Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 233 The Revelation

233  The Revelation

With a command from Cyrus, the magic circle's power surged to life, immediately ensnaring Envy in its mystic web. However, what followed was not the expected brainwashing procedure; instead, it took an ominous and unexpected turn. Rather than trying to manipulate her thoughts, the spell seemed to forcefully expel her very soul from her corporeal form.

Envy's body reacted with a tense, agonized response. She let out a piercing scream as the pain of her soul's expulsion ravaged through her. This excruciating sensation coursed throughout her entire being, yet she refused to yield. Her determination was etched in her eyes as she endured the torturous ordeal.

As the pain tore through her, Envy's mind remained clear, and she pondered the sudden change in Cyrus's intentions. [What!? Cyrus clearly said "brainwash," but why is this magical power attempting to cast my soul out of my body? Is this a mistake? No, that's impossible... Could it be...?]

Despite the torment, Envy considered the possibilities. She first thought that Cyrus might have made an error, but she quickly dismissed that notion. Mages were meticulous planners, always accounting for multiple contingencies, and her mind went to the heart of the matter. [If it's not a mistake, then what could have compelled Cyrus to change his plan?]

Then, in a flash of inspiration, it dawned on her. [Could it be...? He's afraid that brainwashing might not erase my memories which is true, because of my secret preparation, and Golden Scale is becoming suspicious due to my words that sowed discord between them. He fears I might reveal something detrimental to his grand plan to Golden Scale!?]

As she processed this realization, a sly smile formed within her thoughts. [If that's the case, Cyrus, you've made a grave miscalculation.] With renewed determination and a will unyielding, Envy activated a secret trump card she had carefully prepared.

In that dire moment, she reached deep into her being, summoning her emergency reserve of mana. This well-concealed pool of magical power was stored within the Grand Jewel embedded in her brain, an ace she had kept hidden for just such a critical juncture. And this is the reason why if Cyrus were to really brainwash her, it would really fail.

It was her last, desperate gambit, a concealed trap and secret plan that would seal the doom of the two Grand Councilors who had ambushed her. The tables were about to turn in the shadowed depths of Cyrus's Sanctum Sanctorum.

The tremendous surge of magic emanating from Envy flowed swiftly, akin to a concealed river, through the intricate engravings adorning the massive pillar. It was a subtle dance of arcane power, veiled by the overwhelming mana surge generated by the vast magic circle inscribed on the chamber's floor. Unbeknownst to the two Grand Councilors, this secret spell, meticulously woven by Envy, remained concealed in the shadows.

This spell represented a deeply laid contingency, a hidden trap she had painstakingly crafted for the precise moment she feared might come – the moment when the Hightower, her own organization that she had worked for nearly half of her life, would turn against her. It was a safeguard for her own survival, forged in secret and patiently biding its time.

The two Grand Councilors continued their actions, unaware of the intricate web Envy had silently woven around them. While they may have been well-versed in the arts of conspiracy, schemes, and treachery, little did they realize that compared to Envy, who had witnessed the rise and fall of empires from the days of the Roman Empire, they were mere children attempting to outwit their teacher.

Their previous successes and the very seats they occupied on the Grand Council were only possible because Envy had chosen not to unleash her full array of political acumen, that cold, calculated, and vicious aspect of her nature that she had refrained from using against her colleagues. She had placed her trust in them.

But today marked the end of that trust, as they had chosen to betray her first. As the sinister nature of Envy's trap began to reveal itself, the two Grand Councilors would soon grasp the true extent of her cunning.


In the midst of Envy's excruciating screams, the meticulously prepared trap began to unfurl. The spell she had readied for this dire moment was nothing more than a simple "Mana Amplification" spell, yet its potency was extraordinary.

As the spell took hold, the mana fueling the ritual surged and intensified. Envy's soul was forcibly expelled from her body, making way for another entity to take its place. This transformation was accompanied by a monumental burst of mana, propelling Envy's soul beyond the confines of the Hightower's Illusory shield.

For so long, this barrier had concealed their magical endeavors from the prying eyes of non-mages, veiling the facility under the disguise of an unassuming town inhabited solely by elderly nobles and elitists. But in this pivotal moment, that charade was about to shatter.

Within the torrential surge of mana, the two Grand Councilors struggled desperately to regain control, but it proved to be a futile effort. The very ground beneath their feet began to crack and split, allowing the swelling tide of mana to escape through the fractures.

