder. Coupled with the draining side effects of the mana regeneration pill, he couldn't maintain consciousness. He slumped to the side, blood and saliva in his mouth, but the vitality of a mage was substantial, preserving his life.

As for the Terror construct, with its master unconscious and without commands, it stood idle, siphoning away his mana, further straining his magical reserves.

With the chaos settled, the wardens no longer dared to impede the liberated prisoners. James turned his attention towards the direction of the VTOL and saw that the liberated prisoners were nearly finished evacuating onto it. Only Erina Sun and the traumatized Michaela remained, the latter muttering, "I'm worthless, I'm not worthy," in a repetitive mantra while Erina tried to console her.

"Hey, what happened to Big sis Michaela?" James approached Erina, still in his werewolf form, startling the girl who was tending to the archangel.

"I don't know, Mr. Werewolf; she's not responding," Erina replied.

James crouched down and attempted to shake Michaela awake.

"Oi! Big sis! Big sis Michaela! Oi!" James called out, but Michaela's eyes remained lifeless, unresponsive.

"It's no use; she's not responding," Erina commented.

At that moment, a familiar voice emanated from the VTOL's speaker "That's enough, James! Bring Ms. Michaela and Ms. Erina Sun to the 08:42


"That's enough, James! Bring Ms. Michaela and Ms. Erina Sun to the VTOL now! The cleaner will arrive in about 15 minutes," Penthesilea's commanding voice rang out.

James was slightly startled, still apprehensive of Penthesilea due to his past behavior, which had greatly angered her. He had indulged excessively in the pleasures of Hollywood, even becoming a partner of Lust, the Witch of Lust, who was a friend of Ms. Greed. He had enjoyed the earthly pleasures a bit too much and had not returned to work after his vacation ended.

With dutiful obedience, he swiftly gathered both Michaela and Erina Sun in his arms, carrying them like sacks of potatoes, and leaped towards the VTOL in a single bound.

After the chaos had subsided, the VTOL closed its massive landing doors with a resounding thud and soared away into the distance. As it departed, it left the ship adrift amidst the churning sea, a lone vessel at the mercy of the relentless waves. The once busy deck now lay in eerie silence, a stark contrast to the earlier carnage.

On the VTOL, James remained in his imposing werewolf form, which understandably struck fear into the hearts of the recently liberated prisoners. However, a few among them, possessed of stronger wills, seemed less frightened. Erina Sun was one of these, her curiosity overcoming some of her initial trepidation.

For all the prisoners, the magical, otherworldly presence of a werewolf and an archangel was like something out of a fantastical tale. Even more surreal was the fact that the werewolf was aiding the archangel and facilitating their escape on an incredibly advanced airship, far beyond anything any nation could produce.

Erina, attempting to maintain a composed voice despite her lingering unease, ventured a question. "Shouldn't you return to your human form?" she inquired.

James chuckled heartily in response. "Well," he began, "I could, but then I'd instantly be labeled a pervert who likes to flaunt himself."

Upon hearing this explanation, Erina and the liberated prisoners glanced at James's massive frame, then at the area between his legs, concealed by the werewolf's long fur, and quickly averted their eyes, understanding his point.

Erina pressed on, her concern evident. "So, Mr. Werewolf, what's our plan? You just let the prisoners' ship go like that. If the royal family finds out, they'll surely hunt us down."

A sly smirk spread across James's lupine face, accentuating his sharp fangs, giving him a more menacing appearance.

"Don't sweat it, lady," he replied in a more laid-back tone. "Even if they find out, they won't dare mess with us. And as for whether we 'let them go'... well, let's just say there's more to that story than you might think."

On the prisoner ship, the wardens diligently commenced their duties. Their first task was to assess the casualties and the extent of damage to the ship and its assets. Of particular concern was the ship's communication officer, who was frantically trying to establish contact with the coast guard.

However, their attempts were in vain as long as the VTOL hovered ominously above them. The jamming equipment on the VTOL was effectively blocking all outgoing communications. Fortunately, the jamming had ceased along with the departure of VTOL, but the ship's communication equipment had been thrown into chaos by the interference, requiring calibration and repair before contact could be reestablished.

More than ten minutes had passed since the departure of the VTOL. In the midst of this chaos, Eisenhart found himself in the care of the wardens. They were diligently working to free him from the iron bar that had pinned him to the ship's railing, using an assortment of cutting tools.

"Arrgh! Goddamn it! That hurts!" Eisenhart bellowed in frustration as the vibrations from the cutting tools intensified the pain.

[That damn mutt! Just you wait! I'll find out who you really are and then strip your werewolf skin to make it my rug!] Eisenhart seethed inwardly with anger, his thoughts consumed by his desire for revenge.

However, just as they were making progress, the tumultuous sea, which had briefly subsided in intensity, began to unleash its fury once again. The ship was violently rocked by the escalating winds and torrential rain, making the rescue attempt all the more perilous as the vessel was tossed about by the tempestuous sea.

Suddenly, as if emerging from the depths of a waking nightmare, an unimaginable form materialized before them. It was a sight of sheer terror and awe, a monstrous entity that defied all reason. The creature stood over 100 meters tall, a grotesque fusion of a crab and a squid, its appearance a horrifying hybrid of the two sea-dwelling monstrosities. Its nightmarish body boasted many sinewy, writhing tentacles, each one capable of crushing ships with ease. Two monstrous crab-like claws, each the size of a building, hovered menacingly in the air.

In this ominous scene, only half of the creature's colossal form breached the surface, leaving the other half lurking beneath the churning sea. The sheer scale of this horror was enough to paralyze even the bravest souls with terror.

As the creature's grotesque visage loomed, it was as though the very wrath of the ocean itself had taken shape. It emerged from the depths with a tremendous splash, sending seawater cascading onto the deck. It was unstoppable, merciless, and wholly indifferent to the struggles of the wardens and Eisenhart. Against the might of this colossal beast, they were like insects, helpless in the face of an incomprehensible force of destruction.

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