The surge of mana continued to grow exponentially. Cyrus and Golden Scale fought to master it, yet their efforts were in vain. Envy's spell had amplified the power of the mana a thousandfold. This, coupled with Cyrus's arrogance in daring to siphon mana directly from the font beneath the Hightower to fuel his spell against Envy, led to the overwhelming power of the surging magic.

The sheer volume of mana became insurmountable, beyond anyone's ability to control. Even a deity would struggle to master such a force. Failure to control this colossal surge would not only result in magical devastation but also the destruction of their very souls, as it overloaded their magic veins and dissolved their essence in its overwhelming power.

"What's happening? Regain control immediately!" Golden Scale admonished Cyrus, his voice filled with urgency.

"I can't!" Cyrus replied, his confidence shattered.

"What do you mean you can't? This is your Sanctum Sanctorum! Any mage should have control over their own Sanctum Sanctorum!" Golden Scale retorted, his tone laced with disbelief and growing frustration.

"I... I can't... I just can't," Cyrus stammered, his inner turmoil mounting. He couldn't reveal that he had recklessly siphoned mana directly from the font without any restrictions.

[This is a catastrophe! The spell I used to siphon mana from the font seems to be malfunctioning. Did I draw too much from the font, causing it to react violently? Damn it! I can't admit that I siphoned the mana directly from the font. But am I ready to sacrifice my reputation for my life?] These thoughts raced through Cyrus's mind. In the end, his life took precedence. He had already provoked Golden Scale once, and the contract held a clause stipulating that if he were exposed for violating one of the Hightower's three taboo laws, the contract would be nullified. He couldn't allow that to happen.

"I can't control it! Let's escape!" Cyrus urgently harnessed the immense mana surge to activate an ancient spell – teleportation. In an instant, both he and Golden Scale vanished from the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Envy's body, now housing another entity, revealed a sinister smirk. "I'm incredibly fortunate this time! It's a jackpot!" Her body displayed a smile, malicious intent clear in her expression, just as a portion of the mana surge flowed into her.

Then, the body concealed within the immense surge of mana surged out from the ground below.


Like a colossal spear of pure mana, it pierced through the ceiling of Cyrus's Sanctum Sanctorum, annihilating everything in its path, including intricately designed layers of protective spells. The mana pillar effortlessly penetrated them all.

The shockwave of the mana surge rippled through the ground and into the sky above. Envy's soul, hidden within this mana surge, rode along like a passenger.


The shattering of the secrecy shield and many spells that prevent common people from noticing the magical phenomenon sent shockwaves through the city of London. A tremendous roar, akin to thunder, filled the air as the ancient illusion disintegrated. The blue light and mana surge, now unmasked, shot skyward like a colossal, radiant pillar. It reached high into the atmosphere, dwarfing surrounding skyscrapers.

Common people in the vicinity gasped in awe as they witnessed this supernatural spectacle. Smartphones were whipped out at a moment's notice, capturing images and videos of this otherworldly phenomenon. From all corners, the city's residents converged on the site, adding to the growing crowd, snapping photos, and filming the incredible event.

As the mana pillar surged into the sky, it persisted for a remarkable 15 minutes, bathing the area in an ethereal, cerulean glow. The spectacle was nothing short of breathtaking.

An army of reporters and their helicopters soon descended upon the scene, their cameras and microphones capturing every detail of this astonishing event. The reporters were visibly astonished, their usual stoic demeanor replaced by a profound sense of disbelief. This was not a news story anyone had prepared for or anticipated.

The helicopters circled the area, providing aerial views of the Hightower's revelation, broadcasting the shocking news to a global audience. Reporters on the ground interviewed onlookers, trying to make sense of the mysterious occurrence. News vans were stationed nearby, and news tickers across the world flashed with headlines about the unmasking of the hidden mysterious institute.

Beneath the grand pillar of mana, the Hightower was revealed in all its glory. The architecture resembled the Victorian era, evoking the majestic aura of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Its towers and library were massive, constructed with an ancient technique that had allowed them to stand tall through the centuries. The towers seamlessly blended the mystique of ancient craftsmanship with the resilience of modern construction. It was a mesmerizing fusion of history and technology that now stood exposed for the world to see.

Meanwhile, the London police worked tirelessly to secure the area. Barricades were set up to prevent people from entering, and officers directed the crowd to safety. It was a challenging task, as the allure of witnessing this spectacle up close was undeniable, but the police knew the potential danger of being in proximity to such uncontrolled magical energy.

The entire city of London was abuzz with this grand and unprecedented revelation. The once-hidden Hightower, a mage stronghold concealed from the eyes of the world for centuries, now stood exposed, a marvel for all to see, and the world watched in astonishment.


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